Using Saber From Command Line

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Using Saber from Command Line

Saber and Saber HDL Reference Manual > Saber and SaberHDL Command Reference > Using Saber from
Command Line

Use the following syntax to use Saber from the command-line. You can use this syntax in
Shells, Windows Command Prompt, and Synopsys Command Prompt.

saber [-b] [-c] [-d debugname] [-e] [-f debugfile]
[-la | -ls | -lh | -ln | -l file[.sld]] [-p]
[-rhost host] [-rwd path]
[-i comfile] [-o outfile]
[-nolic lic[,lic...]]
[-reqlic lic[,lic...]]
[-config resource:value]
[-display host[:server.display]]
[-master file[.scf]]
[-parg string] [-phost host] [-pwd path] [-pr]
[-showtrans] [-noconfig] [-geom geom] [-script aimfile]

Argument Description

-b Batch mode
-c Command mode (no HI)
-d debugname Enable specified debug mode
-e Restart
-f debugfile Enable debug modes specified in file
-i comfile Command file for batch, default design.scs
-la Load analogy templates (default)
-ls Load spice templates
-lh Load only header.sin
-ln Do not load anything
-l file Load file
-o outfile Out file, default design.out
-p Precompile
-rhost host Remote invocation on host
-rwd path Remote working directory
-nolic lic[,lic...] Do not request specified licenses
-reqlic lic[,lic...] Must acquire specified licenses
-config resource:value Configuration override
-display host[:server.display] X display for graphics
-master file.[scf] Use as master, with slave identified in file.scf

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Using Saber from Command Line

-parg string Argument for the partner (slave)

-phost host Host the partner is to run on
-pwd path Working directory for the partner
-showtrans Display saber transcript window
-noconfig Do not load saved configuration on startup
-geom geom Geometry for the Saber window
-script aimfile Execute specified AIM script on startup

saber -b -i composites.scs mydes
saber -d t_pf1 -b mydes
saber -b pf_test -d noquit
saber -b mydes -i e.scs -o e.out
saber -p ex_rlc
saber -config mem:standard -c mydes
saber -b -ln -d noquit mydes
saber -b mydes
saber -b -i mydes.scs -master vcs mydes

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Version L-2016.03-SP1, December 2016

2016 Synopsys

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