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Resolva os problemas. 7. Another spring whose constant is 20 Nim is suspended from the same rigid suppor’ but parallel to the spring/mass system in Problem 6. A mass of 20 kilo- grams is attached to the second spring, and both masses are initially released from the equilibrium position with aan upward velocity of 10 m/s (a) Which mass exhibits the greater amplitude of motion? (b) Which mass is moving faster at f= 7/4 8? At (©) At what times are the two masses in the same position? Where are the masses at these times? In Which directions are the masses moving? 15. A model of a spring/mass system is 4x" + &° "x = 0, By inspection of the differential equation only, dis ‘cuss the behavior of the system over a long period of, time, 41, The current i() in an RC series cireuit can be det ‘mined from the integral equation “" where E(t) is the impressed voltage, Determine f(t) when R= 10.0, C= OS fand E() = 20° + 9, 23, A L-kilogram mass i tached to a spring whose constant is 16 N/m, and the entire system is then submerged in a liquid that imparts a damping force numerically equal 10 10 times the instantaneous velocity. Determine the equa tions of motion if (a) the mass is initially released from rest from a point 1 meter below the equilibrium position, and then (b) the mass is initially reteased from a point 1 meter below the equilibrium position with an upward velocity of 12 mis, 33, When a mass of 2 kilograms is attached to a spring whose constant is 32 N/m, it comes to retin the equi- librium position. Staring at 1= 0, a force equal 10 Jo) = 68e cos 4 is applied to the system, Find the {equation of motion inthe absence of damping '56, Find the charge on the capacitor and the current in an LC circuit when L = 0.1 h, C= 0.1, E() = 100 sin yt V, 4{0) = OC, and i(0) = 0. In Problems 47 and 48 solve equation (10) subject t i(0) = 0 with £, RC, and £( as given, Use a graphing utility to graph the solution for 0 47. L= 0.1, R=30,C= 0051, EQ) = 100[%t = 1) ~ U(r = 29) 48. L= 0.005h, R= 1.0, C= 0.02, EQ) = 100[¢ — (@— 1) ~ DI

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