Chapter 1: What Is Strategic Planning Anyhow? - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - .9

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Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................1
About This Book...............................................................................................1
Conventions Used in This Book .....................................................................2
Foolish Assumptions .......................................................................................2
How This Book Is Organized...........................................................................3
Part I: Laying the Foundation for Your Strategic Plan .......................3
Part II: Looking Backward to Move Forward.......................................4
Part III: Sizing Up Your Current Situation ............................................4
Part IV: Moving Your Organization into the Future............................4
Part V: Creating and Making the Most of Your Plan...........................5
Part VI: The Part of Tens .......................................................................5
Icons Used in This Book..................................................................................5
Where to Go from Here ...................................................................................6

Part I: Laying the Foundation for Your Strategic Plan ......7

Chapter 1: What Is Strategic Planning Anyhow? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Clearing Up the Confusion about Strategic Planning ................................10
What is strategy? ..................................................................................10
What is a strategic plan? .....................................................................12
What is the strategic planning process? ...........................................12
What are the big planning pitfalls?.....................................................13
What are the components of a strategic plan? .................................14
What are the most frequently asked
strategic planning questions? .........................................................15
The Strategic Plans Key Elements...............................................................17
Vision: Bringing things into focus ......................................................18
Mission, goals, and objectives: Empowering employees ................18
Strategy: Explaining the how ..............................................................19
Execution and evaluation: Ensuring success....................................19
Tips for Better Strategic Planning................................................................20
Warning Signs That You Need This Book ....................................................21

Chapter 2: Why Strategic Planning Impacts Your Growth . . . . . . . . . .23

Reason #1: Strategic Planning Is the Leading Management Tool.............23
Reason #2: Failing to Plan Is Planning to Fail .............................................25
Reason #3: The Best of the Best Do It .........................................................26
What makes great companies great ...................................................26
What are successful CEOs spending their time on? ........................27

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