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Amy Rivas - Room 172 Jennifer Funes - stephanie.funes1@gmail.


Chicas Verdes Application

Chicas Verdes arose in 2015 with the belief that promoting health and wellness in our
community was an essence to combat the food desert and diseases we get from eating
unhealthy food.They want to educate their peers and community about the benefits of living a
healthy lifestyle. In order to do so, they provide information on how to be healthy along with
providing students on campus with affordable and healthy snacks.

First Name:________________________ Last Name:_____________________ Grade Level:______

Cell Phone:_____________________ Email:_______________________________ HR:________

1. Why are you interested in joining Chicas Verdes?

2. What attributes do you have that will contribute to this group?

3. What do you expect to gain out of this club? (experience, resumes, etc.)
Amy Rivas - Room 172 Jennifer Funes -

4. What other clubs and activities are you part of?

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

5. Do you find passion within promoting healthy eating habits within your community? Explain.

6. Will you be willing to dedicate your time to meetings during school hours and after school? (TBD)
Yes No

If no, explain?

DUE SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 during lunch in room 172


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