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Observer: eae Date: _{1 halve subject UtwWhery _ School flbvertnre Teacher Candidate Ean Valsb inemerip L“ Lesson Sal: itil, GaN Whole iss) Fin) Spb -Student Focus Chon Gan "20 minutes suggested observation time cles Domains ond ndicators Took Tor Ging Observation cheek box Findkator occured) | 1) students take on active role in creating and maintaining classroom norms and protocols. 11 Students know how to use/access resources (materials & one another) and know where to get materiale, whether provided by the teacher or within the larger learning space. G12 students have internalized and follow classroom/activty norms and expectations, and prompt and remind one another when necessary. 2-23 students appear to be self-directed, and engage productively in the learning task without waiting for continual teacher direction. 12) Students generate and/or participate in the process of how to meet learning goals and assignments. [4 2.1 Students have appropriate options in how to meet learning goals oF Fil learning tasks 6 multiple ways 0 represent, salve, and/or respond to a problem or question, and/or appropriate choices within the context of the lesson. 2.2 Students ask one another questions regarding learning activites to clarify expectations or assignment procedures 2.3 students can monitor their individual and collective progress toward learning objective(s). 3) Students portiipate in learning and support each other in building understanding or knowledge. 3.1 students volunteer relevant background knowledge and/or experiences. 3.2 students seck out opportunities to extend their understanding of the content (eg, asking questions beyond those posed by teacher, bringin outside materials or references to academic topic) 2.23 Students use ther first language and/or vernacular woys of speaking to support thelr peers academically, to clarify their thinking, ond to build bridges to academic ways of talking. 4a 3.8 studonts are productively actively, and appropriately engaged in learning activities most of he time (not just behavior compliance, but active engagementin learing) YA.3.5 ingenora, students hve opportunities to collaborate with peers and are actively engaged in academic talk. ©2011, CU Boulder & CU Denver (Whitcomb & Gutierrez). This version of the QUC (QUC 2.0) builds upon the 2008 observation too! oe loped by the Denver Puble: Schools Preparation Partnership Team Consortium (Seidel, Whitcomb, Pidick, et al) DRAFT of QUC So ponding field validation. DO NOT distribute without author permission. opsener: Leni ome: fT Subject hay senoot Nkatmtrre Teacher Candidate Er Intemship:__> 7 3 Lesson Scale: (Individual, Gall group Whole Class) Quality Urban Classrooms 2.0: Observation Protocol—Teacher Focus 20 minutes suggested observation time Domains and indicators t look Yor during obsewation Check box indeator oured) 1) Focuses on clear and chllengingleersng goals. 1 1.1 Sets and conveys clear content and skill objectives. 1.2 sets and conveys clear language objectives, 5 13 Leaming objectives include higher order thinking language eg apply knowledge, engoge in dlogue, make preccion, synthesize, evaluate, and anole) B14 Refers to “big ideas” and key leering, and emphasizes/reminds stunts ofthese throughout the lesson/unt 2X1 15 Selects appropriate learning materials and tasks for learning objectives, L 2) Engages students in content and learning activities in a responsive way. BW 2.1 Makes lesson’s content relevant/useful to the lives of their students WL2.2 Shows regard for student experiences and integrates multiple perspectives/ienses to encourage students to think critically (optional ways to solve/think, divergent thinking, look at it froma different viewpoint) “BH 2.3 Engages in feedback loops (more than one back-and-forth interaction with substance) that include higher order thinking questions to probe and gain knowledge of students’ understanding, 3 2.4 Fosters and pushes students to engage in metacognition (e.g, thinking aloud, discussing thought processes). Hi 2.5 Responsive to student questions/concerns, and takes advantage of "teachable moments” to clarify students’ understandings of learning goals of lesson/unit. 3) Supports students in their acodemic progress. “fi 3.1 Paces instruction based on student learning needs. 3.2 Scaffold information/tasks to meet students needs, so all students can access information and meet goal (e projects/tasks down, differentiates) 5 3.3 Builds varied and engaging opportunities for meaningful application of content (e.., projects, thematic instructor, connections to community and/or culture outside of school), YE 3.4 Permits/supports meaningful peer interactions and conversations with regard to academic content {0.3.5 Facilitates development of increased student responsibility fr learning (eg, goal setting, note taking, peer and self assessment with rubrics) » breaks 4) Strategies are present for supporting culturally and linguistically diverse learners. 1 4.1 Links vernacular to academic language/scpline-area terms. “Bh 4.2 Makes strategic use of students fst language or ora traditions Hi 43 Integrates instructional strategies to support lapguage development English language learners as well as transitions from vernacular to academic language). Wd ; Dany ee ae wit rrchadecivg” ehop! dfiiang wisp Be : sot Kew sty dee rao coms w Yon ite | (tle i ru bn ahrg prabnchar Wher neded, Subject Ueenoy — school Mdvtn tyne Teacher Canidae Eve otemship:_ <> Lesson Scale: (Individual irban Classrooms 2.0: Observation Proto>0l—Classroom Learning Community Focus 5 minutes suggested observation time i group) Whole Class) Quality [Domains end niotorsto itis of the classroom support arasemie earns. ingand looguate objecives visibly splayed incom, including nolingltc representation. | 12 student work respect lly epiayed B15 srcsourcosih environment hasbeen crested thot surports tugen earring (word wall charts and pictures of Say canton enn, Sook corer, paper or oter mater needed fo learing ast, ar satepcaly uses the space tobe conde tolearing (eg, desk arrangements for diferent groupings, rials and resources in classroom). vind the asroom, atends to mos students (may include students with unique leaning needs) ly and th 115 Teacher moves 3) socioemotional climate of the classroom supports student engagement and belonging. BE 24 Teacher student and stuentstudent interactions seem cohesive supportive, safe, and often characterized by humor and warmth © 22 tehor communicates a belief that students can sucezed both academically and personally, and upon students ; 223 nopang students culture and use of native language, teacher I senstve responsive, and accepting Fee reer cmonstate and promotes caring interactions, eg, personal knowledge of student (oames, fae, ssoming coeds) greeting students, fostering a climate where students know one another. YO 28 shore an absence or intolerance of bullying and teasing facher won't give 1) Classroom management reflects @ commitment to fairness justice, and promotes a low-conflct environment. ‘SL 3.1 Teacher has established positive relationships, effective routines, and norms of conduct that foster a positive learning community. 3.2 Tesch ie respectfully assertive and attends to behavior Isues promptly and appropriately. | 355 inthe presence of eisruptive behavior, there is evidence of an established progressive discipline plan that consistently tod rexpectfully reinforces expectations and/or consequences. Jp 24 conf teacher student and student student) is mediated respetuly it resoitlon maintaining everyone's cignity. 52.5 Absence of teacher-student power struggles or harmful confrontations with or in front of students, |B 3.6 Teacher shows no bias, favoritism, er preferential treatment [Observer Notes: vewny OoGhve canmends, He techhnts Po gyiw in kas dvcapine Stracdigy bor and bechre Conkine He woo pager hye Pen chur yoru +o gorwste a bow Con Mire anvivoninert sulder & CU Derver (con & Gulez. This veran of the QUC (QUE 2.) bul pan te 2008 cheatin a aed ‘the Denver Public Schools Preparation Partnership Team Consortium (Seidel, Whitcomb, Pidick, et al) DRAFT of QUC ‘gata validation, DO NOT distribute without author permission. develope 2.0 pending

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