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Jocelyn Bustamante

Diana Moncada

Amy Pineda

Wil Walton

Portfolio #2


In order to understand standard algorithms, we should keep in mind the place values. We
first have the tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. With standard algorithms for addition, we
usually refer to the term carry to take a digit from one place value to a higher place value.
However, another way we can solve a standard algorithm is by regrouping. For the problem 43 in
chapter 2.1, 27+19, we are going to use blocks to regroup. With the blocks we are going to make
the number 27, with 2 tens and 7 ones, for 19 we are going to get 1 tens and 9 units.

Tens Ones

2 7

1 9

We are going to start by adding with our ones place value which is 7+9, and we are going to get
16. We are going to regroup those units by getting 10 units to make 1 ten, and we have 6 ones

9 +9 = 16

We will then add our tens place value, 20+10, so we will get 2 tens plus 1 ten. For an answer of

20 + 10 = 30
So we are then going to add our ones and tens and we will have as an answer of 46.


Another example with addition is going to be problem 44 on chapter 2.1, 57+47. We will
make 57 with our blocks, we will get 5 tens and 7 ones, and for 47 we will get, 4 tens and 7 ones.

Tens Ones

5 7

+ 4 7

We are going to start by adding our ones place value, which will be 7+7 with a total of 14. Since
we have 1 ten we will regroup 10 units which will give us 1 ten and 4 units.

7 + 7 = 14

We will then add our tens place values 50+40 which will give us 90.

50 + 40 = 90

We will then regroup the ten we got from the ones place value to the tens place value so there
will be 10 blocks for the tens place value, and we can convert those 10 blocks into 1 block that
equals to 1 hundred.

Once we have converted the 10 blocks to 1 hundred we will add the other four units from the one
place value for an answer of 104.


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