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Fall Reflection

Within the Discipline

Although I have not taken many education courses within my field of study, I
have taken a few classes that have helped me become a good first year Residential
Leader. In my Introduction to Education class we had to read a book by Torey Hayden,
each group had a different book that dealt with a whole new situation that Torey had
faced in her day of teaching. My book was Murphys Boy. In the book, she showed
multiple teaching styles and it made me realize that each kid is different and different
learning styles help them in multiple ways. This has helped me in my role as an RL by
teaching me that my residents will respond to things differently to one another. It has
helped me understand that with building a strong relationship with them will have
benefitting outcomes because you get to learn more about them on a personal level. In my
Child Psychology class I learned how students think and act in a classroom setting. While
my residents are not children I still learned facts that have helped me as an RL. This
course taught me how to handle certain situations if they were to arise in a classroom and
I was able to use some of those within my hall. These courses overall have had numerous
ideas that I have been able to incorporate into my own hall to help my residents succeed
as an individual.

Outside the Discipline

Several of my core curriculum classes have helped me in my RL role as well.
When I took Honors Speech Communications I learned how to speak in front of groups.
This was very beneficial because I used to be nervous when presenting information in
front of people I didnt really know, but after taking this class it eased my nerves. As an
RL, I have to constantly be communicating with my residents, my staff, and even other
students. In Psychology, I learned about human needs and problem solving techniques.
As an RL you run into many problems; it can be conflicts, residents not attending
meetings, or lack of opening up. My psychology course helped me with trial and error
techniques to use with my residents. Both of these classes have made me more confident
with myself to handle situations that arise while being an RL.

Beyond Academics
Learning can happen anywhere you are, not just in a classroom. In high school I
was involved in UIL One Act Play, which helped me learn dedication and hard working
skills. You have to be completely dedicated when performing plays; you have to
completely embody the character you are playing. Being a RL, I have realized you have
to be just as dedicated to your residents. You have to invest in each and every one of
them. You also have to be hard working, if you slack off your residents will notice; you
have to always be on the top of your game. Being in OAP, I also learned valuable time
management skills. We would practice everyday after school and on the weekends. I
would have to balance my schoolwork and my theatre work. This has helped my balance
my workload my fall semester with all my homework, staff meetings, hanging out with
residents, and having my own social life.
Everything in the world in connected in one way or another. Serving as a
Residential Leader has shown me that this statement is true. All my classes I have taken
this fall semester here at Tarleton have an impact on who I am and how I act for my
residents. My classes have taught me how people act in certain environments and this has
helped in my role of an RL. Serving as a leader on campus has helped me utilize different
skills from within my specific area of study, my general education at Tarleton, and with
my residents. Much of what I learned in my education classes is what I myself will have
to teach at some point to fellow students. This being said, everything works together to
achieve a greater goal.

Global Awareness
This position and experience has allowed me to see how unique and alike a
diverse population is. Throughout my hall, I have found that not one person is the same
as another. Everyone comes from different backgrounds, towns, and brought up
differently. This being said, we always come together as a family, no matter our
differences. Our differences have brought us together because we have been able to learn
about each other and make new friends that we wouldnt have even imagined.

Broader Implications
Being a Residential Leader has provided me an experience I will never get
anywhere else. It has helped me grow as an individual and also helped me grow in my
education process. I will be able to take what I have learned from this role into account at
a future job.

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