c3 l2 Aarohi Mod

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Aarohi was a little girl. She was studying in

standard three. She was very fond of eating chocolates
and lollipops.

Aarohis mother always advised her, If u dont stop

eating chocolates, your teeth will decay. And, if you
dont give up eating lollipops, you will have worms in
your stomach. Every day, Aarohis mother gave her
the same advice.
Yet, Aarohi did not give up her habit of eating
chocolates and lollipops.

One day, Aarohi got ready to go to school. She saw
her mothers purse lying on the table. Aarohi was
tempted to take some money from the person. So, she
quietly opened the purse and took a five-rupee coin
from it. She then kept the purse on the table. As soon
as she stepped out of the house, she heard her
mothers advice, Aarohi, dont eat chocolates, or .
....your teeth will decay,Aarohi completed the
sentence. Aarohi and her mother burst into laughter.

Mother said, Ah! How sensible my daughter is!

Aarohi smiled and left for school.

During the recess, Aarohi came out of the school
and went to a shop. She bought five lollipops. She
finished two lollipops in the shop itself. She ate the third
one on her way back to class. She carefully put the
remaining two lollipops in her bag.
Aarohi returned home in the evening. She changed
her clothes, combed her hair and went out to play with
her friend. Aarohis mother took her school bag to
arrange her books. She found the two lollipops in the
bag. So she took them away and kept them in her
cupboard. When Aarohi came back late in the evening,
they had dinner together.
After dinner, mother said, Aarohi, now you should
do your homework. Aarohi took her bag and sat down
to do her homework. But she could not find the two
lollipops in her bag. She realised that her mother must
have found them and taken them away.

Aarohi ran to her mother. She put her head in her
mothers lap and began to cry. She was feeling guilty.
She promised her mother, Mother, henceforth, I will
never eat chocolates and lollipops. I am sorry that I
stole money from your purse this morning. I promise
never to repeat this mistake.
Mother smiled and comforted her lovingly. She
said, My dear daughter! I am happy that you have
realized your mistake at last. I will not say a word on
this issue now. I think, you no longer need my advice.
You are, indeed, very sensible.

1. Advised - sensible, wise
2. Decay - Rot, decomposed by the action of
bacteria and fungi
3. Worms - an insect which moves with difficulty
by crawling
4. Habit - practice or customary manner
5. Tempted - to attract
6. Quietly - With little or no sound
7. Sensible - having or showing good sense
8. Recess - short break time
9. Realized - understand clearly
10. Guilty - repentant, regretful
11. Promised - swear, vow
12. Henceforth - hereafter
13. Mistake - wrong, something incorrectly
14. Comforted - console
15. Lovingly- feeling or showing love

Answer the following questions:

Q1. What was the little girl fond of eating?
Q2. What was her mothers advice?
Q3. How much money did the girl take from her
mothers purse?
Q4. When did she eat the third lollipop?
Q5. Did her mother scold the girl for stealing the
money? What did she tell?
True or false:

1. Aarohi was studying in second class. ( )

2. She was fond of eating chocolates and cakes. (
3. Aarohis mother used to advise her. ( )
4. She took rupees five from her mothers purse. ( )
5. Her mother took the lollipops from her bag and put
them in her kitchen.
( )
6. She promised never she will repeat this mistake. (

There are five kinds of nouns. They are:
1 Proper noun
2 Common noun
3 Collective noun
4 Material noun
5 Abstract noun

A proper noun is the special name given
to a particular person, place or thing.

A. Underline the PROPER NOUNS in the

following sentences:
1. The first day of the week is Monday.
2. Jack and Jill went up the hill.
3. Hooghly is a famous river.
4. My dogs name is Rony.
5. Chandigarh is the capital of Punjab and Haryana.
6. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first president of India.
7. Omar is a good boy.
8. Pooja is a pretty girl.
9. Kolkata is a big city.
10.Asia is a bigger continent than Australia.

B. Rewrite these sentences with capital letters.

1. ranchi is the capital of jharkhand.
A. __________________________________________________
2. the red fort is in delhi.

A. __________________________________________________

3. the thar desert is in rajasthan.

A. __________________________________________________

4. i have seen the taj mahal.

A. __________________________________________________

5. humayuns tomb is in delhi.


6. my grandmother lives in kerala.


7. the purana qila is an old monument.

A. _______________________________________

8. i have been to haridwar.


9. sunday is a holiday for everyone.


10. june and july have four letters each.


Common noun:
Names given in common to every person, place
animal or thing of the same kind are called common

I Underline the COMMON NOUN in the following
1. My bother lives in Shillong.
2. There are many children in my class.
3. Ramu ate bread and butter
4. Japan is a small country.
5. There are many rivers in India.
6. There are many stories in the book.
7. Cricket is a popular game.
8. English is the language of England.

II Fill suitable COMMON NOUNS in the blank

1. The Ganga is a holy _______________________________
2. The Taj Mahal is a beautiful

3. Sanjay is a naughty ________________________________
4. We travelled by a __________________________ to Delhi
5. The _____________ was caught stealing by the

6. The _____________ that I enjoy playing most is

7. Prince Charles will be the __________________ of


8. Sunita packed her clothes in a

9. Lincoln was the ___________________________ of the

10. Sharad loves reading


Collective Noun:

A Collective Noun is the name given to a number or

collection of person or things taken together and
spoken of as one whole.

Some examples of Collective Nouns are:


army / regiment of soldiers troupe of dancers

team of players crew of sailors

choir of singers staf of an office or


gang of thieves company of actors

group of friends tribe of natives.

board of directors bevy of girls


swarm of flies/bees herd of cattle

flock of sheep litter of puppies

pride of lines bevy of birds

shoal of fish pack of wolves

brood of chickens army of ants

school of whales troop of monkeys

gaggle of geese hive of bees


sheets of paper fleet of ships

bunch of grapes /flowersstring of beads

group of islands sheats of corn

suite of rooms convoy of trucks

range of hills set of tools

heap of stones stack of wood/hay

colony of houses quiver of arrows

peal of bells flight of stairs

cluster of stars bouquet of lowers

tuft of grass volley of bullets.

Pick out the COLLECTIVE NOUNS in the following

1. Indian cricket team is better than many other

2. A committee was appointed to settle this case.
3. The class is listening to its English teacher.
4. There was a large crowd on the crossing.
5. The jury found the prisoner guilty.
6. The audience clapped again and again.
7. A gang of thieves entered the village at night.
8. He always keeps a bouquet of flowers on his table.
9. An old man put a bundle of stickers before his sons.
10. Have you seen my bunch of keys?


The name given to the material or substance of

which things are made is called Material Noun, e.g.
gold, silver, milk, paper etc.,

Underline the following material nouns from the


a. I gave her a ring of gold.

b. He made ice-cream from milk.
c. People now use utensils of steel.
d. The horses eat grass.
e. I drink milk in silver.

f. The Taj Mahal is built using marbles.
g. Cotton dresses are very cheap and
h. We should drink clean water.
i. My mummy wears diamond.
j. My mummy gives me two eggs daily.


An abstract noun is a name of something that we can

only think of.

Pick out the abstract nouns in the following


a. My father has a great love for me.

b. Are you suffering from fever.
c. I always speak the truth.
d. Honesty is the best policy.
e. Childhood is a swiftly passing dream.
f. Indian soldiers have a great courage.
g. Kindness is the greatest quality of a man.
h. Some singers have a sweet voice.
i. Everybody should have patience.
j. The players played with courage.


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