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Layne Steffen

657 Lutheran Drive

Berlin, Germany 10210

8th of June 1514

The Pope
10938 Paris, France

Dear Mr. Pope,

I am very displeased with the Roman Catholic Church. We must pay indulgences
if we want forgiveness from the church. We shouldnt have to pay to get forgiveness
from God.

I believe that the indulgences are not right. God is a forgiving person. I shouldnt
have to pay for forgiveness from God. Im also very displeased that the clergy members
are getting wealthy off of all the taxes that Im paying for. Its also very displeasing that
friends of the clergy men are getting the jobs, when they arent fit for the job when
someone else it.

A solution to this problem is to stop selling indulgences, stop the clergy men from
getting wealthy off of the taxes, and to have suitable people do the jobs, not friends of
the clergy men. Thank you!

Layne Steffen

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