Video Lesson Plan

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Name: Emily Webb

Grade Level: 4th Grade
Content Area: Science
Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast Other: (list)

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:

S4E1. Students will compare and contrast the physical attributes of stars, star patterns, and
a. Recognize the physical attributes of stars in the night sky such as number, size, color
and patterns.
b. Compare the similarities and differences of planets to the stars in appearance,
position, and number in the night sky.
c. Explain why the pattern of stars in a constellation stays the same, but a planet can be
seen in different locations at different times.
d. Identify how technology is used to observe distant objects in the sky.
S4E2. Students will model the position and motion of the earth in the solar system and will
explain the role of relative position and motion in determining sequence of the phases
of the moon.
a. Explain the day/night cycle of the earth using a model.
b. Explain the sequence of the phases of the moon.
c. Demonstrate the revolution of the earth around the sun and the earths tilt to explain
the seasonal changes.
d. Demonstrate the relative size and order from the sun of the planets in the solar system.

Brief Description of Learning Experience:

Students will access the classroom blog to access resources, assignments, and important classroom
announcements. For this assignment, students will complete their weekend flipped classroom assignment.
They will view a teacher-created video on the solar system and prepare for a related activity the next class
day. After viewing the video about the solar system on the classroom blog, students will begin a unit on
space and the solar system. As a culminating task for this unit, students will spend one-two weeks creating
their own videos in the fashion of the one provided for them on the classroom blog. Students will work in
small groups of 3-4 students to research one planet or (celestial body such as the sun, comets, or moons, or
other stars) of their choice and create a video on that planet.
The video should be at least 2 minutes long and include audio, images, and text. The students will
present their videos to the class and receive feedback from their peers. After receiving feedback, they will
have the opportunity to revise their video. When the final product is complete, students will upload their
videos to the classroom blog for their families and other members of the school to view. These videos can
be used as educational resources for other students learning about space; they can also be used as examples
of student products for teachers to plan similar activities.

Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking:

This lesson would exemplify a LoTi level of 5. Students have voice and choice in this assignment, as they
may choose which planet or celestial body to research. They are also in control of the images, text, and
audio they include in their video. They have freedom to research and explore new topics related to their
video. This assignment reaches a level 5 because students publish their products and share them with others
who can learn from their videos beyond the classroom on the class blog.


Importance of technology:
Using the video authoring tools is essential to this assignment, as it provides a medium for students to
create original, content-based products that demonstrate their understanding of this topics. Video authoring
tools help students to incorporate multimedia components unlike other software. By creating a video on the
solar system, students can utilize images, audio, text, and video in one unified product.
Inspiration (optional): If you used existing multimedia projects as a model for your project (whether in part or whole),
include the URL(s) so we can visit. Explain what concepts you borrowed from others.
I used a sample of the following solar system video within my video as an introduction. Students would
have the opportunity to view the video in its entirety during the space unit.
The video below also provided content on the solar system. This could be used later on in the unit as well.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy:
To minimize the risks of posting student work on the internet, I will take the necessary precautions in
uploading students videos to the blog. The students videos will not contain any personal or identifying
information. Before posting their videos to the blog, students will remove their names from the video or use
nicknames that would not identify them. They will also not include information that would identify their
location or the location of the school. Students will not be required to access any internet content that uses
email or personal information, ensuring that this assignment follows internet safety and school safety
policies. Parents and administrators will be informed of the safety policies so they can feel confident that
their students information is safe.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:
Through this technology-integrated activity, students will be taking on the roles of creators and
collaborators. This provides valuable experience in working with others to create a product, and students
will have the opportunity to practice making democratic decision making. They can also explore other
artistic elements such as music and images to add to their videos. In presenting the videos, students will be
providing feedback for one another, which helps everyone in the class to grow. After receiving feedback,
students may revise their videos to develop the very best version before posting it to the classroom blog.
This reinforces the idea that creation is a process, and that we can all learn from one another as we work to
achieve new goals.

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