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CpE 584

Digital Image Processing

Fourier Transform

CpE 584 Al-Omari

2-D Continuous Fourier Transform

Basis functions are sinusoids with frequency u

in one direction times sinusoids with frequency v
in the other.

F (u ,v ) = f ( x, y ) e
j2 (ux + v y )
dx dy

CpE 584 Al-Omari

2-D Continuous Fourier Transform

Same process for the 2-D inverse Fourier


f ( x, y ) = F(u,v )e
j2 (ux + v y )
du dv

CpE 584 Al-Omari

2-D Discrete Fourier Transform

For an NxM image, the basis functions are

j2 u x / N j2 v y / M
e e
Henceforth, the 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform
N 1 M 1 j2 u x + v y
F [u ,v ] = f [x, y ]e
1 N M

MN x =0 y =0

CpE 584 Al-Omari

2-D Discrete Fourier Transform

and, the inverse is

N 1 M 1 j2 ux + v y
f [x, y ] = F [x, y ]e N M

u =0 v =0

What is the computational complexity?

CpE 584 Al-Omari


All other properties from one-dimensional

signals apply:
Rayleighs Theorem
Convolution Theorem

CpE 584 Al-Omari


Rotating a 2D function, rotates its Fourier


f 2 = rot ( f1 )

F2 = rot (F1 )
i.e., the Fourier Transform is Rotation Invariant

CpE 584 Al-Omari


The point (u , v) in the frequency domain

corresponds to the basis function with
frequency u in x and frequency v in y.
The point (u , v) in the frequency domain
corresponds to the basis function with
frequency |(u , v)| in the direction (u , v).

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Transforms of Separable Functions

f ( x, y ) = f ( x ) f ( y )
Then, the function is called separable
Its transform is also separable

F (u ,v ) = F (u )F (v )

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Linear Separability of Fourier

The 2-D Fourier Transform is linearly

The Fourier Transform of a two-dimensional
image is the Fourier Transform of the rows
followed by the Fourier Transforms of the
resulting columns (or vice versa).

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Linear Separability of Fourier

N 1 M 1
F [u ,v ] = f [x, y ]e j2 (ux / N + vy / M )
x =0 y =0

N 1 M 1
F [u ,v ] = f [x, y ]e j2 (ux / N ) e j2 ( vy / M )

x =0 y =0

N 1 1 M 1 j2 (ux / N )
F [u ,v ] = f [x, y ]e

x =0 M
j2 ( v y / M )
N y =0
CpE 584 Al-Omari
Computational Complexity

The order of computations for the 2D Fourier

Convolution O(N4)
DFT using separability O(N3)
FFT using separability O(N2 logN)

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Convolution Using FFT

Convolution Theorem says:

f g = F -1
(F ( f )F (g ))
Can do either,
FFT, multiplication, and inverse FFT
Computational breakeven point: about 7 x 7

CpE 584 Al-Omari


Unanswerable question: what do you do

when the shifted convolution kernel extends
outside the bounds of the image?
Simple pad with zeroes
Better pad with the average grey value of
the image
Or pad by replicating the last element(s)

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Spatial Frequencies

If the image makes gradual transitions, it only

requires low-frequency sinusoids.
If the image makes rapid transitions, it requires
high-frequency sinusoids.
Places with low spatial frequency content:
smooth regions
Places with high spatial frequency content:
edges, texture

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Example: Grey Level Image

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Example: Image Fourier Transform

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Example: Image Fourier Transform
(Mag.) Quadrants Reshuffled

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Example: Image Fourier Transform
(Phase) Quadrants Reshuffled

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Example 2

CpE 584 Al-Omari

Example 2

CpE 584 Al-Omari

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