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NAME: :.



a. Clothes & Appearances. Fill in the blanks with a word from the box below. There
are more words than spaces
suits smart casual size - material goes - fashionable matches fit
1- I dont really mind what I wear, as long as its 1_______________ and made of good-
quality 2______________.
2- The dress code for the reception was 3________________, but he turned up wearing
orange jeans.
3- That shirt really 4_______________ you, although Im not sure whether it 5
______________ this purple and yellow tie.
4- This jacket is not only comfortable but it also 6____________ with your trousers.
5- I like wearing jeans because theyre 7_______________, and of course you can wear
them in so many situations.
6- This dress is too small, its not my 8________ . It doesnt 9 ________ me

b. Clothes. Complete the spaces with the name of different items of clothing.
1. When it snows people usually wear a 1 __________ round their necks and
2____________ in their hands.
2. To protect their clothes waitresses wear 3 ___________, factory workers wear 4
_____________ and school children wear 5____________.
3. A shirt has got a 6 __________, round the neck, long 7 ___________ and 8
____________ all down the front.
4. When it rains people usually wear a 9 _____________ or a plastic 10 _________ and,
of course, they always carry an 11 ____________
5. Some women in England wear 12 __________ on their heads. Young boys wear 13
__________ and cyclists wear 14 _________ for protection.
6. Its difficult for small children to learn how to tie up their 15 _____________.
7. Women wear 16 ___________, 17 __________ and 18 ___________. Men dont.
8. Im comfortably dressed when I go to bed. Every night I put on my long cotton
19_______________ and 20___________ in my feet. My kids prefer to wear
21_____________, a long stripped shirt and stripped trousers.

c. Fashion. Complete the spaces with one of the words from the box.
cheap genuine - luxury sale knock-offs fake -

Counterfeit consumer goods more commonly known as 1__________ _______ are

imitation goods that are offered for 2________ at much lower prices than the
3____________ products. These 4__________ designer goods, mere imitation goods,
damage the actual brands in more ways than one, reducing their sales and causing
them to be regarded less exclusively, no longer the 5_________ items they once were.
But the fashion industry is starting to fight back with high-tech solutions that will
distinguish the real goods from the 6__________ copies.

d. Phrasal verbs and phrasals with go. Complete the sentences with the correct
phrasal. Use them in the correct form.
1. I have to 1____________ _______ (reduce) the amount of money I spend on clothes
to 2_____________ _____ (keep money for a purpose) for a new I phone.
2. Every Saturday I 3 __________ ______ (go somewhere for entertainment) dancing. I
always 4___________ _______ (wear smarter clothes) for this occasion as I try to
5__________ _______ (understand sth. that is changing fast) with the latest fashions. I
feel more confident when I 6__________ ______ (be easy to see/notice) in a crowd.
3. A new shoe shop has just opened in the Shopping Centre. I 7____________
______(make an approach) there yesterday for the first time. I 8__________ ______
(put it on to see if it fits you) a trendy black leather pair of boots.
4. Prices have 9_____________ ________ (increase) a lot recently due to inflation.
5. Why are you looking at me like that? Whats 10___________ ______? (happen).

NAME: :.

e. Technology & Machines.

highlight - inventor - pull down menu switch - engine cut - factory - electric - paste order

1. Students copy and __________ to transfer text to another document.

2. If you want to open a document, you must click on the relevant ______________
3. Please hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse over the text you want to
4. The new Airbus a400m plane has a powerful _____________.
5. Do you have an _____________ cooker at home?
6. Wheres the ________________? I want to turn on the light, I cant see anything.
7. The escalator is out of ___________. Well have to go up the stairs.
8. My computer has crashed due to the power __________
9. A new plane ____________ has just been built in our city.
10. Steve Jobs was the _____________ IPod.

f. Phrasals. Fill in the spaces with the corresponding phrasal verb. Use them in the
correct form. Their meaning has been provided between parenthesis.
1. My car doesnt start. I think I has ___________ ______ (stop working).
2. Teenagers find it difficult to ___________ _____ (manage without) a mobile phone.
3. Im getting someone to ___________ ______ (repair) my new laptop. It doesnt work.
4. Does Direct TV __________ _____ (receive) the ESPN Service?
5. My mobile has __________ ____ (use up) of battery. I cant send a WhatsApp.

g. Travel & Holidays. Place the following words under the corresponding category.
backpacker bed & breakfast cliff trip sand - campsite coast voyage - holiday-
makers hostel - shore travel agent guesthouse climber room service tourist
beach journey landing -

Seaside Accommodation Movement People

h. Put these words and phrases into the following categories.

airline - express carriage - ferry- platform cruise - cabin- ticket inspector- flight- delayed -
sail- runway- voyage land - rails- harbor - quay yacht journey -
departure lounge buffet crew check-in gate -


i. Choose the most suitable word.

1. You should be able to pack all your clothes in one luggage / suitcase.
2. We found a nice accommodation / hotel near the main square.
3. I love touring / sightseeing holidays because you visit many famous buildings.
4. He is away on a business journey / trip.
5. I believe travel / trips makes you more independent and opens / broadens your
6. How long is your journey / trip to work every morning?
7. The Titanic sank on its first expedition / voyage.

NAME: :.

8. Your bags will be weighed and put on a seat /conveyor belt.

9. The cabin crew/security will take you to your seat.
10. I bought a single / return ticket, as Im going and coming back by plane.
11. Do you have anything to declare / surrender? said the Customs Officer.
12. I went on a package tour / expedition which included organized travel and
accommodation and a/an itinerary / tour , which gives you a list of all your
destinations /expeditions.
13. Going on a safari holiday is the holiday of a life / lifetime. I think its exciting!

j. Match the type of holiday with its corresponding reason.

1. beach a. to explore distant parts of the world as a backpacker

2. sightseeing b. to learn about new cultures and see lots of different places

3. adventure have fun, sleep in a tent and be in contact with nature

4. camping d. to learn an new skill, do sport and get fit

5. skiing e. to rest and relax, meet people and make friends

k. Complete each phrasal verb to do with travel using the words in the box.

back in away off up

1. I m going to the airport to see my Parents 1__________. They are leaving for Europe
and are getting 2_________ on the 13th July.

2. The first thing you should do when you arrive at the airport is to check 3________ at the
desk with your tickets and passports. Then you can go to the departure lounge.

3. The plane started to speed 4_______ along the runway before it took 5______.

4. The best thing about having a holiday is getting 6 _______ from routine.

k. Nature. Match to make phrases. There is on letter you dont need to use.
1. endangered a. system
2. rural b. extinct
3. fossil c. species
4. nature d. warming
5. sewerage e. areas
6. becoming f. fuels
7. global g.reserve

l. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase connected with NATURE.
1. Something that is ____________, such as a product, is not harmful to the environment.
2. ____________ is an unpleasant mixture of smoke and fog hanging over a city.
3. The ___________ _________ is caused by the suns heat being trapped by gases in
the Earths atmosphere.
4. Something that is ___________ is related to the city, rather than the countryside.

m. Make adjectives from the following nouns.

1. globe _____________________________
2. harm _____________________________
3. industry ____________________________
4. poison ____________________________
5. success ___________________________
6. value _____________________________

NAME: :.

7. world _____________________________

n. The Natural World. Circle the most suitable word.

1. There is an old tap / fountain in the middle of the square.
2. The river burst its edges / banks and flooded the fields.
3. After the rain the streets were full of floods / puddles.
4. A small stream / torrent of water flows at the bottom of the mountain cottage.
5. You can have a wonderful view of the village from the top / summit of the hill.
6. The road goes through a beautiful pine jungle / forest.
7. Many goods used to be carried on canals / channels before the railways were
8. What kind of race / breed is that dog that is moving / wagging its tail?
9. You cant get on the horse yet. It hasnt been tamed / dominated.
10. Schools are teaching their pupils about the need to live in sustainable / wasteful
buildings which cause no damage to the environment.
11. Argentina has a border / side with Paraguay.
12. Our country has a crowd / population of around 42 million people.
13. Many ships sail from the quay / port of Buenos Aires on the East coast / bay of
14. Label the parts of the tree:

o. The Environment. Fill in the spaces with a word from the box below.
rain pesticides waste emissions acid landfill fumes flooding
global warming air wildlife hotter -

1. Most households produce large amounts of 1______________ which is taken to

2___________ sites.
2. 3__________ ___________ means that the weather is becoming 4__________ and drier.
3. Heavy 5__________ and rising levels in rivers have caused serious 6 ____________.
4. Heavy traffic and exhaust 7____________ pollute the 8___________ in most cities.
5. The 9______________ used on crops in the countryside are dangerous to birds and 10
6. The 11________________ produced by factories create 12 ___________ rain which
destroys crops.

NAME: :.


a. Verb Tenses. Present Simple or Continuous. Tick the correct sentence from
each pair.
1. a. My brother lives with us until he can find a flat of his own.
b. My brother is living with us until he can find a flat of his own.
2. a. Megan goes to Hong Kong every January.
b. Megans going to Hong Kong every January.
3. a. I dont have enough money for a long holiday this year.
b. Im not having enough money for a long holiday this year.
4. a. Everyone needs a break from work sometimes.
b. Everyone is needing a break from work sometimes.
5. a. What period of history do you study this term?
b. What period of history are you studying this term?

b. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Present Simple or Continuous?
Dear Stephanie,

How are you? Were fine. Our trip round the States 1___is going___(go) well and we
2________________ (enjoy) ourselves very much. One good surprise is that things
3________________ (cost) less here than back home. For example, this weekend we
4________________ (stay) in a motel beside a lake. We 5_____________ (have) a room with
a beautiful view for only $35 per night.
The only thing we 6______________ (not like) much is the food. Restaurants 7____________
(serve) dinner rather early. We 8 ______________ (never eat) at 6 oclock at home so we
9_____________ (not feel) hungry then and Americans 10 __________ (have) very big meals.
Apart from that, we 11_____________ (have) a wonderful time. We 12______________ (visit)
lots of interesting little towns and we 13 _____________ (love) the scenery.
People here 14 _____________ (behave) in a very friendly manner towards strangers, all the
shop assistants 15_____________(smile) at us, and everyone 16____________ (say) Have a
nice day!
Its a really great place! We 17_______________ (take) lot of photos to show you.

Much love,
Mick and Mary

c. Complete this email with comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives given
and any other words eg: more, the, as, so , than that are needed.
Hi Lily!

Well, weve moved at last! When we got here, the house seemed 1___larger___ (large) than
we remembered, because it was empty, but now its got our furniture in it, it doesnt feel
2________________ (spacious) as before. Weve got to do some decorating, and that will be
3________________________ (expensive) we expected because the walls are in a
4__________________ (bad) condition than we thought. But well manage somehow, as soon
as well have 5____________ (smart) house in the town. And if your Uncle Bob has his way,
well have 6_______________ (lovely) garden as well. We think moving here is 7_________
(good) thing weve done for years. We cant imagine now why we didnt do it when we were
8_____________ (young).
Come and see us soon. Catch the train if you can because its almost as 9________________
(cheap) the bus, and the railway station is 10 _____________(near) our end of town.

Love from us both,

Auntie Rose
d. Adjectives Comparative & Superlative forms. Fill in the spaces with a suitable

NAME: :.

1. The weather is getting ___________ and __________(warm) due to global warming.

2. Did you like the brown shoes? Yes, but they were by far _____________________
(expensive) shoes in the shop.
3. Thank you for the information. No problem. If you want any _______________ (far)
information, just ask.
4. ________ __________(early) we set off, _____ _______________ (early) well arrive.
5. Due to inflation our standard of living in Argentina is a ________________________
(a lot /bad) in our neighbouring countries. Things here are
_________________________ (much/expensive) in Brazil or Chile.

e. Adjectives & Adverbs. Put the Adjectives in order.

1. a(n) rectangular / brass / lovely / picture frame.
2. two white / porcelain / pretty / statues.
________________________________ _______________________________
3. a pair of / wire / old / reading / glasses.
____________________________ ___________________________________
4. some English / old / valuable / books.

f. Underline the correct one

It was Lucys birthday and she was very 1 sad / sadly. She had
been waiting 2 hopeful / hopefully all morning for the postman to
arrive.3 Sudden / Suddenly, the letter box rattled 4 gentle / gently
and an envelope fell 5 soft / softly onto the doormat. Picking it up,
Lucy noticed 6 miserable / miserably that it was a bill. There were
no cards, no presents and no 7 pretty / prettily bouquets of
flowers. Lucy 8 near / nearly burst into tears. Just then, there was a
9 loud / loudly knock on the door. Opening the door10 slow /
slowly, Lucy saw all her friends shouting Happy Birthday. She 11
immediate / immediately cheered up and greeted them warm /

g. Prepositions of location. Fill in the spaces with the

following prepositions: across(1) at in into(1) on
1. The block of flats has a swimming pool _______ the roof.
2. I arrived _______ the airport two hours before my left.
3. I had to show my passport when I went ________ the border.
4. They arrived ________ Paris last weekend.
5. When I walked ______ the museum I was amazed by the art exhibition.
6. She lives ____ a big house _______ the centre of town.
7. There is a picture ______ the wall.
8. I think Simon is _______ the theatre right now .He isnt _______ home.
9. I used to live ________ Argentina until I was twenty. But now I live _______ the
Galapagos Islands. My parents still live _______ a farm and I often visit them.
10. Jason is _______ hospital with a broken arm.
11. He waits for the train _____ the platform.
12. There are so many dishes _______ the menu that I cant decide.

h. Modals. Ability, (lack of) necessity, obligation, prohibition, advice, criticism

Complete the spaces with the modals in the box.
should can cant could - must mustnt dont have to - should have
neednt have(2) ought -

1. You _______________________ help me with my shopping. I can manage by myself.

2. Fish ___________________ swim but they ___________________ fly.

NAME: :.

3. You _______________________ play football inside the house.

4. Students ____________________ wear a uniform at school.
5. Sir, ____________________ I speak to you for a moment?
6. You ________________________ washed the car yesterday. It wasnt dirty.
7. He _______________________ to smoke less.
8. You _________________________ bought these flowers. Thank you anyway, they are
9. You _____________________ be more careful next time!
10. You failed the exam! You _______________________ tried harder .

i. Obligation, necessity, permission. Complete the following sentences with verbs

from the box in a suitable form.
have to - let must need permit -
1. In Britain you ____________ drive on the left.
2. Im going to stay in bed tomorrow morning as I ____________ go to work.
3. I really think you ___________ to get your hair cut, said Elizabeths mother.
4. My sister didnt ____________ me borrow her clothes when we were teenagers.
5. Peter ____________ get the bus home last night as the trains were on a strike.
6. You _____________ have bought me a new watch for my birthday. My old one works
perfectly well.
7. Smoking ________________ in government offices any more.
8. In some countries you __________be 21 in order to drink in a bar.

j. As & Like. Decide whether to use as or like in the following sentences.

1. He cant ride a horse __________ well ________ I can.
2. Susanna prefers activity holidays ____________ sailing or walking.
3. Your sister looks _____________ you.
4. I came to school the same way today __________ I did last week.
5. He dressed up ______________ a policeman for the party.
6. She used to work at the university ___________ a zoology lecturer.
7. I enjoy going camping when its warm __________ in December.

k. Compound Adjectives. Match the adjectives in the first column with those in the
second column.
1. duty- a. catering
2. cross- b. free
3. long- c. handed
4. absent- d. minded
5. first- e. made
6. second- f. hand
7. self- g. class
8. right- h. eyed
9. hand- i. distance
f. Which of the compound adjectives above collocate with the following nouns?
1. a/an _________ leather bag
2. a/an _________ journey
3. a/an _________ car
4. a/an _________ person
5. a/an _________ bottle of perfume
6. a/an _________ ticket
7. a/an _________ holiday



NAME: :.

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

For all the talk of what human kind has done to cause destruction to the planet, we should not
forget that nature itself is a 1.___ force, capable of doing damage on a huge scale. The
greenhouse 2.___ and the hole in the ozone layer are indeed made worse by the 3. ___ society
we live in. However, we must remember that there are certain 4. ___ of plant and animal which,
quite naturally, 5.___ off gases that are very harmful to the atmosphere. And only 50 years ago
in London, hundreds of people died from the 6. ___ which hung over the River Thames. What is
interesting here is that, yes, smoke and gases from industry, vehicles and fossil 7. ___ were
ingredients in this deadly mixture. The other vital ingredient, though, was the completely natural
fog, and who would have thought that could be 8.___?
1. a. heavy b. muscular c. powerful d. natural
2. a. effect b. phenomenon c. syndrome d. situation
3. a. commercialized b. industrialised c. atmospheric d. natural
4. a.. races b. brands c. wildlife d. species
5. a. take b. give c. throw d. run
6. a. smog b. pollutant c. sewerage d. oxygen
7. a . flames b. fumes c. fires d. fuels
8. a. poisoned b. harmful c. environmental d. chemical

Read the text below and think of a word which best fits each gap. Use only one word
in each gap. Write your answers in capital letters.

Schools all 1. __________ the world are becoming actively involved in environmentally friendly
programmes and projects. Many 2. ___________ the projects concern recycling paper and
other waste regularly. This helps to conserve and protect our natural resources. The project
leaders encourage their students 3. __________ adopt these habits 4. _________ home and in
their communities, spreading awareness of 5. __________ need to recycle.

Read the sentences below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
1. The ___________________ of antibiotics was a major medical advance. DISCOVER
2. Travel changed forever with the ________________ of the aeroplane. INVENT
3. What kind of _______________ do you need to go rock climbing? EQUIP
4. You have to be _______________ if you want to be a computer programmer. CREATE
5. Scientists announced a major ___________ in the fight against cancer. DAVELOP
6. A huge crowd of people were waiting at the airport for the pop stars ____________
7. I know that people from these countries look quite similar, but they are ____________
very different. CULTURAL
8. For the past twenty years, ____________ has been the main source of income in this
area. TOUR
9. I was amazed by the fact that there are no _____________ zoo animals like elephants
and penguins there. TRADITION
10. The Marwell Zoo specializes in keeping rare and ___________ species. DANGER
11. In the Bronx Zoo animals are kept in large natural enclosures and the zoo is very keen
on ____________ CONSERVE
12. When you come out of the zoo you are allowed to select which rainforest animal you
want your ____________ fee to fund. ENTER
13. There is a free bus that can take you round all the main __________. SEE


NAME: :.

Transformations. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between two to five words, including the word given.
1. Sam is taller than his sister.
not Sam is _____________________________ his sister.
2. These leather shoes cost a bit less than my last pair.
were These leather shoes _______________________________than my last pair.
3. Steve Jobs was an extremely talented pioneer designer of the personal computer.
most Steve Jobs was one of _____________________________________ designers
of the PC in the world.
4. It takes much less time to travel by plane than by any other means of transport.
lot Travelling by plane _________________________________________ travelling by
any other means of transport.
5. Booking tickets in advance is not necessary.
to You ________________________________________ book tickets in advance.
6. Smoking in public places is not allowed.
forbidden It ___________________________________ in public places.
7. I wasnt allowed to go out last weekend.
let My parents _________________________________out last weekend.
8. Its a good idea to go on a package tour, you pay one price for everything.
should You ___________________________________ tour, you pay one price for
9. You must telephone the hotel and book in advance if you want to be sure of a room.
got You ________________________________________ up the hotel and book in
advance if you want to be sure of a room.
10. According to the brochure, the zoo was a perfect place to spend the day.
as The zoo was __________________________ a perfect place to spend the day.
11. Miss Trim taught small pupils in a school in Canberra before returning to England.
working Miss Trim __________________________________of small pupils in a
school in Canberra before returning to England.
12. My best friend, whose name is Pamela, is usually called Pam at school.
known My best friend Pamela __________________________ Pam at school.
13. They heard what they thought was a cat miaowing.
sounded They heard _________________________________ a cat miaowing.
14. My aunt would call my cat kitty when she used to visit.
refer My aunt would __________________________________ kitty when she used
to visit.



NAME: :.

Write an answer to one of the questions 2-3 in this part. Write your answer in 140-190 words in
an appropriate style.

2. You have received an email from a British friend. Read this part of the email and then write
your email to Jo.

Some friends of mine would like to visit your country for a couple of weeks and I was thinking
you would be the best person to ask for advice. They would like to know the best time of year
to come and what place they should visit when they are there.

Thanks a lot.


Write your email.

3. This is part of an email you have received from your English friend, Sam.

From: Sam

So, youve started studying English again! Thats great news. But you didnt tell me anything
about your classes!!! Are they interesting? What sort of things do you do in class? Are you
learning a lot?


Write your email.


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