Fuels Solutions r0

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CHE3163 - Fuels Problem Set

1. The combustion of a fuel is a compromise between ensuring that the fuel is "fully
combusted" and the efficiency of the boiler/furnace. The more air available, the closer the
combustion will be to 100%.

a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the combustion of methane in oxygen

CH4 + 2O2 ! CO2 + 2H2O

b) Based on this equation, derive a mathematical equation for X (the excess oxygen not
consumed in the reaction) as a function of variable A which is the molar ratio of oxygen to
methane in the feed to the burner.

Molar balance across reactor (basis 1 kmole of CH4)

X = kMoles O2 out
A = kMoles O2 in

c) Use the equation derived in part (b) to calculate the excess oxygen when 50 kg/h of
methane is burned with 1116 kg/h of air. Vol fraction of O2 in air = 0.21, MWair = 28.9

kmoles CH4 = 50/16 = 3.125

Air = 1116/28.9 = 38.615 " A = 0.21x38.615/3.125 = 2.595

X = 2.595 - 2 = 0.595 kmolO2 / kmol CH4

%XS Air = XS air / Stoichiometric Air = 0.595/2 x 100 = 29.7%

d) Derive an equation for the adiabatic flame temperature, Tf, as a function of A. This is an
energy balance which assumes that the heat of reaction is only used to increase the
sensible heat of product gases and ignores radiative losses.

Assume Cp flue gas = 36.8kJ/[kmol.K], the Hco (CH4) = -802MJ/kmol and the
temperature of the air and CH4 into the boiler is at 25oC.

Mass in = 16+Ax32 + 28x(79/21)xA

Mass out = 1x44 + 2x18 + 28x(79/21)xA + (A-2)x32

Moles out = 1 + (79/21)xA + A

Energy in = Energy out + Heat of reaction

0 + 802,000 = (1 + (100/21)A)x36.8x(Tf-25)

Tf = 25 + 21790/(1 + 4.76A)

When A = 2.595 " Tf = 1657oC, When A=2, " Tf = 2096oC

e) The furnace efficiency is defined as the heat that can be absorbed between the flame
temperature and the acid dew point temperature (the lowest temperature that the flue gas
can be cooled before it starts to condense). For methane, this is around 120oC. Calculate
the furnace efficiency for the excess air of part (c) and also when the excess air is 10%.

X=0.595, A=2.595, Tf = 1657 oC, ef = (1657-120)/(1657-25)x100 = 94.2%

X=0.2, A=2.2, Tf = 1924.4oC, ef = (1924.4-120)/( 1924.4-25)x100 = 95.0%

f) By sampling the flue gas the actual excess air can be determined by measuring the oxygen
content. Assuming that the sample has been cooled to 25oC and half of the water vapour
has been condensed, give the volume fraction of oxygen in the sampled flue gas when the
burner is operating under the conditions in part (c).

Mass out = 1x44 + 2x18 + 28x(79/21)xA + (A-2)x32

Total Moles out = 1 + (79/21)xA + A (no water condensed)

Total Moles out = (79/21)xA + A (half water condensed)

Moles XS oxygen = (A-2)

Composition O2 in flue gas samples = (A-2)/(4.76A) = 0.21 0.42/A

When A = 2.595, Mol fract O2 = 0.595/(4.76x2.595) = 0.048 or 4.8%

g) From the previous parts to this question, make a sketch plot of the furnace efficiency and
oxygen content as a function of molar ratio of fuel to oxygen, A.

ef ! O2!in!

A=2! A!

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