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Alicia Barrios

Lesson plan for 3/27/16

Subject: Science
Duration: 30- 45 mins. [The Investigation will last for two weeks] March
28-April 11

Source: Planned most of it myself, used materials from mentor

teacher for the anticipatory set.

PO 2. Participate in guided investigations in life, physical, and Earth
and space sciences
PO 4. Record data from guided investigations in an organized and appropriate format (e.g., lab
book, log, notebook, chart paper).

Students will be able to make a prediction using guided sentence
format. Students will conduct an investigation using guided learning

-5 planters
- Shovels
- Science journals
- Crayons

Soil- Tierra (suelo?)- the upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or
dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay,
and rock particles.
Siembra (planting)-
Primavera- spring
Nutricion- what plants need to grow, minerals, water etc.
Question, hypothesis, procedures, observations, and conclusion

Anticipatory set: The teacher will ask students to remember the different parts of
a plant. After gathering ideas the teacher will have listed the parts of a plant on the board.
Then the teacher will pose the question: What do plants need to grow? What do humans
need to grow? The teacher will write the students ideas on the board in a compare and
contrast T-chart. Hopefully the students will say that plants need soil, and water to grow.
Model: After the anticipatory set the teacher will tell the students that today and
for the next two weeks they will be conducting an investigation. The investigation
question is: What soil helps plants grow the best. The teacher will point out the different
steps on an experiment. After the teacher shares the vocabulary and the definitions with
the students she will demonstrate the question, procedures and hypothesis for her
students. She will get a napkin and a bean and stick it in a baggie to watch her seed grow.
She will let the students know that they will all be getting a baggie, bean seed, and the
same amount of water for their experiment.

Guided practice: The teacher and the students will write in their science journals
together. They will write the question, hypothesis, and the controls in their journals. This
will demonstrate to the students that writing down information during the experiment is
very important. The teacher will take the students outside to discuss/point out the
different kinds of soil that they can use for their experiment.

Independent practice: The students will now have time to create their own
hypothesis. In table groups the students will discuss what soil they want to use. They
must all agree to one soil. The teacher will make sure that each team gets a different soil.
The students will collect the soil and place it in their bags. After the soil is placed the
teacher will have students come back to class. They will place their bags in a safe place.

Closure: With the help of the teacher the students will write and draw their first
observation. The students will have the same sentence structure on their journal.
Hoy es ____________. Yo veo que mi semilla___________.
Each table will share what soil they choose, and what their hypothesis is.

Evaluation: The evaluation for this lesson is broken into different parts. Three
points will be given for the hypothesis, question, and procedures. The student will receive
one point for each day that the student followed the correct sentence structure and picture
for each day of the experiment. Teacher will check every 4 days in order to help keep
students on track. If they miss a day students can use data from a student in their table.
Learning styles: Kinesthetic, Visual.
Differentiated instruction: For students with behavioral issues I want to provide
tools that they can use on their own. This will create a less of a chance for an outbreak to

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