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Each question in this paper is followed by four possible answers.

the best answer from the answers marked A, B, C and D. Then on your
answer sheet, blacken the answer that you have chosen.

[20 marks]
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Chickens live in a _______________ .

A. pen B. coop C. shed D. pond

2. Never talk to ____________ at the playground.

A. headmasters B. policemen C. strangers D. friends

3. The sun _________ brightly.

A. shines B. shine C. shining D. is shine

4. there are expensive.

A. This B. That C. These

D. Those
5. She _________ a ribbon.

A. ties B. tie C. tying D. is tie

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the

underlined word.

6. Helen Keller was a kind woman.

A. beautiful B. brave C. evil D. funny

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Helen Keller was born in 1880. At the age of two, she became blind and

__(7)__ because of a high fever. Her teacher, Anne Sullivan taught her

___(8)___ language. She read using Braille. She entered a college and

got her degree in 1904. After World War 2, __(9)__ helped a lot of

people and often visited disabled ___(10)___ .

7. A. dead B. deaf C. diet D. paralyzed

8. A. sign B. print C. blind D. English
9. A. we B. it C. she D. her
10. A. hospitals B. schools C. sisters D. soldiers

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A. HELeN wrote her first book called The Story of My Life.
B. Helen wrote her first book called The Story of My Life.
C. helen wrote her first book called The Story of My Life.
D. Helen wrote her first book called The Story of My Life!
Question 12 - 15

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Good morning to all the teachers and pupils. Toda y I am giving a speech on
__(12)_ rules in school. When you want to __(13)_the road, remember to look
right and left and right again. Wait for the traffic warden. He can help you.
Please __(14)__ up when you board the school bus. Do not ___(15)___
or push your friends. These rules will help to keep us safe. Thank you.

12 A. danger C. way
B. safety D. block

13 A. crosses C. cross
B. crossing D. crossed

14 A. run C. skip
B. jump D. queue

15 A. rush C. carefully
B. slowly D. safely
Question 16 to 20
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Last month, Encik Ali and his famil y visited Pak Karims farm in

Mersing, Johor. They were very thrilled to help out in the farm. Affend y

milked the cows and fed the chickens. His little brother, Zul helped to

water the vegetables. His mother and his sister, Shareena helped around

the house. Pak Karim was happy that they all were caring and helpful.

16. Whose farm did Encik Ali and his family go to?

A. Zuls farm

B. Affendys farm

C. Shareenas farm

D. Pak Karims farm

17. When did they go to the farm?

A. Last holiday

B. Every weekend

C. Last month

D. This month

18. The word thrilled in the text means

A. excited B. sad C. angry D. unhappy

What did the girls do at the farm?

A. Milked the cows.

B. Fed the chickens.

C. Helped to do the housework.

D. Watered the vegetables.

Why did Pak Karim feel
happy? It was because ...

A. Encik Ali and his family treated him last month.

B. Encik Ali and his family helped out in the farm.

C. Encik Ali and his family visited him every month.

D. Encik Ali and his family fed him.

[ 30 marks ]
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Special People
Some physically challenged people have become artists. They use their
foot and mouth to draw. They are called Foot and Mouth artists. These
people hold their paintbrushes in their mouth or between their toes.
They do not expect pity or charity. They make their own money
by drawing. Their work of art are used to make banners, greeting
cards, calendars, notebooks and bookmarks. These special people are
creative and capable.

Question 21
Tick ( ) the correct answer.

(a) These artists paint with their _______________.

hands and mouth
hands and foot
foot and mouth [1 mark]

(b) From the text, the word capable means ________________

to ask for money

to ask for help
to be able to do something efficiently
[1 mark]

(c) Write a sentence from the text that shows the y earn a
living by drawing.


____________________________________________ [ 2 marks]
(d) From the text, list down five things that are made from

their drawings.






[5 marks]
Question 22

Read the poem below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Safety always first


Examination in progress


Always queue up

For buying your food at the

canteen or entering the bus

Everyone must follow these

rules To be safe, than sorry

you must follow all safety rules.

By Elian Wong

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

(a) What is always first?

Do not disturb


Queue up [1 mark]

(b) The poem is about safety rules in the ________

shopping mall


school [1 mark]
(c) Who is everyone in the poem?



[1 mark]

(d) What do you have to do when buying food at the canteen?

I have to ____________________________________________.

[2 marks]

(e) Why must you follow the rules?

I must follow the rules ___________________________________

[ 2 marks]

(f) Who is the author of the poem?

The author of the poem is __________________________

[1 mark]
Read and answer the questions that follow.

Animals on farm
There are many animals on the farm.
They all have special homes.
In a coop, live the chickens,
In a shed, live the cows,
In a pen, live the goats,
And near the pond, live the ducks.

The rooster is a male chicken, the hen is a female

chicken, The male cow is a bull, the cow is the female,
The male goat is a billy, the female goat is a nanny.
The drake is a male duck, and the duck is the female.

They do not eat the same food,

The chickens and ducks eat grains,
The goats and cows eat grass.
And they all live happily on the farm.

Question 23
Write TRUE or FALSE .
a) All the farm animals live in the same homes.

b) Chickens and ducks live in the pond.

c) Male and female farm animals have different

d) All the farm animals eat different types of food.

e) The farm animals live happily.

[5 marks]
Question 24

Match the animals correctly.

male female

1. rooster nanny

2. drake duck

3. billy hen

4. bull cow

[4 marks]

Question 25

Look at the picture. Write ,2, 3 or 4 to match the conversations.

1 2

3 4

Let me help you feed the goats.

Ill help you water the vegetables.

Do you need some help?

Uncle, may I help you?

[4 marks]

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