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9 November 2015

Review Characteristics of The Outsides

The little ducks swimming around, follow its mother even they dont know the

reason. They just the same. Conformity is something very common for many people today.

Some people think that non - conformity make them look different from other people in the

group, While others think that if they dont conform, it will make them feel uncomfortable or

insecure since they are not accepted by other members. In the Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, the

characters represent people who conform to the society or group by using many different

ways which are physical description, objects and action and reaction.

Sometimes, people conform to the group by changing physical appearance like the

Socs. The Geasers look at how the rich people dress and reflect themselves on how they

dress. One had on a white shirt and a madras ski jacket, and the other a light yellow

shirt and a wine-colored sweater. I looked at their clothes and realized for the first time

that evening that all I had was a pair of jeans and Soda's old navy sweat shirt with the

sleeves cut short. (S.E Hinton, p.38) This shows that there are differences between these

two groups. Geasers dress like people in their groups, which is different from Socs, showing

that they conform to the group. Physical appearance, along with the object which people use

can cleanly show which group or society people belong to.

Objects can be another thing that shows conformity and that someone belong to the

group. In the story, When the blue mustang, which belong to the Socs came, Ponyboy know

right away that they are the Socs. The blue Mustang that had trailing us for eight blocks

pulled in. I almost decide to run. (S.E. Hinton, p.114) Objects represent the social status.
For example, people who have car tend to be rich and will belong to the high social status

group. The object that people own can show the social group they belong in.

The result of conformity can be shown by people actions and reactions. In the

Outsider, Johnny was breathing heavily and I noticed he was staring at the Socs hand.

He was wearing three heavy rings. (S.E. Hinton, p.39). This shows the reaction of

breathing heavily when Johnny, who is the Geasers saw the ring. The reason why he had such

a reaction because he remember that the person who hit him is the person who wear this ring.

This is because Johnny thinks that people who wear this kind of ring belong to the group of

people who hit him.

Physical description, objects, and action and reactions can the conformity. The

way the Socs and the Geasers dress seem to have a big contrast. When Ponyboy saw the

cloths that the Socs were wearing, he thought of it as very different from what is was wearing

the rich people seem to wear nice and expensive cloth and people who dress like this are

usually seen as rich. The objects that the person own can show which group they belong to.

Having the blue Mustang show that they are the Socs because Geasers do not have these

objects. People reaction can reflect conformity of people. Johnny shows that he was scared

when he saw the ring because he thinks that people who wear that ring are people who used

to treat him badly by hitting him. Many things can represent or reflect conformity. From this

story, what best reflect this seem to be objects and physical description. These two things

show a person's status or group they belong to. It also makes people have different action and

reaction toward the group.

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