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MEF484 Assignment

1. Consider fluid flowing through a circular pipe of constant radius. The pipe diameter D =
0.2 m and length L = 3 m. Inlet velocity is a constant over the cross-section equal to 1
m/s. The pressure at the pipe outlet is 1 atm. Density = 1 kg/ m 3 and coefficient of
viscosity = 2 x 10 -3 kg/(m*s). Simulate this problem using Open-foam and plot velocity
vectors, velocity magnitude contours and pressure contours.

2. A fluid is flowing across a flat plate. Obtain the velocity and pressure distribution when
the plate length is 1 m. The incoming fluid is flowing in the x-direction with a velocity of 1
m/s. The density of the fluid is 1 kg/m^3 and the viscosity is 1 x 10 ^(-4) kg/(m-s).

3. Consider the steady state case of a fluid flowing past a cylinder. Obtain the velocity and
pressure distributions when the Reynolds number is 20. The diameter of the cylinder is 1
m, the x component of the velocity is 1 m/s and the dynamic viscosity is 0.05 kg/m*s.

4. Simulate a NACA 0012 Airfoil at a 6 degree angle of attack placed in a wind tunnel.

5. Simulate a NACA 0012 Airfoil at a 10 degree angle of attack placed in a wind tunnel (Cl
= 1.2219; Cd = 0.0138.)
6. Consider a fluid flow through a sudden expansion in an axisymmetric pipe. The
flow is laminar and axisymmetric. Due to symmetry, the computational domain
covers only half of the pipe. BD is the axis of symmetry. The radius R1 = 1m and
R2/R1 = 2.

L1/R1 = 20 and L2/R2 = 50. The inlet velocity at AB is uniform, U1 = 0.277 m/s .
The fluid exhausts into the ambient atmosphere which is at a pressure of 1 atm
at CD. The density = 1kg/m3, and the dynamic viscosity is: = 0.01 kg/(ms).
Find the approximate recirculation length.

7. Consider the unsteady state case of a fluid flowing past a cylinder. The diameter
of the cylinder is 1 m, the x component of the velocity is 1 m/s and the density of
the fluid is 1 kg/m^3 and Reynolds number is 120. Find the approximate value of
Strouhal number.

8. Simulate blood flow in an idealized bifurcated blood vessel as shown in the figure
above. Calculate the velocity, wall shear stress and pressure gradient.
Input: Steady 2D flow

Outlet gauge pressure = 0 Pa

Density = 1000 kg/m3

Coefficient of viscosity = 0.001 kg/(m-s)

Reynolds number= 400

9. Consider air flowing at high-speed through a convergent-divergent nozzle having

a circular cross-sectional area, A, that varies with axial distance from the
throat, x, according to the formula
A = 0.1 + x2; -0.5 < x < 0.5

Where A is in square meters and x is in meters. The stagnation pressure po at

the inlet is 101,325 Pa. The stagnation temperature To at the inlet is 300 K. The
static pressure p at the exit is 3,738.9
Pa. Calculate the Mach number, pressure and
temperature distribution. (Hint: Assume
inviscid flow)

10. Consider the wedge shown in the figure. With Mach number=3, Static pressure=1
atm and static temperature= 300K. Calculate mach number and static pressure
behind the shock.
11. Consider 2D, incompressible, steady flow in a vertical channel at a Reynolds
number of 100. Channel length l and width w are 10 m and 1 m, respectively.
Assume unit thickness in the z-direction. The velocity is constant at the inlet and
equal to 1 m/s. = 1 /3. Plot pressure contours, temperature contours. How
much does it take for the flow to develop fully?

12. A fluid enters a pipe of radius 0.06 meters at a constant velocity of 0.1 m/s. The
fluid has a density of 1.2 kg/m^3, a thermal conductivity of 0.02 W/mK, a specific
heat of 1000 J/kgK, and a viscosity of 1.8e-5 kg/ms. The first 5.76 meters of the
pipe are isothermal, held at 300 K. The remaining 2.88 meters of the pipe have a
constant heat flux of 37.5 W/m^2 added at the wall. Calculate and plot the
velocity, temperature, pressure and Nusselt number variation in the pipe.

13. In this problem, a flat plate at a constant temperature of 413K has been
considered. The plate is infinitely wide. The velocity profile of the fluid is uniform
at the point x = 0. The free stream temperature of the fluid is 353K. The flow is

Rel=1.5e6 and Pr=0.71 U free stream=1m/s, =6.667e-07kg/m.s, k=9.4505e-4

W/m.K, Cp=1006.43 J/kg.K, T free stream=353K and P free stream=101325
Pa.Plot velocity profile at different values of x and and plot Re vs Nu.

14. Consider a Water flow through a sudden contraction in an axisymmetric pipe.

The flow is laminar and axisymmetric. Due to symmetry, the computational
domain covers only half of the pipe. BD is the axis of symmetry. The radius R1 =
0.15m and R2/R1 = 2.

If L1/R1=50 and L2/R2=20, rate of flow Q =0.04m^3/s. Find the approximate

recirculation length along with pressure drops. Take Cc=0.62.
15. Consider two infinite plate with H distance apart from each other, the fluid which
flow between them has velocity of 4 m/s and = 0.44 kg/s and =
888kg/m^3. If upper plate is moved with stream velocity. Illustrate the stresses at
upper and lower wall sections, also show the streamline of the flow.

16. Two cylinders of equal diameter (D) are placed close to each other as shown in
the figure below. Analyze the flow past the two cylinders in proximity and plot
pressure contours and streamlines at a Reynolds number of 100 for different L/D
and T/D ratios at different time intervals (1/T p, 2/Tp, 3/Tp and 4Tp where Tp
corresponds to one period of vortex shedding).

17. Plot streamlines and pressure contour for flow past a circular cylinder and a
square (2D simulations) for a Reynolds number of 100 and compare the Strouhal
number for the two geometries

18. Two cylinders of diameter 0.04 units are placed side by side as shown in the
figure. Plot pressure field and streamlines for Re=100 at different times for
different T/D ratios (1.5<T/D<4).
19. Consider an isothermal, incompressible flow in a two-dimensional square
domain. The geometry is shown in Figure 2.1 in which all the boundaries of the
square are walls. The top wall moves in the -direction at a speed of 1 m/s while
the other 3 are stationary. Assume the flow to be laminar and to be solved for
laminar, isothermal, incompressible flow. Study the effect of increased mesh
resolution and mesh grading towards the walls. Finally, increase the flow
Reynolds number and use it for turbulent, isothermal, incompressible flow.

Where and are the characteristic length and velocity respectively and is
the kinematic viscosity. Here 0.1 m, 1 m/s, so that for 10,

20. Consider a flow past 2 tandem cylinders, placed centrally inside a

channel. D1 and D2 (D big =1.5 D small) are the diameters of upstream and the
downstream cylinders. Assume a suitable distance s1 between the centres of
these cylinders. Let H and L be the dimensions of the channel. The blockade
ratio H/D=5. The upstream condition should be analysed up to 6D distance from
the upstream cylinder and velocity is to be measured till point P, where distance
of downstream cylinder to P is 3D. Consider the fluid to be water and with inlet
profile to be parabolic. With U max = 3/2 Uavg. Plot the drag coefficient curve for
the system, also determine the Strouhal number at the downstream section of

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