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Names and surnames: G

eorgia Horsley, Georgia Stone, Natasha Proctor & Samantha Keehner

Tutorial session: Tuesday 1pm

School name: St Marys East St Kilda Year Level: 1

Sessions: 4

a- Overall aims/goal of the unit c- How is this unit informed with the Encyclical Laudato
At the end of this unit, students will be able to understand The deterioration of the environment and of society affects
that everyday materials can be physically changed by the most vulnerable people on the planet. (Francis, 2015,
actions such as heating or cooling or by combining them para. 48).
with other materials. Students will be able to recognize The Encyclical Laudato Si speaks of the environmental
the actions which occur naturally in the environment and challenges the earth faces and impact which this has on the
the actions that can be taken by humans to change worlds poorest nations. This unit will look at human actions
materials for a variety of purposes. Students will be able as well the chemical science which factor into climate change
to link these actions to climate change and be able to and how we can change our actions to create a more
offer suggestions about how humans can change their sustainable future.
actions to prevent some of these material changes

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