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1. Summarize the novel in 15 sentences considering the plot.


Once there was a man who have lived lonely all his life, decided to give up his career on
painting and chose to be a pilot, but accidentally crashed his plane in the middle of the Sahara
Desert on one of his flight. Exhausted in repairing his plane he fell asleep, then a little voice woke
him up from his sleep, this is the Little Prince asking him to draw a sheep. The pilot found out
that the Little Prince came from the asteroid B612 where he left 2 active volcanoes that he used
to warm his breakfast, 1 extinct volcano which he used as a foot stool, and a rose whom he loved
The Little Prince took advantage of the migration of a flock of wild birds in his journey to
Earth, where he passed by several towns of inhabited asteroid. The first asteroid named as
asteroid B 325, was inhabited by a King who asked the Little Prince to be his Minister of Justice to
judge a noisy and annoying rat.
Asteroid B 326, inhabited by a conceited man, who always thinks he is the best person in
the universe, even if he is the only occupant of the asteroid. Next is Asteroid B 327, inhabited by
a tippler/drunkard and bottles of wine, he drinks to forget that he is ashamed of drinking.
Asteroid B 328, inhabited by a business man, who count and recount stars, writes them on paper
and puts it on the bank. And Asteroid B 329, inhabited by a lamplighter, his job is to light his
lamp at sunset but since the rotation of his planet is too fast, he puts out the light and light it
again immediately, he told the Little Prince that orders are orders. Asteroid B 330 is inhabited
by a geographer, who writes all of the geography information that the explorers tell him on a big
book but he doesnt know if his planet have rivers and mountains because he believes that the
geographer is far too important to waste his time browsing around.
He arrived to Earth, at Africa and met a snake who told him that he could take him
anywhere he desires. Then, he passed through a garden of roses, he became sad because he
thought he only has the single rose in the universe. He also saw a fox in the way which told him
to tame someone or something to know him more deep inside.
Then the Little Prince came back to the pilot and they found a well to satisfy their thirst,
then, the pilot came back to work on fixing his plane, the pilot then found the Little Prince on a
wall talking to a snake. One night the Little Prince, went to their meeting place and let himself
bitten by the poisonous snake so that he could be with his Rose.
2. Who is your favorite character? How did he/she help develop the story? What did you learn
from him or her?

My favorite character in the story is also the main character in the story, the Little Prince. The
story progressed with him asks so many questions and in the process letting us know more about
the person whom he is talking. Also, during his journey to earth, he showed that he is an
adventurous boy that let us know the other characters in the novel. The third thing is that when
you read the story, you learn different lessons that can help you as you grow old. Another lesson
that he teaches us is that everyone has his own responsibility of things that I learned from him
are to not forget the ones whom you once knew on your life. Another thing is that you need to
take full responsibility and accountability for the things youve done and your decisions. Next I
learned from him is care for the things you own, because they cannot be replaced. I also learned
that what you see with your heart is more essential than the things you see with your mind. This
is when the Little Prince said to the pilot . Another thing is that we all need to let go of
someone or something we love. But, the most important thing I learned is that you will always
need companionship or friendship. This is when the fox wants companionship with the Little

3. What did you realize after reading the novel?

After reading the novel, I realized that you should not stop being creative and full of
imagination, this have caused the pilots dream of being an artist because when the pilot was
just a child, he drew a boa-constrictor digesting an elephant and the grown-ups think it was just a
hat. This means that the adult or grown-ups interpretations are dull and lifeless, they dont know
how to look beyond the surface, behind the lines and figures. Another is to lesson is to judge
yourself first before you judge others, just like the king who taught him that judging yourself is
far more difficult, and at times far more important, than judging others. And it is only through
examining ourselves that we can grow as individuals and it will also prevent us from judging
others too easily or quickly. Next is to never forget to enjoy your life, like the lamplighter whose
duty is to turn on and of the lamp on his place but because his planet revolves quickly, he have
never stopped, he had no rest and therefore no time to enjoy life. Another thing I learned is that
sometimes you have to let those you love fly free, like when the pilot let go of the Little Prince to
have himself bitten by a snake, the Little Prince was his friend and important to him but he had
to respect his decision. Sometimes you have to let people go, because to keep them would be to
trap them, but letting them go can be the demonstration of your love for that person.
4. Which LPU-Laguna Core value/s is/are evident in the novel?

The LPU-Laguna Core Values evident in the story are Integrity, being Innovative, Service
Orientation and Leadership. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral
principles, proof of this is the Little Princes loyalty and honesty with his feelings for his flower.
The second is innovative which means being original and creative. The best example of this is
when the little prince uses his two active volcanoes for heating his breakfast, and his inactive
volcano as a foot stool, also when the pilot was just a child, and he drew a boa-constrictor that
swallowed an elephant which grown-ups sees only as a hat. The third is service orientation which
means you are oriented on the service you are living to others. An example of this is the business
man who doesnt stop counting and recounting the stars, the geographer who never stopped
getting information from every traveller that goes by his planet, the lamplighter who is not
stopping to turn on and off the lamp that is on his planet. And the last core value is leadership
which means the action of leading a group of people or an organization. This core value is
evident when the king said to the Little Prince, by way of example, if I ordered a general to
change himself into a sea bird, and if the general did not obey me that would not be the fault of
the general. It would be my fault. and when the king only asks what is reasonable and if
conditions are favourable. These principles of the king symbolizes good leadership.

5. Which condition/s in the novel is/are still true today?

I found five conditions in the novel that are still true today, the first one is the condition
when a pilot crashes in the middle of nowhere, or luckily on an inhabited place. In the novel it is
when the pilot crashed in the middle of nowhere in the Sahara dessert. The second condition is
the lamplighters, geographers, kings, conceited men, businessmen and drunkards in the world.
This is true on the novel when the Little Prince met this kind of people in his journey to earth. The
third condition is the taming of animals to be your pet. This is true on the novel when the Little
Prince tamed the fox and become his pet. The fourth condition is when you miss something
important. Like the Little Prince when he missed his rose after he get away using the migration of
birds. The fifth condition is when someone needs each other. Like when the Little Prince and his
rose need each other, another one is when after the Little Prince tamed the fox they needed
each other, and the last example is when the pilot knew the Little Prince more, he felt like he
needed him. Lastly, the condition where someone likes to think about something and what could
he do is go away for a moment. An example of this is when the Little Prince wants to think about
his feeling for his rose, he get away by taking advantage of the migration of the flock of birds.
There are many conditions in the novel that are still true today. I can compare the journey
of the little prince to the stages of life that we can experience in exploring for what we really love
to do with our lives. Being young, we have so many plans and dreams that we want to achieve
when we grow up. But along the way, we may encounter obstacles that can challenge us, as we
try to reach our goals. Surely, in our way up there, we will meet the one that can be our
inspiration, the one that we really love to spend our life with. But since we are young, we have to
set our priorities and explore even more. Like the Little Prince, he went out of his planet and
leave the one he love to know what he really wants for his life. Through our journey to our
dreams, we will meet various types of people. The ones that can influence us to give up when we
feel that we cant make it and the ones who will help and guide us to grow as a better person.
Whatever we will encounter, good or bad, everything will be considered as experience, for we
learned things that are necessary to help us grow and continue our journey. Once we achieved
that dream that we love, that dream is our brand new responsibility. And the fruits of our journey
and all the experiences achieving the goals, are best shared with everyone we love.

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