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Lesson Topic/Focus: Plural Nouns and Spelling Rotations Date: 17 November
2016- 2:30pm

AusVELS Domain(s): Language Year level(s): 3

AusVELS strand (s): Phonics and word knowledge Lesson duration: 1 hour

AusVELS sub-strand(s): Exploring generalisations for adding a

suffix to a base word to form a plural or
past tense, for example to make a word
plural when it ends in ss, sh, ch or z,
add es. ACELA1827

AusVELS Dimension(s) or
Religious Education

Learning Standard(s)/Outcome(s)/Objective(s):
- All students understand when it is appropriate to change a word into a plural noun.

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will know/understand that:

- Will understand when to drop the y and add ies.

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will demonstrate the skills/strategies of:
- Being able to drop the y on a word and add ies.

- Students work samples and whether they can change a word appropriately.
Assessment criteria for analysis:
- Students can change a word into a plural noun confidently.
- Whether they could complete their selected spelling activity.

Teaching focus:
A. the pre-service teacher's teaching skill for observation by Associate Teacher;
- Able to have a clear classroom discussion with students and they are able to grasp the concept.


B. teaching skills that the pre-service teacher would like to personally develop.

Background to the learning:

A. References for teacher background knowledge
- Undertook many spelling lessons at my last placement and I feel confident doing a lesson on a particular key
concepts related to certain spelling words.

B. Identify students current knowledge

- Students are having a large amount of difficulty comprehending when to drop the y and add ies to certain words.
Which we discovered when they recently did a spelling test.
Lesson resources:
- Interactive whiteboard
- Selected group work sheet
- Whiteboard
- Whiteboard markers

Lesson content:
A. Introduction 2 mins
- Tune students in by stating what is expected of them and why we are focusing on plural nouns.

B. Development 10 mins
- As a class we are going to explore the key concept of plural nouns.
- Asking students what are key parts of plural nouns.
- As a class we are going to work through the selected interactive website:
- Ensuring that everyone gets a turn at making a word into a plural noun.
- Students will then be given the appropriate worksheet

C. Consolidation, practice, extension 45 mins

- Get students to work in their spelling rotation groups on the following tasks;
- Write another list of words within the pattern.
- Look up words in the dictionary.
- Write a sentence and get your partner to solve the missing words/ spelling poem?
- Create a word search with your words/ Weekly spelling story?

D. Closure 3 mins
- Strategies employed are getting students to come up and successfully change one word each depending on
what the word is requiring them to do.
- Students will successfully complete the activities designated to them.

Post-lesson review and evaluation:

Student achievement:
To what extent were outcomes achieved? How did the students demonstrate this?

They achieved learning the goals, however some students took quiet sometime to learn the rule, even though it
was written on the whiteboard.
All students got a turn at doing something interactive.

Teaching effectiveness:
What have you learnt from the lesson?
What do you recommend for future lessons?
Comment on your effectiveness in the light of the objectives/outcomes of the lesson and yourself-
development focus for the lesson, referring to both strengths and areas to be addressed.

That I needed to provide more prompts to student when they are struggling to comprehend the task on hand. For my
future teaching I need to explain things more clearly and use visuals, like writing the rule for students to look back at.
The learning object was effective but it did take some time to achieve

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