The Exemplar of Monstrosity 1

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University of North Texas Art Education

I. Lesson Number 5, Grade Levels 9th, The exemplar of monstrosity: An examination of

Chimera-type creatures, and Duration 2 weeks:

II. Lesson Rationale:

Students will learn about the Chimera in Greek mythology and its historical significance.
Students will be expected to produce a chimera-type monster that attempts to answer the new essential
question of what makes the most monstrous monster? This lesson is significant because previous
lessons facilitated discussions that allowed students to create their own understanding of monsters and
what could be placed within the category. In this lesson students go beyond forming their
understanding of categorization of monsters to understanding what could constitute an exemplar of the

III. Key Concepts:

Chimera-type creatures, Greek mythology.

IV. Essential Question:

What makes the most monstrous monster?

V. Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to create a monster that has distinct features from multiple different creatures.

Students will explain their justifications for the inclusion of certain physical features and how this
answers the essential question.

VI. Specific Art Content:

hand-building, stages of clay, paint, color wheel, color mixing, painting, clay, medieval imagery.

VII. Resources & Materials for Teacher:

Projector, computer, white board, markers, internet.

VIII. Resources & Materials for Students:

Clay, clay shaping tools, spray bottle, work tables, access to computer or reference photos, paint, paint

IX. Instruction and Its Sequencing:

Day of the Lesson Day 1

1. Introduction/Motivation:
The teacher will briefly recap topics and examples covered in previous discussions. The
teacher will give an introduction to the Chimera in Greek mythology.

1. Guided Practice
The teacher will remind the students of the new essential question: what makes the most
monstrous monster? The teacher will pose a brief series of questions that will help students
reflect on their perceptions of the Chimera.

Based on what we have concluded about monsters from previous discussions does the
chimera's physical features give insight into its character?
What things does the combination of its feature communicate to the viewer?

*Break it down*
The teacher may chose to do a side by side comparison of a dragon (a creature that the students
are familiar with) and the chimera.

What do these creatures have in common?

What are the differences of the creatures?

If the point has not already made: the notably difference between creatures such as dragons and
the chimera are that dragons are a synthesize of features from different creatures into a new
distinct creature however the chimera is a amalgam of features from different creatures,
however each creature that is featured is still observable and as such the chimera is not a perfect

Have students think critically about the essential question & give students 10 minutes to revise
definition to answer the question.

3. Independent Practice
Students will revise their definition from lesson 4 and contribute the class discussion.

4. Closure
The teacher will close the class discussion by informing the students about their final project
for the unit of study. Students are to create a sculpture of a chimera-type monster which
attempts to answer the essential question of what makes the most the monstrous monster?

4. Formative Evaluation
Students will be evaluated by their participation in the class discussion. And if they were
productive during their time working on their definitions.

5. Classroom Management Procedures

Students will keep the rule about raising ones hand before speaking.

Day of the Lesson Day 2

1. Introduction/Motivation:
The teacher will explain that the difference between the Chimera from Greek Mythology and
chimera-type creature. A chimera-type creature is any mythical animal with parts taken from
various animals. The teacher will show the students show examples of chimera creatures and
the art artifact.

2. Guided Practice
The teacher will inform the students that they are to construct their sculpture out of clay using
hand-building techniques learned from lesson 3.

The teacher will explain that the students are to create a sculpture that operates within their
definition for the second essential question.

The teacher will ask students who need assistance coming up with ideas to come speak with
them individually.
3. Independent Practice
Students will begin construction on their sculpture.

4. Closure
The teacher will inform the students to begin cleaning up six minutes before the end of class.

5. Formative Evaluation
The teacher will evaluate if the students are using their time productively.

6. Classroom Management Procedures

The teacher will address individual students if they are not on task.

Day of the Lesson Day 3-10

Teacher can chose to continue to show examples of chimera-type creatures during the
beginning of class time.

Guided Practice
The teacher will guide students during the design process and help students individually trouble
shoot areas if need be.

Independent Practice
Students will use the entire class time to create their artworks.

What concluding event can I design that allows students to reflect on the essential question and
how the lesson helps to investigate the big idea?

As students begin to finish the form of their monsters, the teacher can chose to remind students
of elements present in color theory. Also the teacher may chose to separate students according
to their progress in order to not mix paint with clay working spaces.

Formative Evaluation
The teacher will evaluate if the students are using their time productively.

Classroom Management Procedures

What will I do to keep students on task and safe?

X. Summative Assessment and Evaluation:

Category: Excellent Sufficient Emerging Score:

Craftsmanship: Artwork is well Artwork has minor Student __ out of 75
constructed with little to flaws the form. Surface displays little
no flaws in form. The is unclean and has effort in
surface area has a distracting concern to the
smooth application of inconsistencies in its artworks form
either paint or glaze finish of paint or glaze. and finish.
Definition for Students definition is Students definition is The students __ out of 15
2nd key clear and concise. well crafted, but could definition
essential benefit from more suffers from
question: details contradictions
and or has no
Artwork in The students artwork -- The students __ out of 10
association to operates within the artwork does
the definition: students definition not operate
within the

XI. Interdisciplinary Connections:

Greek mythology.

XII. References & Resources:


1)Foundations: observation and perception. The student develops and expands visual literacy skills
using critical thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore the world by learning about,
understanding, and applying the elements of art, principles of design, and expressive qualities. The
student uses what the student sees, knows, and has experienced as sources for examining,
understanding, and creating original artwork.

2) Creative expression. The student communicates ideas through original artwork using a variety
of media with appropriate skills. The student expresses thoughts and ideas creatively while
challenging the imagination, fostering reflective thinking, and developing disciplined effort and
progressive problem-solving skills.

3) Historical and cultural relevance. The student demonstrates an understanding of art history and
culture by analyzing artistic styles, historical periods, and a variety of cultures. The student
develops global awareness and respect for the traditions and contributions of diverse cultures.

XIV. National Art Standards

Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work
Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to
deepen understanding

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