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Smith 1

Ivey Smith

English 4

Ms. Mantlo

March 9, 2017

No School Uniforms

School uniforms are becoming more popular with public schools and many people are

disapproving them. Many parents are loving them while others are saying they are the worst

things to ever happen in schools. There are many pros and cons to school uniforms but everyone

has a different opinion on them. It is a huge debate in public schools across the United States.

Students should not have to wear uniforms.

Most people support school uniforms because they are easier for the students and parents.

On average a student will spend around 15-20 minutes getting ready in the morning and that is

just on clothes. Proponents say that school uniforms make schools safer for students, create a

level playing field that reduces socioeconomic disparities, and encourage children to focus on

their studies rather than their clothes. (PR) Students need to receive as less stress as they can

and a lot of students stress over their clothes, which also makes the parents stress out even more.

The average uniform cost less than the average outfit of a department store. In 1998-1999, 11.5

percent of public elementary schools had uniform policies, which had increased to 15.5 percent

by the end of the next school year. (Brunsma)

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On the other hand school uniforms just cause a bother to students and parents. A lot of

students do not have the money for regular school clothes and most clothes are not cheap these

days. Most uniforms cost an average of $150- 200 dollars which is a lot to people who can not

afford it. The movement continues to grow in popularity with administrators and parents

despite research in the past demand that is beginning to show that school uniforms do not work.

(Brunsma) School uniforms annihilate the facts of Be your own self, and Do not let anyone

change you or the way you think.

There has been no proven studies showing school uniforms are better for schools. The

scientific research surrounding school uniforms has been debated among educators. Some point

to studies showing that school uniforms are actually harmful to academic achievement and

students initiative. (Chittom) Dress codes are in every school but most students do not follow

it. So why do administrators think students will follow the uniform policy. Some argue that

dress codes are just as conforming to a student's individuality as uniforms, while others suggest

that school dress codes are a reasonable attempt at maintaining order in the school environment.


After all school uniforms should not be allowed. School uniforms are just a bother to

students as they are parents. Today students just want to be at home playing video games and by

adding uniforms it will just add to them not wanting to go to school. And with more students not

wanting to attend school there will be more students failing their grade.
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Works Cited

Brunsma, David L. "School Uniform Policies in Public Schools." Principal, vol. 85,

no. 3, January/February 2006, pp. 50-53. EBSCOhost,


Chittom, Lynn-nore and Jill Ginsburg. "School Uniforms: An Overview." Points of View: School

Uniforms, Jan. 2015, p. 1. EBSCOhost,


PR, Newswire. "Pros and Cons of School Uniforms - Latest Research in Ongoing Debate."

["ProCon-school-uniform"]. PR Newswire US, 10 Sept. 2014. EBSCOhost,



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