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Reciprocal Teaching Lesson Plan

Student: Jamera- 3G Tutor: Ms. Simon

Date: 03/03/17 Lesson: # 1

Iowa Core Standard: RI.IA.1 Employ the full range of research-based comprehension strategies, including making connections, determining importance, questioning, visualizing,
making inferences, summarizing, and monitoring for comprehension.

I can learning target (related to your goal for the reader and the Iowa Core): I can make and check predictions based on evidence from the text.

Text complexity: This text requires the reader to integrate information from text features (photographs and captions) to fully comprehend the text.

Assessment: Did the reader identify text-based evidence to support the prediction (right there in the text).

Lesson Description of Planned Activities Time Outcomes and Comments

(The reader and you)
Warm-up and Text and level: NA
reading for
fluency Talk about how shes doing and if she has any big plans for the weekend.

Text Text and level: The Solar System- Level 24 Jamena was excited to share what she
introduction and already knows about the Solar System. She
was able to list many of the planets.
This is our goal today: I can make and check predictions based on evidence
from the text.
Preview/text feature
walk The preview and text features went very
Prior knowledge: Readers get their brains ready for reading by thinking smooth. She already knew most of the text
about what they already know about the topic. The title of this book is The features so I ended up staying
Record predictions Solar System. Think about these two questions: What is the Solar System? characteristics of each text feature and
Why is it important to learn about the Solar System? [Record responses.] she would say what text feature I was
describing. I asked her to show me
Remind to think examples of text features throughout the
about questions to Preview: We are going to preview the text by looking at the title, a quick book as well.
ask and to look for glance through the book and index. We do this before reading to help us make
a word(s) to clarify a prediction. Open the book and look through the pages. I notice [mention
during readin
some titles]. What do you notice? I also notice the title on the facing page.

Turn to the back of the book and find the index [p. 32]. The author
uses an index to tell readers where to find specific information in
the text. Looking at the index I notice a variety of planets listed
[mention Saturn]. What do you notice?

To help her with predicting, questioning,

Predict: Its time to make a prediction. A prediction is a smart guess about
clarifying, and summarizing, I used
what the text is about. We make a prediction by thinking about what we
already know about the topic and the information we read in in the preview.
characters. Sometimes when Jamena
We do this before reading to help us think more about the text and to search would tell me her prediction or her
for information. summary, I would then pretend that the
character for that section didnt hear her
or were confused so she would have to
repeat herself to the characters as well.
I am ready to make a prediction. I think I will learn about all the
difference planets and the characteristic that they have because
when I look through the book, the headings tell me characteristics
about each planet.. I also remember from the index that I will find
information about not only the planets such as Mars and Saturn but
I will learn about the moon and sun too . [Record the prediction].

Now its your turn to make a prediction using evidence from the
text and what you know. We will use the language frame: I think I
will learn . . . because . . . [For support if needed: What the sun is
a special star]. [Record the prediction.]

Set a purpose for reading: We are going to set a purpose or a reason for
reading. To do that we think about the preview, our predictions, and what we
are wondering about. This will help us to focus our reading brains as we read
and search for information.

Lets read to find out [base the purpose on the readers prediction].

We are going to read the first chapter on page 2: A Special Star. I can tell from
the title that we will be reading about about a star that isnt like any other star.
What do you notice at the bottom of the page? Yes, I also notice the
photograph and caption [read caption] at the bottom of the page. The author
uses these text features to give us more information.

(A) Lets read the first paragraph. Remember your purpose for reading based on
your prediction. We are searching for that information.
(B) Lets read the second paragraph. Remember your purpose for reading based
on your prediction. We are searching for that information.
After reading She went back to the word Dazzle to clarify
discussion the meaning after the reading again with
Clarify: Readers pay attention to words that are hard to read or ideas they
Charlie the Clarifier.
dont understand. When we read we ask: Which word or idea was hard for
me? We can do this after reading to help us better understand the text. Watch
Strategy use me as I clarify the meaning of a word.

Talking to the Text: (A) I read the words it dazzles us. I need to She was able to make a definition/
Verify predictions clarify what that means. I know that us refers to multiple people.. example based off personal experiences.
But I am not sure what dazzles means. I will read around the word
to see if that helps me. The text says this star is so bright it dazzles
us before the word. I think that helps me. Dazzles might mean
Reader talks about
something like blinds or to bright. So the star is so bright it can
how he/she clarified
a word (or an idea) blind you for a moment.

Now I want you to find one word to clarify. [Provide support.]

Write a question

Question: We ask questions about the text. We ask questions that use the
Reflect on the
words what, when, where, why, who, and how. We can do this after the
helpfulness of the
reading because it helps us to understand the text better.
strategies Quinten the questioner was asking her
where the special star was, why the special
star is important, and who the special star
Watch me I as ask a question.

Talking to the Text: (A) I am going to use the title and turn it into a
why question: Why is the star special? ? I think one reason is
because the star is our sun which gives us light. The answer is right
here in the text.

Lets find another answer to the question, Why is the star special?
[Provide support to the reader: gives us heat. Also right there in the
Teaching Decoding development: Key ideas and details:

Vocabulary development: Craft and structure:

Text categories
and questions

Fluency development: Integration of knowledge and ideas:

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