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Teaching Strategies Toolkit

Name Tents- Write your name on a piece of paper folded in half

- Write 4 things about yourself
- E.g. hobby, favourite colour/food, a random thing you like to do
Situation: what was the situation
Action: what were the actions completed in relation to this
Outcome: What were the results of the actions
+:How can I learn from this/changes that can be made as a result of reflection

Gradual release of responsibility (John Hattie, 2012)

I do We do you do statements in progression of lesson/s

WALT- We are learning to

WILF What Im looking for: Tell the students what you are looking for as a result
of the lesson
TIB- This is because
Did- what did we do
Learned- something that you learned
Interesting- something you found interesting about the reading/ activity/lesson
Questions- A question about what we are doing
During and activity/lesson/reading give time to think about the activity, then
time to share with a partner, followed by a sharing session whereby the students
can share ideas with the larger group in a discussion
Shared Reading:
Shared writing:
Learning journals:
Connect- write down a connection you made in your learning,
Extend- write down something that extended your knowledge
Challenge- Set yourself a challenge from the activity/reading/lesson
Give one get one
3,2,1 reflection
3 things that you learnt
2 things that you have questions about
1 thing that you would like to see next time

Exit ticket- as students leave the classroom at the end of the day/lunch/recess
get them to tell you something that they learned in the lesson. Good for
consolidation of the lesson learning objectives.

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