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Teaching Strategies

Think Pair Share

Get students to think about a question by writing down an answer
Then ask the students to talk with a partner about their answers
Then get the students to share in a group discussion and share understandings
Connect Extend Challenge
Used to check that lessons are on track
Connect- students can look at what they learnt or read to make a connection in
their mind.
Extend- what was something that extended your knowledge in the lesson
Challenge- what is something you learnt that can challenge your learnings
When giving students instructions ask a student to repeat the instructions back
to you I their own words to make sure that the instructions have been interpreted
If its not dont so thats wrong, say things like not quite mostly then clarify your
Used to consolidate learning,
What did we do, what did you learn, something that you found interesting, and a
question that you may have had
Management Strategies
Squaring off:
Pause or stop, turn body front on make eye contact to let student know that they
are not doing something that we would like as part of the lesson.
Low Key techniques:
Use positive reinforcement, waiting for the class to stop talking when you are
talking/giving instructions
Either or Choices e.g. do it now or at recess statements and follow
through on what is said.
Stop , square off intensify eye contact , give either or/ statement, use firm,
neutral, calm voice, restore social order, give child the which child sees and
related to misbehaviour, as immediate as possible, keep statement free of moral
judgement, ask for student response, listen for student answer, complete
interaction with a thankyou

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