Level 4: Someone Got Up On The Wrong Side of The Bed

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Learning Guide 1
Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed
I have a party tonight. I need to go to the
hair salon and get ready to shine. Do you
want to join me, today? If so, first, read
what you are going to learn during this RAP: Identificar las necesidades comunicativas de
week, and then take your notebook and
come on! conformidad con las situaciones del contexto y los
elementos lingsticos pertinentes.

Target language: Tiempos verbales: presente simple y

continuo, formas del futuro, auxiliares modales, pasado
simple (definido e indefinido) y continuo, presente perfecto y
presente perfecto continuo

Function: Reconocer la situacin comunicativa y

seleccionar los elementos lingsticos

Evaluation Criteria: Emplea las estructuras gramaticales y

el vocabulario pertinente para cada situacin comunicativa.

1.1 Look! Whats going on? INTRO

1.2 Will you go to the party?

1.3 I got a dress!


8 3. Where does she work? 7. What is the police officer
a. She works as a secretary
b. She works at AFL a. Trying to find the cars
Laboratories owner.
c. She works in a salon b. Getting Bettys hair done.
c. Crying on the crane.
4. What time does she start
and finish her work? 8. Why is Betty crying out?

a. She starts at 8 am and a. Because her car was

finish at 6 pm. lifted by a crane.
b. She starts at 8 am and b. Because her hairdresser
finishes at 6 pm. cut her hair badly.
c. She starts at 9 am and c. Because the police officer
finishes at 6 pm. made her run desperate.

5. Where does she usually 9. What is the hairdresser

COMPREHENSION go on Saturday? doing?

a. To the lab a. Crying

Choose the right answer: b. To work b. Running
c. To the hair salon c. Cutting Bettys hair
1. Is Betty Florez a 2. Where does she live?
hardworking person? 6. Today is Saturday, what is 10. Whose car was in
a. She lives in Barranquilla Betty doing at the hair salon? trouble?
a. No, she isnt. b. She lives in AFL
b. Yes, she does. c. She does live in a. Picking up her car a. Bettys
c. Yes, she is. b. Working b. The hairdressers
c. Changing her look c. None
Generalmente usamos el Presente Simple para hablar de
LEARN situaciones habituales y el Presente Continuo para acciones que se
estn llevando a cabo en ese momento, pero hay ocasiones en las
COMPARE que esta diferenciacin no es posible.

- I play tennis on Saturdays

- Today is Saturday, I am playing tennis PRESENT SIMPLE
El presente simple permite hablar de algo que ocurre siempre, antes
- I go to school at 7:00 am every day y despus de este momento:
- It's 7:00 am, I'm going to school now
Past Now Future
Identifica el Presente Simple y Continuo en las siguientes Sujeto+Verbo (en infinitive sin la partcula to)+complemento
Si el sujeto es tercera persona del singular se le aade una s al
A: What do you do on Saturday morning? verbo
B: I play tennis on Saturday morning
Lisa works every day
A: What are you doing now? It always rains here
B: It's Saturday, I'm playing tennis
Tambin se utiliza siempre para referirse a una fecha fijada para
A: What time do you go to school? ms adelante o un da sealado:
B: I go to school at 7:00 am everyday
Tomorrow is my graduation day
A: Are you going to school now? The videoconference starts at 10:00 am
B: Yes, I'm going to school as everyday at 7:00 am.

NORMA ESPECIAL: es en lugar de s para la tercer persona: PRESENT CONTINUOUS

El presente continuo se emplea principalmente para hablar
Para los verbos acabados en o, sh, ch, ss, x, z, y se de algo que est ocurriendo justo en el momento en el que
aade es en la tercera persona del singular en lugar de s:
se habla, aunque tambin puede referirse a planes y citas
concertadas en el futuro:
To wish-He wishes
To fix-She fixes
To watch-He watches
To Kiss- She kisses
To reach-It reaches Now Future
To go-She goes
To express-He expresses
To buzz-It buzzes

Los verbos acabados en "-y" cuando la "y" no sea precedida de una Sujeto+ verbo+ing+complement
vocal. Forman la tercera persona en "-ies".
Leo plays the guitar but he isn't playing now.
To study-She studies
To fly-He flies They are going to Spain after Christmas.
Las palabras como to play no cumple est norma cuando la palabra
anterior es una vocal, debe aadirse la s.

La terminacin ing que se agrega al infinitivo del verbo (sin VOCABULARIO
to) nunca se acenta. Se pronuncia in y la g se escucha
apenas, un poco como en ding-dong. Listen and Repeat

Practica la pronunciacin de estos verbos en presente

simple y continuo. Angry Enfadado(a)

Listen and Repeat To disturb Molestar

Landscape Paisaje
To drink beber
Hungry Hambriento(a)
Drinking bebiendo
To be fed up with Estar harto (a)
To eat comer
Thick Grueso (a)
Eating comiendo
Sweater Sueter
To play jugar

Playing jugando
Pensamiento y opinin: believe, remember, know, think,
Narraciones o historias Gusto, preferencias: like, dislike, love, hate...
Para narrar los hechos principales y el continuo para
describir o ambientar. Hay ocasiones en que los verbos de estado pueden ir en
forma progresiva:
He drives the car and looks at him.
He is listening to music and he doesnt recognize him. 1 Para indicar que una situacin es temporal.
Then he shouts..
I love having dinner with you.
(El conduce y lo mira. Me encanta cenar contigo (habitualmente).
Est escuchando msica y no le reconoce.
Entonces grita...) I am loving having dinner with you.
Me est encantando cenar contigo (hoy).
En Verbos de Estado

Los verbos de estado ('state verbs') no pueden ir en tiempos Para indicar que una percepcin es voluntaria
This meal smells wonderful.
Estos son los que expresan: Esta comida huele de maravilla (estado, percepcin).
Estado y posesin: be, have, own... Im smelling this rose.
Estoy oliendo esta rosa (accin voluntaria).
Percepcin y sentido: see, hear, smell, feel, taste...
Con los verbos de pensamiento u opinin se usa las formas PARA TENER EN CUENTA
continuas para indicar que hemos empezado a pensar de
esa manera o que no estamos seguro de algo Algunos verbos nunca se conjugan en presente continuo,
entre ellos: like, see, love, hate, believe, prefer, need, know,
I regret that the car will have to be sold. understand o remember.
Lamento que el carro tendr que ser vendido (ya he
tomado mi decisin y lo siento). Por ejemplo, diremos
I'm regretting my decision to sell the car.
Pardon me? I dont understand
Estoy lamentando mi decisin de vender el carro (cada vez
soy ms consciente de que era una decisin errnea).
(Perdone, no entiendo)

El verbo 'feel' cuando significa creer u opinar va en forma en lugar de

simple y cuando denota estado va en simple o continua.
Im not understanding.
I feel he is wrong.
Creo que est equivocado (opinin).

She is feeling good. NOW LETS PRACTICE!

Se siente bien (sentido, estado).

I feel good.
Me siento bien (sentido, estado).
Exercise 2.
Choose the correct form of the verb and build sentences in the
PRACTICE Simple Present or the Present Continuous. / Escoge la forma
correcta del verbo y elabora las oraciones en Presente Simple o el
Presente Continuo.
Exercise 1.
1) Victor _________ football at the moment.
Put the verbs in brackets in Simple Present or Present Continuous/ Coloca
los verbos que estn entre parenthesis en Presente Simple o Continuo. a) Play
b) Plays
1) She ___________ sometimes magazines. (to read) c) Am playing
d) Is playing
2) We never ___________TV in the morning. (to watch) e) Are playing

3) Listen! Julio ____________ in the bathroom. (to sing) 2) They ____________ often tests at our school.

4) My brother usually_______________ in the kitchen. (to help) a) Write

b) Writes
5) My grandma ________________ breakfast now. (to make) c) Am writing
d) Is writing
6) They often ________________the bathroom. (to clean) e) Are writing

7) Look! The children _____________home. (to come) (Respuesta 3) He ______________to my teacher now.

8) Every day his brother _____________ for a walk. (to go) a) Talk
b) Talks
9) She__________________with her friend at the moment. (to chat) c) Am talking
d) Is talking
10) Lions ______________ meat. (to eat) e) Are talking
8) Listen! The band _______________ the new guitar.
4) Look! Manolo and Ann ____________ a film on TV.

a) Watch a) Test
b) Watches b) Tests
c) Am watching c) Am testing
d) Is watching d) Is testing
e) Are watching e) Are testing

5) Vicky ________________her uncle every weekend. 9) First I_______________ , then I dress.

a) Visit a) Wash
b) Visits b) Washes
c) Am Visiting c) Am washing
d) Is Visiting d) Is washing
e) Are Visiting e) Are washing
6) Now, the sun __________________ . 10) Every morning my sister ____________________ up at 6
a) Shine o'clock.
b) Shines
c) Is shining a) Get
d) Are shining b) Gets
e) Am shining c) Am getting
d) Is getting
7) They sometimes_______________ poems in the lessons. e) Are getting

a) Read
b) Reads
c) Am Reading
d) Is Reading
e) Are Reading
CULTURE & TIPS 1. What do you usally do on Saturday mornings?

VIDEO Write a short paragraph (50 Then, record your voice,

words min.) in English, reading what you have
describing what you usually written in your composition.
do on Saturday mornings. Use http://vocaroo.com/ for
recording your voice.

Escriba una pequea Luego, grabe su voz,

TIP composicin (mnimo 50 leyendo lo que ha escrito en
palabras) en Ingls su composicin. Use
describiendo lo que usted http://vocaroo.com/ para
usualmente hace un sbado realizar su grabacin.
en la maana.

2. Whats going on?


Cada uno de los puntos del task 1 debe realizarlos en

el mismo documento de texto. En el caso de las graba-
Imagine you are a local weather Then, record your voice,
reporter. Today while you are at the reading what you have
ciones deber copiar y pegar el link que proporciona
citys square, it starts raining. written in your composition. vocaroo. Luego, de tener su documento completo,
Describe what youre seeing at this Use http://vocaroo.com/ for nmbrelo de la siguiente forma: Su nombre completo_-
moment, as the rain doesnt stop recording your voice. Task 1 y envelo a su tutor por medio del enlace de
falling. Write a paragraph (50 envo actividad en la plataforma.
words min.) Luego, grabe su voz,
leyendo lo que ha escrito en
Imagine que usted es un reportero su composicin. Use
del canal local del clima. Hoy http://vocaroo.com/ para
mientras usted est en el parque realizar su grabacin.
central de su ciudad, empieza a
caer un fuerte aguacero. Narre lo
que est viendo en este momento,
mientras la lluvia no para de caer.
Escriba su narracin (mnimo 50




Choose the right answer

1. Will Betty go to the party?

a. Yes, she is going.
b. No, she wont
c. Yes, she will.

2. Where will Betty buy her dress?

a. At a boutique
b. At a restaurant
c. None

3. Where will Betty and Amanda meet?

a. At the restaurant
b. At the boutique
c. At the parking lot

4. Will Betty go to the restaurant?

a. No, she wont
b. No, she will
c. Yes, she will

5. What happened at the end of the story?

a. Betty bought a stunning dress.
b. Amanda bought a stunning dress.
c. Amanda was going to take a red dress with her.

Formas del Futuro: Will
Conceptos de formas del futuro
con Will
Identifica las formas del futuro Will en las siguientes situaciones:

- Sally will go to a meeting tomorrow (Sally ir a una reunion El presente simple permite hablar
maana) de algo que ocurre siempre, antes y
- I will be ready in an hour (Estar listo(a) en una hora) despus de este momento:

A: Where will Sam go on vacations? (A donde ir Sam en En el idioma ingls existen varias formas para referirse al futuro.
vacaciones?) Una de ellas es el Present Continuous, el cual se estudi en la
B: Sam will go to France (Sam ir a Francia) anterior unidad. Otra es el uso del future tense, equivalente al
tiempo futuro espaol. El future tense emplea el verbo auxiliar Will
A: Will you study English at night today? (Estudiaras Ingls en la para construir las oraciones y se utiliza para predecir, dar opinin o
noche hoy?) pedir algo, entre otros.
B: Yes, I will study English at night today (Si, estudiar Ingls en la
noche hoy) Will va seguido por el infinitivo sin la partcula to.

A: Will you be able to repair the car this Sunday? (Sers capaz de Futuro con el Auxiliar Will
reparar el carro este domingo?)
B: Of course, but it will take a week to repair it (Por supuesto, pero Estructura
tomar una semana para repararlo) Pronombre + Will + verbo + complemento


I + will+ go to the police (El ir a la policia) POSITIVE SENTENCE En oraciones Negativas: Se sustituye will not por won't

He+ will not+ do the exam (El no har el examen) NEGATIVE I will not = I won't
You will not = You won't
Will she have a suitcase? (Ella tendr una maleta?)
INTERROGATIVE He/She/It will not = He wont/She won't/It won't

El verbo auxiliar will se puede escribir de dos formas: We will not = We wont

En oraciones Afirmativas: Se sustituye Wi- por un apstrofe (') They will not = They won't

I will: I'll I'll be There at 8:00 am/ We'll walk around the park/ She'll work
until 6:00 o'clock/It'll rain soon
You will: You'll
En la forma Negativa will not podr sustituirse por wont
He/She/It will: He'll/She'll/It'll Rafael won't buy the bike/Lisa won't call her mother/He won't study
We will: we'll
En la forma Interrogativa no existe la forma contrada:
They will: They'll Will you go to school?/ Will Marie attend the meeting?/Will He take
the car?

Podemos decir que la L inglesa se pronuncia de una manera VOCABULARIO
ligeramente diferente a la l espaola, sobre todo cuando se
encuentra al final de una palabra. Listen and Repeat

Practica la pronunciacin de las siguientes expresiones:

To fix Arreglar
Listen and Repeat
To Send for Llamar/convocar

he'll come/El vendr Break down Averiarse/derribar

She'll study/Ella estudiar To go out Salir/Irse

You'll return/Usted regresar To Burn Quemar

We'll meet/Nosotros nos encontraremos To repair Reparar

it'll be/Ser To cut off Cortar un suministro

They'll sell/Ellos vendern

Se usa will o won't para:
Aunque en la actualidad prcticamente no se utiliza, debe
Hacer predicciones saber que el auxiliar shall puede sustituir a will tanto en la
primera persona del singular como del plural. Es igual de
Example: Today it will be rainy (Hoy ser lluvioso).
correcto decir I shall go to the doctor tomorrow o We shall
Cuando es una decisin espontanea go to the cinema on Saturday night pero no She shall
clean the house.
Example: I think Ill go to the University tomorrow (Creo
que ir a la Universidad).

Para prometer algo NOW LETS PRACTICE!

Example: - Ill visit Luis next monday (Visitar a Luis el
prximo lunes).

Para ofrecer ayuda

Example: - Ill help you (Te ayudar)

Para pedir que alguien haga algo

Example: - Will you take my suitcase to the airport?

(Llevars my maleta al aeropuerto?)
42 Exercise 2.
Put the sentences into the correct order/Coloca las oraciones en el
PRACTICE orden correcto.

Exercise 1. 1. Take/hotel/He/taxi/will/the/at Orden: He will take the taxi at the hotel

Mix and Match each sentence/Mezcla y empareja cada oracin.
2. The/find/think/will/Sandra/I/solution/ Orden: I think Sandra will find
1.The weather is not so good a. but She wont do it the solution

3. office/will/until/in/I/late/work/my Orden: I will work until late in my

2. She is coming to the meeting b. It will be full office

3. Ill publish the new today c. I am sure she will win 4. sick/Susana/go/school/because/to/is/She/wont Orden: Susana wont
the championship
go to school because She is sick
4. Shes the best basketball player d. You will see her there.
5. month/will/Pars/Mauricio/travel/I/to/next Orden: Mauricio and I will
travel to Pars next month
5. I asked her to receive the guest e. It will rain
6. Christmas/dinner/Will/prepare/the/you/?/for Orden: Will you prepare
6. There are a lot of people the dinner for Christmas?
in the concert f. but you wont read it until Monday
7. house/stay/ Mara/this/Will/in/?/ Orden: Will Mara stay in this house?
7. I told Jhon at 8:00 am g. They wont pay for it
8. that/This/wont/Andrea/she/out/me/go/told/Saturday Orden: Andrea
8. It is too expensive h. He will be late told me that she wont go out this Saturday

9. test/take/hours/the/will/two Orden: The test will take two hours

9. Hurry up! i. James will talk about management
10. when/get/I/you/call/will/there Orden: I will call you when I get there
10. We have a videoconference j. You wont be ready when
on Tuesday she arrives
CULTURE & TIPS Pronunciation

Grabe con su propia voz el siguiente dilogo y enve el archivo de

audio a travs del enlace de envo correspondiente. (Puede
grabar el dilogo usted mismo o con otra persona)

VIDEO Jason: How old are you Betty?

Betty: I am twenty-five years old but Ill be twenty-six in October 1st.
Jason: Wow, it will be your birthday soon. What will you do?
Betty: My friend Sally will take me to a beautiful restaurant
Jason: I love going to restaurants. Can I go with you?
Betty: Sure! Will you take your sister?
Jason: No, I dont think so. She will be in a meeting that day.
Betty: What a pity! She will miss my birthday.
Jason: Anyway, I will ask her if she can that day
Betty: That would be nice. I must go. So, see you tomorrow Jason.
Jason: See you Betty, bye bye!
Betty: bye Jason!

Escuche la pronunciacin del dilogo a continuacin :

Escuchar audio





Choose the right answer

1. Why Betty was disappointed? - She finished her homework quickly (Ella termin su tarea
a. Because she couldnt find her dress size. rpidamente).
b. Because she felt sick. - Ana was working when Carolina called her (Ana estaba
c. Because her friend Amanda was going to buy the dress trabajando cuando Carolina la llam).
she liked.
- I watched a football match on TV yesterday. (Vi un partido de
2. Did Amanda buy a dress?
a. Yes, she did. futbol en Televisin ayer).
b. No, she didnt. - I was sleeping when my son arrived (Yo estaba durmiendo
c. No, she did not. cuando mi hijo lleg).

3. Where were Amanda and Betty? IDENTIFY

a. At the party. Identifica el Pasado Simple y Continuo en las siguientes situaciones:
b. At the boutique.
c. At the mall.
A: Did you clean the house on Monday? (Limpiastes la casa el
4. What was Amanda doing in the boutique? lunes?)
a. Getting a new dress. B: Yes, I did. I cleaned the garden too. (Si lo hice. Limpi tambin
b. Window shopping. el jardin.)
c. Buying a perfect outfit for the party.
A: Was Danny wearing a blue T-Shirt? (Danny estaba usando una
5. Was Betty having a lucky day?
a. Definitely, she was. She got a dress. camiseta azul?)
b. Definitely, she wasnt. She got a stain on her new dress. B: No, he wasnt. He was wearing a yellow T-shirt. (No, el no la
c. No, she wasnt. She couldnt get the dress she liked. usaba. El usaba una camisa amarilla).
A: I went to the supermarket while my husband was doing the Conceptos Pasado Simple y Continuo
washing up. (Fu al supermercado mientras mi esposo estaba
lavando los platos. PAST SIMPLE/PASADO SIMPLE
B: Did you buy my favorite chocolate? (Comprastes mi
chocolate favorite?) Los verbos en Pasado Simple nos permiten hablar de cosas que ya
han sucedido.
A: The kids were playing in the garden when Lisbon arrived
home. (Los nios estaban jugando en el jardn cuando su madre For Example: I closed the door (Yo cerr la puerta).
lleg a la casa.)
B: Did she bring the gifts for the kids? (Ella trajo los regales para En el pasado simple utilizamos el auxiliar did para todas las
los nios?) personas, incluyendo la tercera persona del singular (he/she/it), as
como tambin en su forma negativa e interrogativa.

She didnt do the test/Ella no hizo el test

Did she call the police?/Ella llam a la policia?

En la forma afirmativa no utilizamos el auxiliar did sino que

aadimos la particula ed al infinitivo.

Juan watched a great movie on Saturday/Juan vi una gran
pelicula el Sbado.
El pasado continuo es bastante similar al presente continuo, solo
que en este caso hablamos del pasado. Indica que la accin o el
hecho al que hacemos referencia estaba ocurriendo en ese
La terminacin ed puede pronunciarse de tres formas:
momento: la frase She was working seala que en aquel instante
al que se alude: Ella estaba trabajando. Veamos su uso y forma:
a) id despus de t o d:
to wait/esperar waited weIted
Amparo was sleeping until late/Amparo estaba durmiendo hasta
to need/necesitar needed ni ded
b) t despus de las consonantes sordas ch, sh, f, k, p, s, x:
Camilo and Ally were studying in my house yesterday/ Camilo y
Ally estuvieron estudiando en mi casa ayer.
to ask/preguntar asked a skt
to watch/observer (watch tv) watched w t t
Jazmin wasnt sitting on that chair/ Jazmin no estaba sentada en
c) d en todos los dems casos:
esa silla.
to change/cambiar changed t eInd d
Adriana and Rafael werent playing in the yard/ Adriana y Rafael
to explain/explicar explained IkspleIned
no estaban jugando en el patio.

Were they having lunch today?/Ello estaban almorzando hoy?


Listen and Repeat


COMUNES Appear Appeared Aparecer/Apareci
Advance Advanced Avanzar/Avanz/Avanzado
Call Called Llamar/Llam
Begin Began Begun Comenzar/Iniciar
bring brought brought Traer Believe Believed Creer/Crey
choose chose chosen Elegir/Escoger Claim Claimed Reclamar/Reclam
drive drove driven Conducir/Manejar Clear Cleared Aclarar,Limpiar/Limpi
feel felt felt Sentir
do did done Hacer
Close Closed Cerrar/Cerr
nd found found Encontrar Copy Copied Copiar/Copi
Keep Kept kept Mantener Decide Decided Decidir/Decidi
have had had Tener
Destroy Destroyed Destruir/Destruy
make made made Producir,
confeccionar, hacer Enjoy Enjoyed Disfrutar/Disfrut
Say Said Said Decir Follow Followed Seguir/Sigui
Smell Smelt Smelt Oler
Happen Happened Suceder/Sucedi
Swim Swam Swum Nadar, Flotar
Teach Taught Taught Ensear


Los verbos irregulares no aaden ed sino que cambian

ligera o totalmente en su forma afirmativa del pasado simple.
En su forma Negativa e Interrogativa no, ya que se emplea El PASADO CONTINUO SE UTILIZA:
el auxiliar to do.
Para hablar de una accin en el pasado que todava se
PASADO DE LOS VERBOS IRREGULARES estaba realizando en determinado momento:

En la forma Afirmativa, la mayora de lo verbos irregulares She was taking a bath When I arrived home / Ella estaba
cambian algunas letras entre la forma de infinitivo y la del bandose cuando llegu a casa
pasado, sobre todo las vocales:
Para situar una escena del pasado:
To go, went/ to have, had: Ir, tener
It was 1998. We were graduating from highschool/ Era el
En la forma Negativa se emplea to do: ao 1998. Nos estbamos graduando del bachillerato.

Mat didnt enjoy the party. / Mat no disfrut la fiesta. Para sealar que ha habido un cambio o progreso:

En las interrogativas tambin se utiliza to do: They were improving their pronunciation/Ellos estaban
mejorando su pronunciacin.
Did you go to school? / Fuistes a la escuela?


Los verbos cuyo infinitivo terminan en e como to live, solo

aadimos d (lived) (Vivi)

Lo que finalizan en consonante+vocal+consonante, como la

palabra plan, duplicamos la ultima letra (planned).

Los que terminan en y precedida por consonante, como to

study, cambian la y por una i y colocamos ed al final (studied).

El verbo To be, adems de ser irregular, no tiene una nica forma

verbal de pasado simple, como ocurre con el resto de irregulares,
sino dos: was y were (Estuvo(e), Estuvieron)

Las contracciones (dont, didnt) suelen emplearse mas que todo

en el lenguaje hablado. En cambio, en la escrita se utilizan mucho
menos, ya que hacerlo supone elegir un registro bastante


PRACTICE b) Write the complete answer as the example/Escribe la respuesta
completa como en el ejemplo:
Exercise 1.
Did you buy a book? (No)
a) Connect the infinitive verb with its past simple / Relaciona el verbo No, I didnt buy a book
infinitivo con su pasado simple.
1. Did you open the window of my room? (No)

Answer: ________________________
1.Eat a. Bought
2. Did you eat Lasagna yesterday? (Yes)
2. Drink b. Knew Answer:________________________

3. Buy c. Needed 3. Did Fernando come by bus? (Yes)

4. Know d. Opened
4. Did Carolina tell you about the last new?(No)
5. Need e. Ate
6. Open f.Went
5. Did you go to Argentina last year? (Yes)
7. Go g. Drank Answer: ________________________

Exercise 2. 6. Linda (sleep, at noon)
c) Use the words in brackets to say what Michael and Linda did ________________________________________________
yesterday in Past Continuous. / Utilice las palabras entre parntesis para
decir que hacan Michael y Linda ayer en Pasado Continuo.
7. Michael (sit, in the park)
1. Linda (make, a call at 9:00 am) ________________________________________________
8. Linda and Michael (take care, of her sister at 3:00 pm)
2. Michael (wear, a blue jean)

__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

3. Michael ( do, the math homework)

4. Linda (wear, a yellow dress)

__________________________________________________ VER VIDEO

5. Michael (hold, a pen)



What did you do yesterday?

Cada uno de los puntos del taller debe realizarlos en el
mismo documento de texto. En el caso de la grabacin
Write a short paragraph (50 Then, record your voice,
words min.) in English, reading what you have
deber copiar y pegar el link que proporciona vocaroo.
describing what you did written in your composition. Luego, de tener su documento completo, nmbrelo de
yesterday. Use simple past Use http://vocaroo.com/ for la siguiente forma: Su nombre completo_Task 3 y
and past continuous. recording your voice. envelo a su tutor por medio del enlace de envo
actividad en la plataforma.
Escriba una pequea Luego, grabe su voz,
composicin (mnimo 50 leyendo lo que ha escrito en
palabras) en Ingls su composicin. Use
describiendo lo que usted http://vocaroo.com/ para
hizo ayer. Use pasado realizar su grabacin.
simple y pasado simple


Final Considerations

1 You use simple present when you talk

about daily activities. 2
You use present continous when you talk about
temporary situations. The activities that you must carry out in this learning
guide are:
You use simple past when you narrate a past event.
Task 1
You use past continuous when you describe a situation Task 2
that goes on for some time in the past. Task 3
You use Future-Will when you refer to a situation in the


Lder de Proyecto: Programadores:

Jairo Antonio Castro Casas Diego Rodrguez Ortegn
Jos Felix Arizala Segura
Expertos temticos: Mayra Durango
Javier Gmez Zapata
Andrea Gonzlez Mosquera Equipo de Diseo:
Ivon Mirit Molina Barrios Gabriel David Surez Vargas
Guillermo Armando Aponte Celis
Asesor Pedaggico: Jhonny Ronald Narvez Olarte
Mnica Patricia Osorio Martnez Julin Mauricio Milln Bonilla
Leonardo Stiglich Campos
Beatriz Helena Duque Ospina
scar Daro Cardozo Garzn
scar Ivn Pineda Cespedes


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