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Minute Maid Pulpy Orange

Principle of Marketing & Management

Written by,

Sarah Ancelia Sastrasuteja

Industrial Engineering / 004201400043

Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara, Jababeka Education Park,

Cikarang, West Java 17550


CHAPTER I............................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER II............................................................................................ 3

2.1. Product............................................................................................... 3

2.2. Price................................................................................................... 3

2.3. Place................................................................................................... 3

2.4. Promotion.......................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER III.......................................................................................... 4

3.1. Current Print Ads............................................................................. 4

3.1.1. Kotler Concepts........................................................................ 4

3.1.2. Abraham Concepts.................................................................... 4

3.2. New Print Ads................................................................................... 5

3.2.1. Kotler Concepts........................................................................ 5

3.2.2. Abraham Concepts.................................................................... 5

CHAPTER IV.......................................................................................... 6

4.1. Segmentation..................................................................................... 6

4.2. Targeting............................................................................................ 6

4.3. Positioning......................................................................................... 7

4.4. Post Statement................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER V............................................................................................ 8

CHAPTER VI.......................................................................................... 10

6.1. Current Logo..................................................................................... 10

6.1.1. Company Logo.......................................................................... 10

6.1.2. Product Logo............................................................................. 10

6.2. New Logo........................................................................................... 11

6.2.1. Company Logo.......................................................................... 11

6.2.2. Product Logo............................................................................. 11

CHAPTER VII......................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER VIII....................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER IX.......................................................................................... 17

REFERENCES........................................................................................ 18



Minute Maid is a product line of beverages, usually associated with orange

or lemonade juice, but now extends to soft drinks of many kinds, including Hi-C.
The brand name came out from a name of a famous city Minutemen Militia.
The name also connoting the convenience and the ease of preparation (in a

John M. Fox started the campaign for a flavorful juice powder from real
delicious oranges developed by National Research Corporation (NRC) in 1945. In
this way Minute Maid came into being.

Minute Maid used to be sold under Cappy brand in Central Europe and
under Fruitopia in Norway. Minute Maid was the first company to market orange
juice concentrate, allowing it to be distributed throughout the United States and
served year-around. The Coca Cola Company acquired Minute Maid Pulpy
Orange in 1960. When Coca Cola purchased Minute Maid, it was the Coca Cola
Companys first venture outside soft drinks. Minute Maid is the leading brand
within The Cocal Cola Companys juice portofolio.

Minute Maid entered Indonesia in 2008 under PT. Coca Cola Amatil
Indonesia. Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia is a leading beverage sales,
manufacturing, and dsitribution company that was established in January 1992
and has been operating in Indonesia for 23 years. CCAI is a subsidiary of Coca
Cola Amatil (CCA), one of the top 10 independent Coca Cola bottlers in the
world, which is headquartered in New South Wales, Australia, and publicily listed
on the Australian Securities Exchange. CCAI operates ten manufacturing facilities
inn Sumatera, Java, and Bali and over 200 sales and distribution centers across
Indonesia, employing a direct workforce of more than 12,000 people, and

distributing million cases of refreshing drinks to more than 520,000 outlets across
the nation.

Minute Maid introduced their first product Minute Maid Pulpy Orange to
the Indonesian market in 2008 and this healthy beverage product quickly became
everyones favorite. Minute Maid doesnt stop with Minute Maid Pulpy Orange,
they continue to innovate and launch a variety of flavors and variants to satisfy
people tastes. Minute Maid Pulpy is available with variety of flavors, such as
orange, aloe vera, omango, and tropical. This product is available in two different
sizes, which are 350 ml and 1000 ml.

This paper will discuss Minute Maid Pulpy Orange PET bottle 350 ml.



2.1. Product

Minute Maid Pulpy Orange is an orange juice beverages that rich

of vitamin C and original orange grains (pulps). With the best quality of
oranges and processed in the right way, Minute Maid Pulpy Orange
presents the flavor and the scent of oranges that gives the sensation of
fresh and great taste.

2.2. Price

The price of Minute Maid Pulpy Orange is Rp, 7.000,- for a single
bottle of 350 ml.

2.3. Place

Minute Maid Pulpy Orange can be found in convenience store,

supermarket, department store, hypermarket, retailers, and online store.

2.4. Promotion

Minute Maid Pulpy Orange is promoted in three ways, by

advertising, sales promotion, and brand activation. For advertising, the
promotion is doing through tv commercials, radio ads, billboards and
banners in public places, print ads on newspapers and magazines, and
social media. The sales promotion strategy is done by giving free samples
of product or personal selling by SPG. Promotion through brand activation
is done by conducting marketing events, such as roadshow campus to
campus, special event, and sponsoring events that are conducted by
university students.



3.1. Current Print Ads

3.1.1. Kotler Concepts

3.1.2. Abraham Concepts

3.2. New Print Ads

3.2. 1. Kotler

3.2.2. Abraham Concepts



4.1. Segmentation

Social class
Usage rate
Brand loyalty

4.2. Targeting

10 40+
Male and Female
All urban areas and some suburbs in Indonesia
Hyperactive and dynamic generations
Middle class to upper class
For young and health conscience people
Enthusiastic, positive
Maintain their health because its full of nutrition

4.3. Positioning

Young and health conscious people normally prefer to have drinks

that are 100% pure and Minute Maid Pulpy has made its mark by
providing its target market with color, energy, and promising the

consumers not just for the drink itself but as an enjoyable, consumable
advertising. Minute Maid Pulpy positions itself as a 100% pure orange
drink with pulp that provides 100% natural energy. Its not a drink that is
dull and boring, but it has an upbeat outlook to life. Its young and fresh.
Minute Maid Pulpy is the ideal beverage for healthy, hassle-free
refreshment anytime. Thats because Minute Maid Pulpy is a good source
of calcium, contains a full days supply of vitamin, and is made from real
fruit juice that has low calories.

4.4. Post Statement

Shake, Drink, & Lick.



Based on the valid data of market share in 2014, Minute Maid Pulpy
Orange was positioned on the fourth place with 4.7%. Buavita was dominating
Indonesia juice market with 33.6%, followed by Ale-Ale and ABC with 24.6%
and 13.9%. Same as Minute Maid Puply Orange, Frutang and Nutrisari were
inferior in Indonesia juice market compared with Buavita, Ale-Ale, and ABC, they
only succeeds conquered 4.6% and 3.5% of the market.

In the last three years, Minute Maid Pulpy Orange succeed place their
product on the list of Top Brand Index on category ready to drink juice as shown
on the picture above. In 2014 and 2015, Minute Maid Pulpy Orange was on fourth
and fifth place, with the value of TBI 4.7% and 3.1%. Minute Maid Pulpy Orange
reach their peak position this year in 2016, rank on second place with the value of
TBI 13.1% and categorized as top three ready to drink juice brands along with
Buavita and Ale-Ale. Minute Maid Pulpy Orange gradually managed to gain
Indonesias market, it is seen on the result of surveys that were conducted by Top
Brand Awards and stepping on Ale-Ales position on the top brand chart.



6.1. Current Logo

6.1.1. Company Logo

6.1.2. Product Logo

6.2. New Logo

6.2.1. Company Logo

The main color of the logo are blue, red, and white. Those
three colors represents Australian flag. Coca Cola Amatil is
one of the largest bottlers of non-alcoholic ready-to-drink
beverages in Asia Pasific region. Coca Cola Amatil is listed on
the Australian Securities Exhange and its headquarters is in
New South Wales, Australia.
The waves on the logo symbolized water. Coca Cola Amatil
manufactured various beverage products, and beverage main
element is water.
The upside and downside of letter A creates a shape like a
six pointed star. Number 6 in here represents the six
countries (Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New
Guinea, Fiji, and Samoa) where Coca Cola Amatil operates.
The letter i is for Indonesia, and the color of the letter is red
and white like Indonesians flag.
The blue color means trustworthy, caring, calm, honest, strong,
and secure. The red color means blod, action, love, passionate,
energetic, and exciting.

6.2.2. Product Logo

The shape of the logo is like stopwatch. It represents the name
Minute Maid, as it connoting the convenience and the ease
of preparation (in a minute).
The stopwatch is like an orange. It symbolized the main
material that made Minute Maid success until now is an
The needle shapes is like a pulp, the main contents of Minute
Maid Pulpy that makes this product different than other
brands. The needle of the stopwatch stops at 45. This number
represents the year when Minute Maid was founded in 1945.
The orange color means happy, sociable, friendly, and
affordable. The green color means growth, organic, natural,
and fresh.



A product life cycle is the series of phases that a product will go through
in its lifetime in relation to the profit and sells that it will collect. The life cycle is
comprised of four stages, which are introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.
And here is the product life cycle of Minute Maid Pulpy.

Introduction stage. Minute Maid Pulpy had been introduced to Indonesian

market in the midst of September 2008 after their succeeds in India and China.
The first product that was launched by Minute Maid Pulpy to be introduced to the
market was Minute Maid Pulpy Orange.

Growth stage. Since Minute Maid Pulpy launched Minute Maid Pulpy
Orange in 2008, Minute Maid received many positive reviews from the market.
The sales exceeds their initial target of sales and they even made a success as a
beverage product that recorded highest sales of stock keeping unit (SKU) in a
span of three months. The success did not make Minute Maid stop with Minute
Maid Pulpy Orange, Minute Maid always do a lot of innovation and development

on their product. They released new variants of Minute Maid Pulpy Orange every
year to satisfy their customers.

Maturity stage. With market growth of fruit juice reach 15% - 20%
annually, Minute Maid is able to fight with strong opponents like Buavita. Minute
Maid expand their line of product, by releasing new products such as Minute
Maid Nutriboost and Minute Maid Pulpy Fruit Bite in 2013 and 2014. Minute
Maid is in its maturity stage but is facing competition from various other juice
products. The fierce competition motivates Minute Maid to become more
creactive and inventive on viewing the opportunities in the market.

Decline stage. Until now, Minute Maid Pulpy Orange has not experienced
a decline phase. This is proven by looking at the fact that Minute Maid Pulpy
Orange is still much sought after by consumers.

By looking at the data above, it can be seen that the sales growth of PT.
Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia is still good. This proves that Minute Maid Pulpy
Orange still demanded by people in the market and can compete with other brands
to win markets attention to be their consumers.

Now Minute Maid Pulpy Orange is on the stage of maturity. The strategy
regarding with the position of Minute Maid Pulpy Orange on product life cycle is
raising the consumption of products by persuading consumers to increase the
usage of the products with a wide range of benefits offered. For example, to

maintain their health and fitness people should drink Minute Maid Pulpy Orange
daily because it is nutritious, preservatives free, and low of calories. Next strategy
is modify the product in order to always look new and fresh in terms of content,
packaging, design, etc. For example, changing the packaging of the product to be
more simple and easy to be carried anywhere or changing the design to be more
eye-catching and attractive to be seen. Other than those strategies, they have to
look for new consumer target by expanding their market segments. Currently,
Minute Maid targets are middle to high class people. They have to release product
that can embrace all social class to be everyones favourite product. Why all social
class because in Indonesia there are still many people whose income are still low.



Minute Maid Pulpy Orange is a beverages product that has been entered
Indonesian market since 2008. This product is manufactured by PT. Coca Cola
Amatil Indonesia. Since, it has been introduced to public, Minute Maid Pulpy
Orange quickly become everyones favorite.

What makes this product is unique and different than others is because
this juice contains pulps that makes it really taste good. Minute Maid Pulpy
Orange is affordable for everyone and can be easily found in public places. The
promotion of Minute Maid Pulpy Orange is done through advertising, sales, and
brand activation.

As a healthy beverages product, Minute Maid Pulpy Orange targeting

customers from all generation and social class to be their customers. In this
dynamic and hyperactive generation, people become more conscious and aware
on their health and fitness, especially youths. And Minute Maid Pulpy Orange is
the right choice for this condition.

The value of market share for Minute Maid Pulpy Orange in Indonesia is
4.7%. Minute Maid Pulpy Orange received positive feedback from the markets
since it was released. This is proven on the survey that was conducted by Top
Brand Awards annually. Minute Maid Pulpy Orange always listed on the rank, and
have been categorized as top three ready to drink juice brand.

Now, Minute Maid Pulpy Orange is on the maturity stage on the product
life cycle. They continuously releasing new variants of Minute Maid Pulpy every
year since Minute Maid Pulpy Orange launched, and even expand their product
with Minute Maid Nutriboost and Minute Madid Pulpy Fruit Bite.



Minute Maid Pulpy Orange have to be more actively promoting their

products to get more customer awareness. Always launch new advertising
periodically, so people become more aware on this product. Using eye-
catching tagline that is easy to be remembered, using easy listening jingle
on television and radio commercial, or using popular icon to be the icon of
this product are the way to get more attention from public.
Enter into new segments. Minute Maids effort to keep up with market
trends is pretty good. But they have to keep innovating and always release
something new to satisfy their customers. Maybe they can try to produce
something that their opponents never try to make a statement that they are
a trend leader in the market and on a few steps ahead of their competitors
Develop another brand with lesser price with different positioning. Minute
Maid Pulpy Orange segmented middle to high class, though they already
knew that the average of Indonesian people are come with low income.
They have to pay attention with this situation. It will be more
advantageous for them if they can release a product that segemented for
low class. If they can make embrace all social class, it can be guaranteed
that their sales will increase and so do their customers number.
Improve and modify the products to increase customer benefits.
Conducting survey gradually to know what people wants, then they can
conduct experiments based on the result of the survey. Improving and
modify their current product, or releasing new variants of product, but
should not lose their characteristics and identity that their customers like
from their product.



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