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Running head: 21st Century Knowledge and Skills: Reflections and Exemplary Work

Assignment: 21st Century Knowledge and Skills: Reflections and Exemplary Work

Student Raymond Garcia

University of San Diego: Professional & Continuing Education

Capstone LEPS-599-03-SP17
Professor Mike Loarie
February 25, 2017
Assignment: 21st Century Knowledge and Skills: Reflections and Exemplary Work

Knowledge is a key foundation to becoming a successful leader in law enforcement.

This knowledge translates into the skills needed to conduct 21st century policing.
In this course, there was a focus on Community Policing and Crime Reduction.
The purpose was to apply 21st century policing policies to agendas that needed to be
reformed, through recommendations. The recommendations studied in this course came from
a variety of sources which included the Final Report of the Presidents Task Force on 21st
Century Policing. One example of these recommendations concentrated on reducing juvenile
crime rates while exploring the concept of procedural justice. This theme and my work
connect with my profession in law enforcement as an informative guide on how to use
this type of recommendation to solve revolving criminal justice social issues, while
expanding on the concept of procedural justice.

Law enforcement agencies can be greatly impacted by the lack of high technology
capabilities that help to create a theme of transparency and professionalism. To bridge
these gaps, this course explored the use of technological aides that could improve on
community relations, while expanding on professionalism. One the topics that were
discussed in this course, was the implementation of body worn camera systems. The
body worn camera system was researched from a view point of need, implementation,
data/storage usage and policy. This theme and my work connect with my profession in
law enforcement as an informative guide on how to use this type of technology to the
benefit of the officer, the organization and the public.

There are incidents involving law enforcement that will permanently change the way
we operate for the better. In this course, the City of Ferguson Riot was explored and
dissected, to get a better understanding about recommendations regarding police reform.
The course also focused on several key recommendations developed by a department of
justice inquiry. This issue was highly debated and helped to push a move toward
universal police reform for 21st century policing throughout the nation. This theme is
connected to my profession as it signifies that law enforcement and the community must
work hand in hand and develop a collaboration for best practices.

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