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DIRECTIONS: Explain each area in 35 to 50 words.

Name: DKyra Andrews Graham

Title of Project: School To Prison Pipeline: Panel Discussion

Title of Research Paper: School To Prison Pipeline

Synopsis of Research Paper: My research paper focused on what is the pipeline, who and what affects the
pipeline, states that are affected the most from the pipeline, and how the pipeline could be eliminated. My
two factor groups that I focused on the most in my paper were students of color and students with
disabilities. The media, parents status, zero tolerance, poverty, etc are all factors that affect students in the
pipeline. Virginia, North Carolina, and Maryland and the three states I focused on the most. Virginia leads
the pipeline being the number one state to lead students out of the classroom and towards the criminal
justice system. I focused on North Carolina because it had numerous implementations that they enacted to
eliminate the pipeline. Lastly, Maryland because it focused on two titles that they enacted which was
School Discipline and Academic Success and the second was Safe School. Lastly I ended my paper on
talking about students education have been srtipped from their minds becuse of system that is structured
to operate against them than for them.

Project Description:

My project is a discussion panel on my topic. It includes 6 panelist who represent the school board, the
courts, and law enforcement. A variety of topics will be asked that all relate to the pipeline. I will be the
moderator and ask an average of 10- 15 questions.After the panel, the audience will then have the
opportunity to ask the panelist questions.

Relationship between Project and Paper:

My paper and project relate because my project will cover the things I talked about in my paper. The two
correlate from the people I'm trying to reach to how special education is an factor.
My background experience in the area:
talking in front of people
organizing events

Special things Id like judges to consider and look for:

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