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Stage 1
Unit title - travel planner
Key concept - culture

Related concept - collaboration

Global concept - dimensions of time and space

SOI - culture identity is created as a result of events time, place,

space and is passed on to others through meaningful


Inquiry questions
Factual question -
1) define tourism and state its components ?
ans) tourism has 4 meanings. They are -
the practice of traveling for recreation
the guidance or management of tourists
the promotion or encouragement of touring
the accommodation of tourists
Tourism components are
tour operators
loading luggage
information and guiding
travel agents

2) Explain the nature and significance of tourism?

ans)There are several types of tourisms these days like like nature
tourism, mass tourism, niche tourism, educational tourism and other
cultural and social tourisms.
Tourism is an important, even vital, source of income for many regions and
countries. Its importance was recognized in the Manila Declaration on
World Tourism of 1980 as "an activity essential to the life of nations
because of its direct effects on the social, cultural, educational, and
economic sectors of national societies and on their international
relations.Tourism brings in large amounts of income into a local economy in
the form of payment for goods and services needed by tourists, accounting
for 30% of the world's trade of services, and 6% of overall exports of goods
and services.It also creates opportunities for employment in the service
sector of the economy associated with tourism.

The service industries which benefit from tourism include transportation

services, such as airlines, cruise ships, and taxicabs; hospitality services,
such as accommodations, including hotels and resorts; and entertainment
venues, such as amusement parks, casinos, shopping malls, music
venues, and theatres. This is in addition to goods bought by tourists,
including souvenirs, clothing and other supplies.
3) Advantages and disadvantages of tourism?
ans) the disadvantages of tourism are
The commercialization of culture can undermine
the soul of a tourist destination. Local traditions that have
a rich cultural heritage are reduced to wearing costumes
and putting on acts for the tourists in return for money.
Tourism can often cause environmental damage
with things like pollution and forest fires. Even if tourists
behave responsibly, the sheer number of the them can
cause problems. Things like ancient buildings,
monuments, and temples often struggle to cope with the
vast amounts of tourist traffic and they suffer wear and
tear or damage.
Tourists can often lack respect for local traditions
and culture, not following local dress standards, getting
drunk in public, or behaving rudely or inappropriately
towards locals.
Although often jobs are created by tourism, most
are relatively low level, such as bar work, hotel service,
restaurant serving, and so forth. They also have little
prospect for promotion.
Money can end up being directed to tourist areas
when it could be used more effectively elsewhere in a
country. The locals who dont live in specific tourist areas
miss out and suffer relative decline.

Whereas, the advantages of tourism are

It raises the profile of the place generally. Tourism
gives the locality a chance to show itself off and raise its
profile in the world.
it brings in money. This is probably the main
advantage of tourism and the reason why it has been
promoted so much in recent years in developing countries
especially. Whether in developing or developed countries,
the income generated can make up a significant
proportion of the national income.
It provides jobs for the locals. Hotels, bars,
transport, shops, and restaurants all need staffing.
Tourism can provide much-needed employment for
It can provide an incentive for investment in
infrastructure such as roads and rail networks, as well as
funding local medical and education facilities.
It can provide economic incentives for a place to
preserve, regenerate, and provide upkeep in their urban
and wildlife areas.
Visitors promote international links, which can
provide more business and cultural connections in the
medium to long term.

What are the causes for the growth of tourism in recent


ANS) A variety of important factors contributed to the

development of tourism during the nineteenth and early part of
the twentieth century. These are as follows:
(1) A rise in industrial output associated with the Industrial
Revolution that in tu
rn led to an increase in the standard of living.
(2) Improvements in transport technology, which led to cheaper
and more accessible travel. Railways and ocean liners appeared in
the nineteenth century and cars and aircraft in the first half of the
twentieth century.
(3) The introduction of annual holidays towards the end of the
nineteenth century.
(4) Changing perceptions of the environment. Locations that were
once viewed as hostile, were now seen as attractive.
(5) An increasing desire to travel. This was related partly to
improvements in education and also to greater overseas travel,
which was mainly the result of war. This created interest in foreign
locations and also overseas business travel.
4) How to improve tourism in maldives?
ans) we can increase tourism in maldives by
Creating a personal connection with other countries
Festival tourism
Beauty our city
Sports tourism
Making websites related to tourism
Are few ways to increase tourism.

Conceptual questions -
1) What improvements need to be carried out to
enhance your level of satisfaction with maldives as a
tourist destination?
Ans- As more regions and countries develop their tourism
industry, it produces significant impacts on natural resources,
consumption patterns, pollution and social systems. The need for
sustainable/responsible planning and management is imperative
for the industry to survive as a whole.

Debatable questions -
1) Does tourism benefit hosting economics?
Ans- Yes, it does
It seems obvious to me that tourism in general boosts the
economy of the hosting country. This is because tourists spend
their money buying items, food, visiting events/places etc. Of
course, there will be incidents where tourists cause more financial
harm and issues than positive but in general I believe that
tourism does boost the economy of the hosting country.

2) Does tourism bring its own traditions that may serve to

improve a city or area?
Ans- The main way that tourism helps a city or area is by bringing an
influx of economic growth to the area. Tourism is a huge industry and can
help our local economies by supplying goods and services that the tourists
need. However, tourism can also deteriorate cultural importance of an
area as well. Tourism's Traditions can improve a city or area. I do believe
that tourism's traditions can improve a city or an area if those traditions
can have a positive social and economic impact. If those traditions can
yield a net positive effect on how a certain culture or society conducts
business or treats other individuals, then yes. Traditions are the buildings
blocks of great societies and they strengthen the overall well being of

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