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Classroom Management Plan & First Day Script

Grade 2
Classroom Management Plan:
Beliefs About Classroom Environment:
I believe a classroom environment should be a comfortable place for students to be and grow as a
learner. I want my students to feel as if this classroom is like a second home. I want the
atmosphere of my classroom to give all of my students the motivation to learn just from being
inside of it. Students in my classroom will always feel free to express themselves.

Philosophy of Education (graphic representation):

Support from Theories/Researchers:

I believe Marzano's research when it suggests that moderate amounts of dominance and
moderate amounts of cooperation is the optimal student-teacher relationship.

I also agree with what Piaget has to say about metacognition. Both teachers and students benefit
from developing an understanding of how the students think.

Letter of Introduction to Students:

Hello, students!

Welcome to the 2nd grade! I hope that your summer was full of adventure and fun! My

name is Ms. Wickline and I am so looking forward to spending the next 10 months with you in
room number 216! We are going to be very busy this year, we have a lot to learn. But first, I want

to learn more about you. If you would please complete the following statements and bring them

back to on Meet the Teacher Day. Meet the Teacher Day is on Friday, August 11th from 1pm to

5pm. Your parents can bring your school supplies with you at this time.

1) A few of my favorite things are _______________, ______________, and

2) When I am working I like for the room to be ______________________.
3) My favorite subject is __________________ because ______________________.
4) My least favorite subject is ______________ because _________________. (Its okay if

you love them all!)

5) This year I am most looking forward to ____________________________________.
6) Im feeling __________________ about starting school.
7) This year I want to _______________________________________.
8) Something else I really want you to know is____________________________________
9) One question I would really like for you to answer is:

Want to know my answers to these questions?

1) A few of my favorite things are volleyball, cooking, and spending time with friends and

2) When I am working I like for the room to be quiet and warm!
3) My favorite subject is history because it is so interesting.
4) My least favorite subject is. I love them all!!
5) This year I am most looking forward to getting to know you!
6) Im feeling excited about starting school.
7) This year I want to teach you everything that I can.
8) Something else I really want you to know is that I am addicted to chapstick, so if you

ever want to get me a gift. ;)

9) What was the most exciting part about your summer?

I cant wait to begin this journey with you! See you soon!

Ms. Wickline

Letter of Introduction to Parents:

Hello, parents!

I am excited to get this school year up and running! I cant wait to see what we can

accomplish this year. I am hoping you are as eager as I am! I know this group of students I have

are more than ready to tackle the objectives we have this year!

I currently reside in Greenville West Virginia, located in Monroe County. Greenville has

always been my hometown. This is my first year as a teacher but this has been a dream of mine

for so long. I have grown up with a love for education that I hope to pass onto your children.

My main focus this year is to build my students confidence levels with their schoolwork

so that they are eager to learn and participate in class. We will be incorporating technology a lot

more this year so that students become more fluent with the various types of technology we have

and have a chance to practice work independently. A few objectives we have this year will be to

expand and further reading strategies. We will also begin touching on the writing process and

how it is critical for communication. We will begin to discover more about geometry, and will be

able to recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes.

Communication for me is very important, and I would like for every parent to feel free to

contact me if you have any questions or concerns. We will be very busy this year and will need

participation from all parents so that nobody gets left behind!

If you would please complete the following questions and bring them back to me on Meet

the Teacher Day.

Name: ____________________________ Childs Name: _______________________________

What is he/she best at? ___________________________________________________________

Siblings: ______________________________________________________________________

Pets: _________________________________________________________________________

3 words to describe your child: ____________________________________________________

Allergies: _____________________________________________________________________

Any special information I should know (new baby, new job, new house, etc.):

What is the best way to communicate with you (email, notes, call, in person, text, etc.)?

Please include any additional helpful information below:






Thank you so much for your interest in your childs education! I know every child in this class

will succeed if we work together as a team.

P.S. Meet the Teacher Day will be held on Friday August 11th. Stop in any time for 1pm-5pm to

drop off your supplies, tour the classroom, and meet me! See you soon!

Ms. Wickline

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures:
No child should show up to school before 7:20AM.
When students arrive at school on a bus they will go in through the side entrance of the school
beside the bus lane. This entrance goes straight into the gym. The gym is where bus hall takes
place. Students sit by grade levels in the bleachers. If students come to school in carpool the
parents go through the carpool lane students get out and walk up the sidewalk to the side
entrance of the gym and enter at the same place the bus riders do. Students who want to eat
breakfast will go straight to the cafeteria.
When it is time for school to be over. The first bus students will be released first. These students
go straight to the buses. After those buses leave the carpool students are released. Every parent
will have a sticker in their window with the name of their child on it. Parents are to remain in
their vehicles at all times. Staff members will bring the child to your vehicle. After all of the
carpool are gone second buses begin to line up and these students are to be waiting in the gym.

A signed note is required from a parent or legal guardian if a child is to go elsewhere. This note
should contain the date, the location, the name of the person who they will be going to, and a
phone number to which you can be reached.

Tardy/Absence Procedures:
Students that arrive after 8:30AM will be marked tardy. Students that arrive after 9:30AM will be
counted absent for day. Any student that leaves before 2:00PM will also be counted absent for

Homework Procedure:
There will be homework assignments. All of the homework will be PRACTICE. These
assignments will be on things that the students know how to do. Nothing will be new for them in
their homework. I will not give homework out on Fridays. Although students who do not finish
in class assignments will have to finish their work at home. I check all homework. Homework is
expected to be completed and handing in on time.

Procedures for Getting Students Attention/Getting Teachers Attention:

To get my students attention I would like to use cueing. I will simply raise my hand like you
would during a pledge. I will wait for my students to see and respond accordingly.

All students are expected to speak in turn and raise their hand if they have a question, comment,
or are requesting other privileges.

Lining Up/Hallway/Restroom Procedures:

When it is time to line up it will be completely random except for the line leader for that day will
be in the front and the electrician for the day will be in the back because it is their job to turn the
lights on and off. I will say things like if youre an only child line up, if your favorite color is
blue line up, if you are wearing black shoes line up, etc. If the students argue about how the
line ended up they will be sent to the back of the line.
In the hallway the students should remain on the right side of the hallway and walk.
Restroom procedures in the classroom will depend on what we are doing in class. There will be
two times that will vary during the day. This time is indicated by the sign on the board where one
side says independent time and the other side says instructional time. The independent time when
they are reading, working in groups, or working on an assignment. Instructional time is when all
attention should be on me and they other classmates. At this time the students need to ask if they
can go to bathroom during independent time they are free to go to bathroom at any time.

Bullying Procedures for Student as Victim and as a Bystander:

There will be a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for bullying in my classroom. If students are being
bullied I would hope that they will feel comfortable enough to tell me or another trusted adult. If
I see someone being a bully I will directly interrupt the situation. If you see someone being
bullied and do not let someone know and I find out you will be in just as much trouble as the
person doing the bullying.

Classroom Rules/Discipline:
Type of System:
This behavior management plan is Assertive Discipline. This plan rewards students for
appropriate behavior and deals specifically with students who exhibit inappropriate behavior.

1) Do not talk when others are talking.
2) Follow directions.
3) Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
4) Work quietly and do not disturb others.
5) Show respect for school and personal property.
6) Work and play in a safe manner.

At the end of each nine weeks, those students who have no acquired 10 slip-ups will be rewarded
by having a Hall of Fame Celebration. These celebrations will take place during the school day
and can include but are not limited to: Fall Olympics, Yogurt Social, Popcorn and a Movie,
Bingo, and a culminating End of the Year Celebration.

Slip-Ups are issued when a student displays inappropriate behavior. Once a student has
received ten or more slip-ups within a grading period, your child will not participate in the Hall
of Fame Celebration. An example of a slip-up is provided.
Name: ____________________________
Date: _________Location: ____________
Given by: _________________________
__ Talking when others were talking.
__ Not following directions.
__ Inappropriate use of property
__ Teasing, bullying
__ Not listening
__ Incomplete Assignments
Other: ____________________________
HR Teacher: _____________________

Slip-ups are to be filled out by the students so that this system has an accountability component.

Map of Classroom Set-Up:

Student Cubbies Class Pet
(Fish) Library

Small Group Work


Small Group Work

Small Group Work

White Board

Small Group Work

Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board

White Board

First Day Script:

Sample Day 1 Bell Work:
For the first day of school I want my bell ringer to be an ice breaker. This ice breaker will allow
students to get up and move around the room and talk to their new classmates. I will give the
students the work sheet below and they have to find someone in the class that fits the description
and have that student sign inside of the square. Every student has to have the name of every
student on their page and every square must be signed before they are done.

Can You Find a Classmate Who?

Name: Date:
Directions: Find classmates who did any of the following and
have them sign inside of the square. You must have each student
sign at least one square.

Who has a Who likes to Whose Who can play Who has
pet dog play favorite food an green eyes
basketball is pizza instrument

Whose Who has a Who likes to Who has a Who plays

favorite blue draw pet cat football
subject is backpack

Who loves to Who has Who has Who is an Who has their
read been on a rode a only child fingernails
train horse painted

Who was Who has the Who went to Who read Who likes to
born in the same the beach books this play video
same month television this summer games
as you show as summer

Who is Who is a Who went Who has a Who lost a

excited to be teacher swimming birthday next tooth
back at this month recently
school summer

Specific Items to be Accomplished Before First Day of School:

Room is spotless
Seats are arranged in a way that is organized but does not restrict me from moving around
the room
Bulletin boards
Seating chart
Each desk has the students name on along with a note and small gift
Door decorated with theme of the classroom
Label cubbies
Set up station for turning in work
Library is set up and organized by genre
Classroom jobs are posted and assigned for the first day
Set up a station for materials such as construction paper, pencils, scissors, markers,
crayons, etc.
Prepare packets for students to take home on the first day of school, such as emergency
forms, school rules, bus schedule and routes, letter to parents, optional supply list.
Write lesson plans for the first week
Make a checklist for forms that have been returned by the students
Locate rule writing activity for the first day
Pick out ice breakers for students to do when they arrive
Reading nook

Details on How the Teacher Will Greet Students:

On the first day of class I will stand at the door and introduce myself to the students and allow
the students to introduce themselves to me. I will shake their hand and ask them how they are
doing. I will tell them to go on in and make themselves comfortable, mingle with their new
classmates, locate their labeled cubby and put their things away, find their desk, sit down and
begin on the bell ringer.

Description of How Procedures will be Taught:

Explain: I will explain to the students the rules and their meanings.
Rehearse: We will use scenarios to rehearse these rules and practice them as a class.
Reinforce: I will reinforce these rules by using the slip-up program.

Description of How Rules Are Selected/Presented to Students and How They Will Be
I would like for the rules to be chosen by the students as a whole and then we sign them and
hang them on the wall. This would be a type of social contract I would like for the students to
abide by for the whole year.

Agenda of Events for the First Day:

8:00-8:30 Bus Hall

8:30-8:40 Prepare for class (sharpen pencils, use bathroom, put things away, etc.)
8:40-9:00 Bell ringer
9:00-10:30 Reading
10:30-12:00 Math
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Recess
1:00-2:30 Related Arts
2:30-3:15 Science/Social Studies
3:30 First Bus
3:45 Carpool & Late Bus students go to gym

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