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Evan Volski

University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO
Master of Arts, Special Education, Expected May 2017
3.90 GPA
University of Maryland College Park, MD
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, May 2012
Civicus Living and Learning Program 2010
3.14 GPA
Free University of Berlin Berlin, Germany
Fall 2010
Student Teaching, Adventure Elementary, Denver CO 80221 March 2016-December 2016
Designed and delivered whole group instruction for a special education classroom serving students with various
disabilities and levels of support need.
Implemented behavior management strategies to ensure effective instruction which supported a wide variety of
behavior needs.
Administered formal and informal assessment procedures to gain a nuanced understanding of students current levels
of performance and developed IEPs and instruction to meet student needs.
Collaborated with families and school professionals to provide relevant and engaging instruction to diverse learners.
Paraprofessional, Spectra School, Westminster CO 80234 August 2014-August 2015
Instructed children ages 5-17 based on goals set forth in their Individualized Education Plan in a one-on-one setting.
Utilized educational resources to enrich educational experience for students.
Collaborated with teachers and clinical staff during weekly meetings to monitor student progress and needs.
Therapeutic Instructor, Spectra Autism Center, Westminster CO 80234 January 2014-August 2015
Worked one-on-one with school age children with a focus on social skills and adaptive daily living skills.
Collaborated with clinicians and parents to address ongoing and arising issues affecting the child.
Collected data to monitor childs progress between sessions.
Research Assistant, Center for Addictions, Personality and Emotion Research, University of Maryland
January 2010-June 2012
Aided researchers on a National Institute on Drug Abuse funded study that focuses on risk taking behaviors in
adolescents by scheduling, consenting and running participants.
Collected, entered and verified data provided by participants.
Researched and contacted potential recruitment sites for study.
Developed protocol and training manuals for new research assistants.
Responsible for making scheduling and reminder calls for participants to keep them informed and involved with study.
Analyzed and discussed most recent advancements in clinical psychology and their relevance to current study.
Clinician, Childrens Developmental Clinic, University of Maryland August 2009-December 2009
Received training on how to work with developmentally disabled children and how to assess their skills.
Worked one-on-one with 10-year old with autism to improve his motor skills.
Assessed childs needs and developed and implemented plan of action to facilitate the improvement of his skills.

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