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Archives of Oral Biology 46 (2000) 641 648

Determinants of masticatory performance in dentate adults

J.P. Hatch a,b,*, R.S.A. Shinkai a,e, S. Sakai a, J.D. Rugh a, E.D. Paunovich c,d
Department of Orthodontics, The Uni6ersity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Dri6e,
San Antonio, TX 78229 -3900, USA
Department of Psychiatry, The Uni6ersity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Dri6e,
San Antonio, TX 78229 -3900, USA
Department of Dental Diagnostic Science, The Uni6ersity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Dri6e,
San Antonio, TX 78229 -3900, USA
South Texas Veterans Health Care System, Audie L. Murphy Di6ision, 7400 Merton Minter Bl6d.,
San Antonio, TX 78229 -3900, USA
Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontics, Uni6ersity of Campinas, A6. Limeira, 901, Piracicaba, SP 13414 -900, Brazil

Accepted 24 January 2001


Masticatory performance results from a complex interplay of direct and indirect effects, yet most studies employ
univariate models. This study tested a multivariate model of masticatory performance for dentate subjects. Explana-
tory variables included number of functional tooth units, bite force, sex, age, masseter cross-sectional area, presence
of temporomandibular disorders, and presence of diabetes mellitus. The population-based sample consisted of 631
dentate subjects aged 3780 years. Covariance structure analysis showed that 68% of the variability in masticatory
performance could be explained by the combined effects of the explanatory variables. Age and sex did not show a
strong effect on masticatory performance, either directly or indirectly through masseter cross-sectional area,
temporomandibular disorders, and bite force. Number of functional tooth units and bite force were confirmed as the
key determinants of masticatory performance, which suggests that their maintenance may be of major importance for
promoting healthful functional status. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mastication; Masticatory performance; Dentate; Structural equation modeling

1. Introduction area and body size (Julien et al., 1996), and oral motor
function (Koshino et al., 1997). With a few exceptions,
Factors believed to affect masticatory performance the factors affecting mastication have been studied one
include loss and restoration of postcanine teeth at a time in a piecemeal fashion. This approach may
(Helkimo et al., 1978; Akeel et al., 1992; Van der Bilt et provide only limited insight regarding the complex in-
al., 1993, 1994; Yamashita et al., 2000), bite force terplay of factors that jointly determine masticatory
(Wilding, 1993; Boretti et al., 1995; Fontijn-Tekamp et performance. While not every potentially relevant vari-
al., 2000), severity of malocclusion (Omar et al., 1987), able can be studied in any single investigation, key sets
tactile sensitivity (Kapur et al., 1990), occlusal contact of variables can be identified and studied within a
multivariate research design.
Our purpose now was to focus on two key variables
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1-210-5674594; fax: + 1- thought to be implicated in the aging-related loss of
210-5676941. masticatory performance in adults loss of postca-
E-mail address: (J.P. Hatch). nine functional tooth units and loss of bite force. Both

0003-9969/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0003-9969(01)00023-1
642 J.P. Hatch et al. / Archi6es of Oral Biology 46 (2001) 641648

variables were selected as main factors because they performance, examination of the temporomandibular
represent local measures of occlusion and oral strength, joints and registration of bite force, number of func-
which have been consistently shown to influence chew- tional tooth units, and masseter cross-sectional area. In
ing. Previous studies demonstrate that age per se is not addition, a complete review of medical history, medica-
necessarily associated with a loss of masticatory perfor- tions, and physical and functional assessments were
mance (Wayler and Chauncey, 1983; Carlsson, 1984; accomplished. All subjects gave written informed con-
Fontijn-Tekamp et al., 2000). Therefore, it is necessary sent for their participation, and the protocol was ap-
to look to other factors that may be linked to the aging proved by the Universitys Institutional Review Board.
process. We hypothesized that age-related local or sys-
temic diseases, which lead to loss of tooth structure, 2.2.1. Masticatory performance
masticatory muscle pathology, or pain, are largely re- The modified Mastication Performance Index was
sponsible for age-related decline of masticatory func- adopted (Manly and Braley, 1950; Yurkstas and
tion. In this study, signs and symptoms of Manly, 1950). This index quantifies the percentage by
temporomandibular disorders represented a local dis- weight of a masticated test food bolus that will pass
ease process, and a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus repre- through a standard screen sieve after a set number of
sented a systemic disease process. masticatory strokes. Peanuts served as the test food for
To test this hypothesis a cross-sectional, population- unilateral chewing, with three 20-stroke trials per side.
based study was conducted. A theoretical multivariate The mean of the six trials administered by a calibrated
model of masticatory performance was constructed and examiner composed the bilateral Mastication Perfor-
tested using a statistical modeling procedure known as mance Index score. The interexaminer reliability of the
covariance structure modeling, linear structural equa- masticatory performance test assessed using the intra-
tion modeling, or causal modeling (Blaylock, 1971). class correlation coefficient was equal to 0.78. This
The name causal modeling does not imply that causal sieving method has been used for many years by differ-
pathways are being proven. Rather the researcher de- ent research groups and is particularly suitable for large
velops a priori an explicit model based on hypothesized samples studies (Demers et al., 1996; Kapur et al., 1997;
causal pathways. Data are then collected and analyzed Garrett et al., 1998; Krall et al., 1998).
to determine how consistent they are with the model.
2.2.2. Temporomandibular joint disorders
The number and severity of signs and symptoms of
2. Materials and methods temporomandibular joint disorders were assessed using
the Craniomandibular Index administered by a cali-
2.1. Participants brated examiner with the subject seated in a dental
chair (Fricton and Schiffman, 1986, 1987). The overall
We studied 283 men and 348 women, Mexican aggregate score for the Craniomandibular Index was
American and European American, between the ages used.
of 37 and 80 years (mean 58.5, S.D. 11.1), who had
been participants in the Oral Health, San Antonio 2.2.3. Bite force
Longitudinal Study on Aging conducted in San Anto- Bilateral maximum bite force was measured using a
nio, TX, from 1994 to 1998. Those participants had cross-arch force transducer (Sensotec 13/2445-02,
been selected by a stratified random selection procedure
that sampled three socioeconomically distinct neighbor-
Table 1
hoods in San Antonio, a low income barrio neighbor-
Sociodemographic characteristics of subjects (n = 631)
hood, a middle income transitional neighborhood, and
an upper income suburban neighborhood. Sociodemo- Characteristic Count %
graphic and medical/dental characteristics are displayed
in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Exclusion criteria com- Sex
prised pregnancy, impossibility of classification as Mex- Female 348 55.2
ican American or European American, and presence Male 283 44.8
of any removable full or partial denture. Subjects were Ethnic group
selected without regard to their dental treatment status. MexicanAmerican 368 58.3
EuropeanAmerican 263 41.7
2.2. Procedures Neighborhood
Barrio 157 24.9
Data were collected during a medical and dental Transitional 222 35.2
examination, which included a comprehensive dental Suburban 252 39.9
and periodontal assessment, evaluation of masticatory
J.P. Hatch et al. / Archi6es of Oral Biology 46 (2001) 641648 643

Table 2
Medicaldental characteristics of subjects (n= 631)

Characteristic Mean S.D. Count %

Functional tooth units (count) 8.37 3.76

Bilateral bite force (N) 583.49 281.11
Masticatory performance (%) 59.46 24.98
Craniomandibular Index score 0.064 0.082
Masseter cross-sectional area (cm2, n= 216) 4.6 1.5
Age (years) 58.5 11.1
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetic 128 20.4
Non-diabetic 501 79.6

Columbus, OH) placed in the region of the first molar. Inc., Chicago, IL). The outcome variable was mastica-
Vertical jaw opening at the point of bite pad insertion tory performance. Explanatory variables included bilat-
was 14 mm. Force was digitized using an analog-to-dig- eral bite force, number of functional tooth units, sex
ital converter, registered in pounds, and converted to (dummy coded 1 = male; 2 =female), age, Cranio-
Newtons. The procedures were explained to subjects, mandibular Index score, and diabetes mellitus (dummy
and they then were allowed several test bites on the bite coded 0 = not diabetic; 1 =diabetic). The Cran-
element in order to build confidence in its stability. The iomandibular Index score was square root transformed
mean of the three highest trials of ten recordings was to more closely approximate normality.
recorded as the maximum bite force. Except for the use The hypothesized model is depicted in Fig. 1. Vari-
of a bilateral bite element the procedures were similar ables represented by rectangles were considered mani-
to those used in previous studies (Van Spronsen et al., fest, i.e. they were assumed to be directly observable
1989; Bakke et al., 1990). and measurable. The latent or unobservable variables
represent residual unexplained variance and measure-
2.2.4. Functional tooth units ment error (represented by circles in Figs. 1 and 2).
Functional tooth units were defined as pairs of oc- Input data were in the form of a Pearson correlation
cluding natural, restored or fixed prosthetic postcanine matrix estimated using a maximum likelihood expecta-
teeth (molars =2 units; bicuspids =1 unit). tion maximization procedure. The variances of all la-
tent variables were fixed at a value of 1.0. Goodness of
2.2.5. Diabetes mellitus fit between the model and the data was assessed using
Classification into the diabetic or non-diabetic group the Steigler Lind root mean square error of approxi-
was according to the American Diabetes Association mation statistic, a measure of significance that is ad-
(1999) criteria or occasionally according to self-re- justed for model complexity.
ported diabetic status.

2.2.6. Masseter muscle cross-sectional area 3. Results

This was measured indirectly using high frequency
ultrasound (Bakke et al., 1992; Alanen et al., 1994). The matrix of bivariate correlations among the input
Real-time imaging of the masseter muscles was per- variables is displayed in Table 3. Bartletts statistic
formed bilaterally using a fingertip probe connected to ( 2 = 1102.4, PB 0.001) showed that the variables were
an ultrasound scanner (HDI 3000; Advanced Technol- globally associated. Results of the primary analysis are
ogy Laboratories). Three recordings on each side were displayed in Fig. 1. Only direct path coefficients are
performed, with the subjects in an upright position and shown next to arrows. Indirect effects can be calculated
gently biting on a custom-made occlusal plane. Mea- by multiplying component path coefficients, and total
surements of masseter cross-sectional area were made effects by summing direct and indirect effects. We
using the scanners electronic cursors by tracing the hypothesized direct causal pathways from functional
muscle outline on the screen. Areas of both sides were tooth units, age, and bite force to masticatory perfor-
computed for each subject and averaged. mance. We predicted that the effect of age would be
small relative to the effects of functional tooth units
2.2.7. Data analysis and bite force. We further hypothesized that the im-
We used the Reticular Action Model (McArdle and pact, if any, of diabetes on masticatory performance
McDonald, 1984) as implemented in Systat 8.0 (SPSS, would be exerted through its effect on functional tooth
644 J.P. Hatch et al. / Archi6es of Oral Biology 46 (2001) 641648

units, and that the effects of temporomandibular disor- As predicted, the direct effect of age on masticatory
ders on masticatory performance would be exerted performance was slight. The direct effects of age on
through its effect on bite force. Standardized estimates functional tooth units and bite force also were relatively
of path coefficients are displayed adjacent to arrows small. In contrast, the direct effects of the identified key
representing pathways. The multiple R 2 for each struc- variables, i.e. postcanine functional tooth units and bite
tural equation is displayed above the upper right-hand force, were much larger. Bite force, in turn, was shown
corner of rectangles representing endogenous variables. to be influenced primarily by sex and number of func-
The double-headed curved arrows connecting diabetes tional tooth units. The representative local disease pro-
with age and diabetes with sex represent unanalyzed cess, temporomandibular disorders, appeared to exert
relationships. The Steiger Lind statistic was equal to only a small influence on bite force. The representative
0.030 (90% confidence interval 0.000, 0.060), indicating systemic disease, diabetes mellitus, did show the pre-
an excellent fit between the model and the data. The R 2
dicted influence on the number of remaining functional
value of 0.71 (Fig. 1) demonstrates that the model
tooth units. In summary, the primary analysis demon-
accounts for a 71% of the variance observed in mastica-
strated that the data were highly consistent with the
tory performance. The coefficient representing unex-
hypothesized causal model.
plained residual variance in masticatory performance
(represented by the circle labeled U in Figs. 1 and 2) The effects of masseter cross-sectional area were as-
demonstrates that variables not represented in the sessed by adding this variable to the model and testing
model remain to be identified. The residual variances on a sub-sample of 216 subjects for whom muscle
associated with bite force, temporomandibular disor- scanning data were available. The path diagram corre-
ders, and functional tooth units (represented by circles sponding to this modified sub-model is shown in Fig. 2.
labeled W, X, and Y, respectively) are relatively This model yielded a Steiger Lind statistic equal to
large because only a small number of their determinants 0.041 (90% confidence interval 0.000, 0.093), once again
were included in the model. Explanation of more of the indicating a very good fit of the data to the model. The
variance in these variables would not necessarily yield a R 2 value of 0.68 (Fig. 2) demonstrates that the modified
more complete explanation of masticatory model accounts for a 68% of the variance observed in
performance. masticatory performance.

Fig. 1. Path diagram depicting the covariance structure model of masticatory performance (sample size n = 631). Rectangles
represent manifest (measured) variables. Circles (labeled W, U, X, Y, and Z) represent latent (unobservable) variables, i.e.
measurement error. Single-headed arrows represent proposed causal pathways. Double-headed curved arrows represent unanalyzed
relationships. Numbers adjacent to arrows are standardized path coefficients. Numbers immediately above the upper right-hand
corner of rectangles represent the R 2 associated with each structural equation. Variables on the left are assumed to be causally prior
to those on the right. Indirect effects are computed by multiplying component path coefficients. Total effects are calculated by
summing direct and indirect effects. *, PB 0.05; **, PB 0.01; ***, P B0.001.
J.P. Hatch et al. / Archi6es of Oral Biology 46 (2001) 641648 645

Fig. 2. Path diagram depicting the covariance structure model of masticatory performance involving masseter cross-sectional area
(sample size n =216). * P B 0.05; **, P B0.01; ***, PB 0.001.

As can be seen from Fig. 2, the path coefficient al., 1992; Van der Bilt et al., 1993). Our community-
corresponding to the pathway from diabetes to muscle based results add evidence that primary interventions to
cross-sectional area was very small and statistically not maintain or improve masticatory performance in den-
significant. In this sample, age and sex were stronger tate subjects should be aimed at the preservation and/or
determinants of muscle cross-sectional area than was restoration of posterior functional teeth. However, the
diabetes. The coefficient linking muscle cross-sectional increased number of posterior occlusal units seems to
area to bite force was statistically significant. improve chewing performance only when the predomi-
nant chewing side arch is restored (Van der Bilt et al.,
1994). Thus the distribution of functional tooth units,
4. Discussion and not only their number, might be a relevant factor
affecting masticatory performance. The influence of
A conceptual model of mastication for dentate sub- occlusal contact area on chewing efficiency has also
jects was constructed with causal assumptions based on been evaluated, but with contradictory results (Wilding,
existing literature, and tested in a large, stratified ran- 1993; Julien et al., 1996).
dom sample derived from the San Antonio, TX popula- Diabetes and age were considered modifiers of the
tion. The findings support the hypothesis that number of functional tooth units. Loss of teeth is the
masticatory performance is the outcome of complex endpoint of many local oral diseases, such as caries and
simultaneous interrelationships among physiological periodontal disease, which can be influenced by sys-
and contextual variables. The proposed model showed temic diseases and the aging process. However, in this
that the combined effects of the explanatory variables random sample, diabetes and age together accounted
explain 68% of the variability in masticatory perfor- for only 7% of the variability in the number of func-
mance (see Fig. 2). Number of functional tooth units tional tooth units (see Fig. 2). Diabetic individuals had
and bite force were confirmed as key predictors, which fewer functional units than non-diabetic subjects, but
suggests that maintenance of these factors may be of the clarification of diabetes as a cause of tooth loss
primary importance for promoting healthy function. should be attempted in longitudinal studies.
The single best predictor of masticatory performance Number of functional tooth units also showed an
was the number of postcanine functional tooth units. important influence on bite force, which, in turn, affects
This finding corroborates that the capacity for com- masticatory performance. Considering the model de-
minution depends on the number of occluding pairs of picted in Fig. 2, the indirect impact of functional tooth
teeth (Helkimo et al., 1978; Omar et al., 1987; Akeel et units on mastication was approximately sevenfold
646 J.P. Hatch et al. / Archi6es of Oral Biology 46 (2001) 641648

lower than the direct effect1 and is explained by the and bite force (Van Spronsen et al., 1989; Bakke et al.,
moderate effects of functional tooth units on bite force 1992; Raadsheer et al., 1999). Our data show a signifi-
and of bite force on masticatory performance. cant association between masseter cross-sectional area
Bite force was the other key predictor in our model, and bite force (bivariate r= 0.41). The strength of this
but its impact on masticatory performance was not as association, however, was attenuated in the multivari-
strong as that of number of functional units. Indeed, ate analysis after controlling for other variables affect-
the effect of bite force was lower than expected from ing bite force (compare Table 3 and Fig. 2). Although
the literature. This probably occurred because other masseter muscle thickness was shown to be the major
studies investigated this relationship in samples of sub- contributing factor of bite force in adults (Raadsheer et
jects with more heterogeneous dental status, i.e. den- al., 1999), the association between sex and masseter
tate, edentulous, and prosthesis wearers (Heath, 1982; cross-sectional area was not strong enough to explain
Fontijn-Tekamp et al., 2000). the sex differences in bite force in this study.
In addition, we tested the hypothesis that bite force Another indirect effect of sex on bite force was
mediates the effects of several other physiologic and assessed through the temporomandibular disorders
demographic variables. The combined effects of sex, path. The expected association of sex with temporo-
number of functional postcanine tooth units, masseter mandibular disorders was confirmed, but a strong influ-
cross-sectional area, age, and presence of temporo- ence of temporomandibular disorders as a local factor
mandibular disorders explained 52% of the variance in causing restriction of jaw mobility and pain, and thus
bite force. However, 48% of the variation in bite force limiting bite force (Svensson et al., 1998), could not be
may be explained by variables not included in this demonstrated. One explanation for this result may be
model. For example, other factors believed to affect the low prevalence of temporomandibular disorders
bite force are psychological factors (Orchardson and (Carniomandibular Index mean =0.064, on a scale of
Cadden, 1998), craniofacial morphology (Raadsheer et 01) in our non-clinical sample in contrast to studies
al., 1999), and body size (Julien et al., 1996). Current that included patients with more severe temporo-
dental treatment status also could have an effect on bite mandibular disorders (Sato et al., 1999; Tortopidis et
force, but this variable was not explored here. al., 1999).
Sex was the most important factor influencing bite Finally, as predicted, age did not exert a strong effect
force, basically through the direct path. Females tended on masticatory performance, either directly or indi-
to have lower maximum bite force values compared rectly through maintenance of tooth structure or bite
with males, which could be explained by a difference of force. In fact, the direct path from age to masticatory
mass in the masticatory muscles (Newton et al., 1993). performance could not be sustained. This suggests that
Masseter muscle cross-sectional area and thickness is masticatory performance need not decline with age if
related to craniofacial morphology (Weijs and Hillen, teeth are retained and masticatory muscle strength is
1986; Bakke et al., 1992; Raadsheer et al., 1996, 1999), maintained. Age may affect oral function through the
body size (Raadsheer et al., 1996; Shiau et al., 1999), cumulative effect of a multitude of minor influences.
The influence of age is currently viewed as the result of
an accumulation of insults to orofacial structures (Ship
The direct effect of posterior functional tooth units on et al., 1996). This indirect effect of age on masticatory
masticatory performance is 0.68. The indirect effect is calcu- performance was assessed in the model via pathways
lated by multiplying the components beta path coefficients involving dental and muscular tissues. However, these
0.41 0.27 =0.10. pathways were shown to be relatively weak.

Table 3
Correlation coefficients among variables used in the model (n =631)a

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Temporomandibular disorders
2 Sex 0.29***
3 Functional tooth units 0.01 0.01
4 Age 0.02 0.02 0.22***
5 Bite force 0.24*** 0.48*** 0.45*** 0.27***
6 Diabetes 0.12** 0.08* 0.27*** 0.13** 0.06
7 Masticatory performance 0.06 0.08 0.82*** 0.19*** 0.55*** 0.19***
8 Masseter cross-sectional area 0.13 0.25*** 0.15* 0.22*** 0.41*** 0.04 0.25***

*, PB0.05; **, PB0.01; ***, PB0.001. , Sample size for correlations involving masseter cross-sectional area is 216, and
displayed P-values are correct for this sample size.
J.P. Hatch et al. / Archi6es of Oral Biology 46 (2001) 641648 647

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