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Name _______________________

Transcendentalist Challenge
25 points

By now, we have learned that, in order to be an transcendentalist, a person must

disconnect from technology and the norms of society, and embrace a natural
lifestyle. It is certainly a tough task in a world that is constantly connected and
always on the go.

So the question is: are you ready for a challenge?

Directions: Your job is to disconnect. This means, put down your phone, laptop,
and any other electronic device for at least 30 minutes at home. Try to disconnect
for longer, if possible. Embrace the 30 minutes you have without electronics: take a
walk, read a magazine, cook a meal for your family, work on homework, etc. After
you have completed the challenge, reflect on the experience and answer the
questions below in 3-5 sentences each. These should not be simple answers - really
stop and think about how disconnecting made you feel!

Your due date for this project is listed below. You will be presenting these, so be
prepared to tell your classmates about your experience.

Group 1 Due: Feb. 13

Group 2 Due: Feb. 15

Group 3 Due: Feb. 17

Group 4 Due: Feb. 21

1. Describe the most difficult part about disconnecting from electronics.

Be specific!
2. Did you feel left out? Why or why not?

3. What did you do in the time that you did not have electronics? Did you
enjoy having this free time?

4. How did people react when they found out you were disconnecting?
Were they shocked or understanding?

5. Did you learn anything new about yourself while being disconnected? If
so, what?

6. Is it possible to truly be a transcendentalist in todays society?

Name _______________________

Transcendentalist Challenge
25 points

By now, we have learned that, in order to be an transcendentalist, a person must

disconnect from technology and the norms of society, and embrace a natural
lifestyle. It is certainly a tough task in a world that is constantly connected and
always on the go.

So the question is: are you ready for a challenge?

Directions: Your job is to disconnect. This means, put down your phone, laptop,
and any other electronic device for at least 30 minutes at home. Try to disconnect
for longer, if possible. Embrace the 30 minutes you have without electronics: take a
walk, read a magazine, cook a meal for your family, work on homework, etc. After
you have completed the challenge, reflect on the experience and answer the
questions below in 5 sentences each. These should not be simple answers - really
stop and think about how disconnecting made you feel!

Your due date for this project is listed below. You will be presenting these, so be
prepared to tell your classmates about your experience.

Group 1 Tara, Annie, & Coleton Due: Feb. 13

Group 2 Dakota, Angel, Katie, & Due: Feb. 15


Group 3 Matt, Quintan, Zach, & Due: Feb. 17


Group 4 Carly, Sebastian, & Isaiah Due: Feb. 21

1. Describe the most difficult part about disconnecting from electronics.

Be specific!
2. Did you feel left out? Why or why not?

3. What did you do in the time that you did not have electronics? Did you enjoy
having this free time?

4. How did people react when they found out you were disconnecting? Were they
shocked or understanding?

5. Did you learn anything new about yourself while being disconnected? If so, what?

6. Is it possible to truly be a transcendentalist in todays society?

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