Bps - Am PM Notation

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Year level: 3/4 School: __________________

Learning Area: Numeracy Date: 30/03/2017
Lesson Focus: AM PM Notation Time: _____________

Curriculum focus:
- Convert between units of time. Use am and pm notation and solve simple time problems.

Prior knowledge/background information:

- Learning about time

Lesson outcome: By the end of this lesson, all students should be able to tell the difference
between AM and PM.

Inform | Inspire: Today we are going to learn about time measurement. You will be successful when
you understand the difference between AM and PM

Show | Share: Does anybody know what am stands for?

a.m. stands for ante meridiem, which is Latin for Before Midday;
Does anybody know what pm stands for?
p.m. stands for Post Meridiem, which is Latin for After Midday

So pm is after midday and and am is before midday. Midday is 12 oclock, in the

middle of our day, and also known as noon. We also have midnight, which is 12
oclock in the middle of our night when we are fast asleep.

Try | Transfer: Firstly, we are going to try and plot our day on a time line using AM and PM.
20 Use timeline
Draw a line horizontal
This is our day.
This is midnight, and this is midnight.

Calling students from the floor

Can anyone show me where midday is? (in the middle)

So where would we wake up? (7am)
When do we go to sleep? (7pm)
When do we start school? (8:30)
When do we finish school? (2:30)
If I was going to play an afterschool sport, at 4:00, where would we put that?
Can anybody give me an example of things we might do throughout our day?

So now we can see all the things we do in the AM and all the things we do in the

We are going to do question one of the worksheet together.

Can anyone remember what AM and PM stands for?

A: am, short for ante meridiem, means between midnight and noon.
B: pm, short for post meridiem, means between noon and midnight

Apply | Action: Unfortunately, I still dont know all your names yet, so I will call someone
20. randomly from the roll to repeat the instructions to the class.

Now, I want you to get into your maths rotation groups and complete the front
page of the worksheet. I will know you are successful when you can answer all
questions 2 5 correctly. To challenge and extend yourselves, you will move on to
the questions on the back.

Review | Student, can you please explain what we are doing today.
Teacher to reinforce that am is between midnight and noon and pm is between
noon and midnight.

Scavenger hunt

ADDITIONAL Harvey will be working on a separate worksheet.
Each student is to cut up their cards, and arrange them correctly.

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