Chapter 1

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A pictorial repre: tation of a “of data,. operations perform in the system and sequence oa all "is designed acédiding to defined ru les and Sabla A process. to observe: a”workiag *ofvan' Eee " gesk checking. For desk checking ryed ‘carefully. The Major ar ion-is filtered out, @g If we want to dev asic arithmetic operation: are perform should be our ‘nut and what gutput should be displayed? ‘Most of the users can not explain theirexact software requirements, This sta ‘the formation of a Vequirement document which describes the featires to provid cription of the software wl fictionsamder vehich it must operate'and an abstract des. S.a basis for design and implementation. m separately, it will give us a simple solution, This 0 called Divide and conquer rule, s of converting-algorithm into a computer program ‘in some comes la called Coding, pesearh Debug the program - | Oe ag this Bisp we will run the program several times.and if it gives correct result i itn Our program is accurate. If in the process of testing we will find any type of erfort errors must be debug. a Implement the program After the successfull testing of the pr ogram we will execute it for our requirement w needed this is called implementation ofa program. 8 Maintain and Update thé program . ss When over program is ready for implementation we have must maintain it an “ update, Updating. or Upgrading sof: progtam is required- for hardware and requirement. Sometimes improvement is needed in our We havé to an program time to time. ; eal ~ Documentation \e program violates one or more grammatice language. These ‘error are detected at compile time. For exa in time error occurs When the program’ directs the computer to perform such as dividing a number. by Zero, Runtime errors uter during the execution £ are cetected and dig zi a ‘ of a program-when a Tuntimé error occurs + a wrong logic. Th are. the most by just Tookiny: logival: exrors-can be identified at wrong rite step form. algorithm for making a telephone call ‘0 your f; pick up the receiver and cial the number of friend, eis no tone of' c: B.. butifit is busy \ ringing then place down the recei fer. If the bell is 1 tone then drop down ‘he Teceiver and wa’ ! the receiver a: intenance of operational pi programs becomes. easy. flow charts act asa guide for the program fom terctt Ons of flow charts. lifficult to draw flow chic f for complex problems. alterations are required then flow char is to be redrawn, gas 2: AP .NO.6- Borate: Pets are, as to solve if we ens it into sub risen t 0 solve each sub problem separately. It gives us a simple solution. This technique ip down design or divide and-conquer rule.’ , ~ Q.NO.7- What do you mean by syntax of Programming languag low the antes for solving problems on gompitsi? ; i ntax of that programming language ry to know the sng of Fproglamming lap Logical error 1- Logical error occurs when a program: : follows wrong logic. emors are detected Dy 2- Logical error are ditficu't to locate, ' ‘Computer Beeps xectition ‘of “a) ~ 3: Logical errors give wrong out put, . rogram due to nintite eiror , time error' are “Uiiplayed Bae cick cab only found by examine the output, mpare flow chart and algorithm? Flow chart Algorithm 1- A sequence of instructions to solve any problem 2. Algorith Mris.a base of flow eharr 3- There are no special rules for writing, an alg orithm 4 Algorithin behaves like simple to « Bo o:3- Draw a flow chart to find the largést of three number? } eae ! * : pial of no? se Q.No.16-Write an algorithm to calculate’ distance: % ce cove Bere epeciioysamiaiinid ered by average speed of v ms" in time. the program should i a “a 5 Sie rs luput avera {- To begin input the value of speed (v) ‘ but average speed’y 2- Input the value of time ( t) 3- Processing {ke get output prints

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