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29 Jan 2016


I think he is like other boys, but actually hes not...

My name is Kim Jihyun or Lola. My mother gave me my real name and my father

gave me my nickname. I'm Korean. My mother died when I was 15 years old. My father had

a new wife and left me with my aunt and her husband. My father sends money to my aunt to

take care of me, but it seems like she never gave it to me. Ever since my mother died, I

worked at a ramen restaurant for my part-time job every evening 6 p.m. until 9.30 p.m.,

except sundays, hoping to get at least some money to pay for my tuition fees and allowance.

"Lola Lola LOLA! Serve this at table number 4 then you can go home...ohh and don't

forget to eat noodles before you go home little girl, said the chef.

Ive always had ramen for dinner everyday, not because that I like it so much but its

because I have no choice. My aunt always leave me some leftovers that sometimes I dont

want to eat it.

"Lola how do you get back home? said Taeyong, my nice friend at this ramen

restaurant who seems to be flirting with me.

"Umm...Ill ride a bike home, I replied. Bicycle is the only mode of transportation

that Ive been using to get around. I would ride my bike to work and back home to save


"Excuse me, is this restaurant closed yet?" asked the customer.

"Nearly, you're lucky to be our last customer today, I welcomed him with a smile.

Can I have ramen vermicelli noodles, please? said the customer.

I took the order and went back to the kitchen. After for a while, I put ramen vermicelli

noodles on the table.

"Enjoy your meal, I served him a big bowl of hot ramen.

'How can she have beautiful smile at this time. Isnt she tired?' the customer thought.

May I have the bill please? asked the customer and pull his credit card out of his


Thank you, I received the payment and gave back his credit card. Then the

customer left the restaurant.

While closing the restaurant, Taeyong found a mobile phone at the last customer seat.

"Oh my god! I will bring it back to him. You can go home first, I told Taeyong while

hurrying to go out of the restaurant Bye bye.

Hey! You! you!" I ran after him, tried to call his name and tell about his lost mobile

phone, but it seemed like it was too late. He already left, and drove too far with his



The phone rang. I was thinking whether I should pick up the phone or just leave it


"Hello," I answered the phone.

" I'm the owner of this phone," a mans voice was trembling. It seemed like he was

panicking that he lost his phone.

"Oh, you forget it at the ramen restaurant," I tried to calm him down.

"I will go get it, wait for me!" said the customer.

I walked back to the front of ramen restaurant, but I found out that my bicycle was


Hey!! STOP! HELP! He is trying to steal my bicycle!! I shouted.

No one was there to help me because it was 10.20 p.m. already.

Arrr, I need to pay for the bus, I said regretfully.

Hey you!!! suddenly the customer appeared.

Hmm, ohh this is your phone, I gave the phone back and smiled at him.

Thanks, see you, said customer.

That night, I needed to walk back home because it was too late and there was no bus

running at that time. Later, a big motorbike stopped beside me while I was walking. It was

the customer that I had given my phone back.

Theres no more buses running right? asked the customer.

I nodded my head.

How do you get back home? he asked again.

Umm I usually cycle, but a moment ago, while you called me, someone stole my

bicycle. Its gone, I answered him with a sorrowed voice.

A moment later, he introduced himself to me.

My name is Kevin Park, but you dont want to go home with a stranger right? He

offered to give me a ride home and I agreed. Why have I decided to trust this guy, whom I

had just met not even an hour ago?

After arriving at home, I introduced myself to him. My name is Kim Jihyun or Lola,

thank you for bringing me home. Here is my thanks to you, I smiled and passed a coupon of

the ramen restaurant to Kevin.

Thanks a lot. See you soon, he snickered.

It was 11 p.m. and I stood in front of my aunts house, thinking about the same

heinous things that I have to face.

"Lola, why don't you go inside? Its starting to get cold now, said a neighbor.

I want to but I detest this house. I cautiously opened the door and tried to make it as

quiet as I can because I dont want Yongguk to know. Yongguk is my uncle-in-law. I really

loathe him. Every time I face him, he look at me with his perverted face. Again this happens

again, it's not the first time. Please stop, stop it. Doesnt aunt Hana notice this?

"Your dinner is on the table! Eat and wash your dishes, aunt Hana said roughly.

"I already ate dinner, I told her.

"Fine! Then go wash the dishes and go to your room, said Aunt Hana with her mean


I swiftly walked into my room and locked the door as hard as I can.


*Lolaaaa don't forget to do your homework* I received a text from Hyorin.

*Ok thanks, see you at university*.

This is another night that I cannot sleep tightly. Ive always been panic that my

uncle-in-law would break into my room. He was break into my room once and try to molest

me. Luckily, I narrowly saved because he heard the sound of a car stopping in front of the

house and aunt Hana got of the car. After that uncle Yongguk tried to enter my room when

aunt Hana wasnt home. It made me frightened every night.

The next morning came. I went to university as usual.

"Lolaaa~ ohh not enough rest again?" Hyorin asked me, but it did not seem that she

was really surprised. Perhaps she is used to seeing me looking tired every morning.

Hyorin is my best friend. We studied together since grade 9, and we also have the

same dream. I tell her everything. She is the nicest friend I have ever had.

"A little, I whispered softly.

"Today we are going to eat Shabu buffet. Do you want to go with us?" Hyorin asked

me with excitement.

"You already know she can't Hyorin, Ivan, another friend who just got back from

exchange in USA told her. Ivan knew that I have to do my part time job everyday.

"Yes, I want to go with you guys but I can't. So maybe next time, alright?" I tried to

give them hope.

What a pity my little Lola, alright we can go together next time OK?" Hyorin said

with a hopeful voice.

"Hahaha ok deal, I smiled.

We study bachelor of home economics. It's about food and nutrition. We like to cook

and we plan to open a restaurant together. On that day, we planned to have lunch at the

faculty of communication arts cafeteria because Ivan wanted to go meet his friend there.

We walked together as a group and finally arrived at the cafeteria while our stomachs


Why are there so many people here?, I dont want to be in line to buy food, said


I will go to buy for you, I offered to buy food for her.

While I was lining up to buy food, I heard someone call my name so I turned around

and saw Kevin.

Oh! you, Lola Annyeong, said Kevin.

Oh! Annyeong Hasaeyo, a smile appeared on Lola face as she greeted the guy.

What are you doing here?

My friend came to meet his friend here, so I need to come with him too.

Where is your friend?

Umm, over there. Hes sitting on the right side of cafeteria with a red hair girl, I

pointed at Ivan and Hyorin.

Kevin looked at where I was pointing at. Ivan? oh what a small world. he snickered

Ivan is your friend? asked Kevin. He still couldnt believe that he has mutual

friends with Lola.

Yes, Do you know him?

Yes, he is also my friend, Kevin said with an evil smile, but Lola didnt see it.

Lola and Kevin walked to a table together. At the same time, Ivan was curious and

thought why are they coming together?

Yo, Ivan, Kevin raised his palm up to high five Ivan.

Yooo, Kevin, Ivan gave Kevin a high five.

Tonight 10pm at the pub dont forget it, boy!

See you, man.

All of us sat together at the cafeteria and chat while we were having lunch.

That night Ivan and Kevin met up at Hongdae NB2 pub. Almost everyone in the

university knows that these 2 guys are playboys who always go party and find new girls. But

there is one person who doesnt know about this, Lola.

How long have you known Lola? Kevin asked Ivan.

Why? Do you want to hit on her? Ivan asked back with a tricky face.

Come on, you know me well my friend, replied Kevin. Kevin has always been

flirting with popular girls in the university. He thought that it just one night stand only. Its a

two-way benefit.

Are you sure you want to hit on Lola. Youve changed your preference? Haha, Ivan

found it funny that Kevin is fascinated by Lola.

Well, fine. If you dont believe me. Lets bet. If I can get her within two weeks, you

have to give me whatever I ask for! Kevin said with a confident voice.

Ok, deal!!

The next day, Lola accidentally bumped into Kevin in the corridor. Kevin still hasnt

forgot about the coupon that I gave to him, and he told me that he was going to use it later on

that day.

Kevin, are you going to come to restaurant today? I asked him.

Umm not sure, can I have your phone number? Just want to call you to make sure

that youre still there when I go.

Why is my heart beat beating so fast. He just asked me for my phone number

Sure, my hands was shaking I took his phone and key in my phone number for


It was almost closing time at the restaurant but Kevin still hasnt come. I was still

waiting for him as he told me he would come for dinner.

Hey hey! Sorry for being late, he was tired as he hurried into the resataurant. His

shirt was not tucked in and his hair was messy.

Come in, I said. Then, Kevin had his same ramen at the first time he came here.

After he finished his food, he sent me home again. But that day, I had to stay with

Yongguk in the house while aunt Hana went to work upcountry. I felt even more scared and

insecure than ays. What I hoped would never happen to me happened on that day.

I thought Kevin had doubts in me because he seem to asked me things when he sent

me in front of aunt Hana house, but I stayed still for a little while and he didnt asked

anything just drove away from me.

I look into aunt Hanas house and the lights are not turned on in the first floor. I

sighed and thought that Yongguk was in his bed room already. I slowly opened the door and

tried to make it as quiet as possible because I dont want Yongguk to know that I have

already arrived at home. While I was walking into my bedroom, Yongguk ran towards my

room and shook my hands and pushed me on to the bed. I tried to scream as loud as I could,

but it seemed like it was impossible that anyone could come in to help. While I was

struggling to get out of the bed, my phone rang.


I tried to reach my phone but it dropped on the floor. However, I heard Kevins voice

from the phones speaker.

Hey Lola, you forgot all your stuff with me, Ill bring it to you now, said Kevin.

Help! Help! Help! Kevin! I tried to scream but Yongguk hung up the phone.

NO ONE CAN HELP YOU LOLA!!, tonight you are going to be mine, Yongguk

laughed like a devil. It made me cry, I thought like what he had said because Im not sure if

Kevin will hear my voice. Why odious things always happen to me

Kevin was shocked with what happened with me so he quickly drove to my house. He

jumped over the short fence and tried to break into the house through the window. Luckily,

my room was on the first floor near the garden. Kevin saw that I was struggling so he broke

the window with a rock and came in to help me. Kevin punched Yongguk heavily many

times untill he was knocked out.

Dont be scare, I will bring you to my condo for now ok? Asked Kevin.

I was totally shocked about what just happened and I didntt realize anything that

happened in between. I realized myself again when I was at Kevins room.

Go shower first, youve been tired for the whole day, said Kevin.

Thanks, I secretly smiled to him.

I had to wear his pajamas which was too big for me. It was a black T- shirt that went

to my calves and a brown boxer which was too wide for me.

Come and sit here, Kevin told me to sit on the black sofa and gave me a cup of hot

milk to drink.

Can you tell me why such thing happened? he asked me with a soft voice. I was

thinking inside whether I should tell him about everything Ive faced ever since I moved to

that house.

Its okay if you dont want to say it.

But I decided to tell him everything that happened to me, thinking that he is a good

listner and just to soothe myself. My tears started to fall and he hugged me with his two arms.

I felt the warmth that I have never felt before and my heart was beating very fast again. Later

then, I started to feel a bit sleepy, so he brought me to the bed.

At that time, Kevin started to look at me with his evil and perverted eyes but I was too

tired and sleepy to realize. I almost fell asleep when he started to rape me. I didnt have any

energy to fight against him. But I heard Kevin said something.

Youre just like any other girl that Ive been flirting with! Dont even think that

youre one important girl! Kevin whispered.

The next day I woke up, and I realized what happened that night. It was a vile thing

for me. I cant accept it, it was too much for me to face with too many things in one day. I

quickly dressed myself up and ran away from that room with my tears falling down. I went to

universitry right away. I met Hyorin with my tears falling down and she asked me.

Whats wrong? Tell me! Something happened last night right? Is it your uncle

again? She hugged me and tried to make me answer as quickly as I could.

No, I looked down while I answered her.

I told her everything that happened the night before. At that time, I started seeing

many of my classmates looking at some video on their phone and looked at me weirdly. Even

Hyorin received that video and that was the moment that I knew why people were looking at

me. At the same time, Kevin looked at Ivan and asked him for the bet that they agreed on

after they spread the video clip to my classmates. They didnt even feel sorry. What Kevin

was doing was laughing and seemed very amused by winning his bet with Ivan.

Ha! I won! Dont underestimate me next time, Ivan Kevin scolded Ivan with a little


I knew that I couldnt stand to listen to all the gossips and accept those weird looks at

me anymore. Moreover, both Ivan and Kevin doesnt seem to be responsible about this at all.

I decided to run away to a park, where it could make me calm down.

Why does such thing happen to me? Why am I always unlucky? I hate my kismet that

bully me. Did I even do anything wrong? Why dose everyone I had ever met must be terrible

and insincere? What else do you want from me? I had notthing left even my soul. Ever since

my mom died, Ive always experienced unfortunate events in my life. Mom, Im going to find

you soon.

Those were the last thoughts to myself. I walked to the bridge and look around the

park with my tear falling down. It was cold and the tree were without leaves and the sky was

a pale shade of grey. There was no sun shine nor was there any wind. I look down upon a

river and wonder how cold it must be. Hyorin continuously called me but I didnt pick her

call up. I slowly climbed up the bridge, each leg, one by one, with my eyes closed. All I was

thinking was about my mom and that I wanted to go and stay with her. I jumped down the

river. Its colder than it seemed, she thought, as I sank into the cold darkness and never



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