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Principles of Natural Selection

1. The individuals within a population differ from one another

2. The differences are, at least in part, passed from parents to offspring
3. Some individuals are more successful at surviving and reproducing than others
4. The successful individuals succeed because of the variant traits they have
inherited and will pass to their offspring

Press play
Press brown fur and add friends.

1. Hypothesize which bunnies would better survive in the arctic environment.

Bunnies with white fur would survive better in the arctic environment as they
camouflage to their surroundings, and are able to both easily hunt for food
and escape from predator, with their color assimilated with their
environment. Brown bunnies on the other hand would be easily spotted by
predators, and would also be easily spotted by their prey.

2. Choose the arctic environment. What happened? Why?

Bunnies with brown fur are still minorities, approximately around 80% of the
second generation were white, 75% on the second, and were constant
through the next generations.

3. Add wolves. What happened now? Why?

A large quantity of bunnies was eradicated, but the white was prevalent, and
had larger numbers than the brown ones. Eventually, the brown furred
bunnies went extinct by the 10th generation.

4. Reset. Press Arctic. Give the bunny white fur. Add friends. Give food. What
happened? Why?
Bunnies kept on growing, with constant numbers, with the white most
dominant, but eventually the bunnies took over the world.

5. Reset. Press Arctic. Click long teeth. Which one is depicted on the chart as a
larger population (long or short teeth)? Why do you think this happened?
Short teeth prevailed to be the most dominant than the mutation
counterpart. Reasons could include the non-usefulness of the long teeth for
survival while also being less efficient.

6. Click on long tails. Which one is depicted on the chart as a larger population
(long or short tail)? Why do you think this happened?
Short tails prevailed to be the most dominant than the mutation counterpart.
Reasons could include the increased vulnerability of the bunnies by having
their tails larger, or it is just useless in survival overall.

7. Repeat this experiment (steps 1-6) with the equator environment. Which
parameters allow for a better survival rate? Why?
Brown bunnies were the most prevalent. After 20 generations, these
variations became much diverse, with most of the white population only
becoming a minority of approximately 5% of the total bunny population.
Different environments call for evolutionary measures, in which survival of
the fittest is prioritized by organisms.

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