BLM Pipeline Project

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BLM Pipeline Project

Problem #1
a.) Cost of pipeline running West -> South -> East to the refinery.
Total distance = 8 +16 +40 = 64 miles
Total cost = 64*480,000(Cost/mile for running pipe through BLM land) = $30,720,000

b.) Cost of running East through the Mountain -> South to the refinery:
Cost of burying through the Mountain = 48*480,000 + 4,500,000(one time cost) +
600,000(environmental study) +800,000(cost for delayed eight months) = $28,940,000

Problem #2
a.) Cost of running the pipeline the shortest distance from the private ground to the
refinery is:

Total distance can be found using the Pythagorean Theorem: c^2 = a^2 + b^2, where

a = 16 miles and b = 32 miles. Total distance = = 35.777 Miles

Cost/mile = $360,000 + $480,000 = $840,000
Total cost = $840,000/Mile * 35.777 Miles = $30,052,60

b.) Cost of running directly south to the private ground, then east to the refinery:
16*840,000 (cost of private ground) + 32*480,000 (cost of BLM land) = $28,800,000

BLM Ground
8 mile
BLM Ground
16 miles

Private Ground

40 miles - BLM Ground

Problem #3
The distance of pipe needed to run from the pump to the refinery can be minimized by entering
the Private Ground diagonally and exiting through the Private Ground at an angle towards the
refinery to reach the BLM land. Once on the Southern BLM land, the remaining distance of pipe
can be run directly to the refinery.
B(Blue) = the distance of pipe run on BLM ground.
P(orange) = the distance of pipe run on Private ground.
32 miles (green) = distance needed to run the pipe east to the refinery, once on the
South side of the BLM land.
A(red) = distance from the point on the south side of the BLM ground directly below the
pump, to the point where the pipe meets the south side of the BLM ground in order to
minimize cost.
Theta(orange) = angle at which the pipe enters the Private Ground.
Total Cost(C) of running piping from the Pump to the refinery C = B(480,000) +

BLM Ground
8 mile
BLM Ground
16 miles

Private Ground
32 miles

A B = 32 - A

Using the Pythagorean Theorem, we know that the lengths of the side
Since B = 32 A, we can substitute the P and B values into the original Cost equation,
yielding the final Cost equation below.

C(A) = 840,000( ) + 480,000(32 A)

C\left(x\right)\ =\ 840000\left(\sqrt{x^2+\ 16^2}\right)+480000\left(32\ -\ x\right)
If we differentiate the C(A) equation and solve for A, we can determine the minimal amount it
will cost the company to lay the pipe. Once A has been solved for, we can use it to find the
angle at which the pipe departs from the plant, and the distance which it travels through both the
Private and BLM land.

Differentiate C(A): dA/dC =

Simplify: dA/dC =

Set C(A) = 0

Multiply Both sides by the right-sided Denominator:

Square both sides:


Subtract 480,000 A2 from both sides

Factor out A2

Divide both sides by 840,0002 480,0002

Simplify: 124.121212 = A2

Solve for A by taking the square root of both sides: A = = 11.14096998

B = 32 11.14096998 = 20.85903002 miles
D(Red) represents the direct distance between the oil pump and refinery. Because the refinery
is 16 miles South and 32 miles east of the pump, this distance can found using the Pythagorean
theorem and is represented by the equation

BLM Ground

16 X

Private Ground
X(orange) = = = 19.49669747
Total cost = 840,000(19.49669747) + 480,000(20.85903002) = $ 26,389,560.28
BLM GroundMoney

BLM Ground
8 mile
16 miles

Private Ground

Theta(Blue) will be equal to the transverse angle on the opposite side of the diagonal X(Orange).
Tangent() = Opposite Side/Adjacent Side = Western BLM Boundary/A = 16/11.14096998
By taking the ArcTangent inverse of both sides, we can find the theta value.

= 55.15009542 degrees
The pipe left the oil pump at an angle of 55.15009542o and traveled 19.49669747 miles through
the Private Ground and entering the Southern section of BLM land. From that point,
20.85903002 miles of pipe was run along the Southern side of the BLM land in order to connect
with the refinery. The total cost of the pipe laid was $ 26,389,560.28. This was the most cost-
effective way in way that the pipe could be run, while still minimizing the distance it covered to
get to the refinery.

Problem #4
Below is the graph for the Pipeline Cost function.
2.639 x 107
Without a thorough knowledge of Calculus
and how to deal with an optimization
problem such as this, our company would
have been forced to spend several million
dollars more than was necessary, without
the knowledge of an optimal path for the
pipeline to take.

(11.14, 26.38956 x 107)

11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 A Value

This is certainly not the only case in the industry for which calculus is a worthy tool to
solve problems. For example, if our engineers need to calculate the rate per second at which
the oil will flow through the pipeline, they will know from their experience with calculus that all
they need is a graph that records the amount of oil flowing through the pipe, as a function of the
time passed. Once this is given, they can develop an equation which matches the graph and
differentiate from any point on the equation to find the rate at which the oil flows through the
pipeline. Conversely, if the engineers know the rate at which the oil travels through the pipe, but
not the amount, the antiderivative can be taken of the rate function to find the quantity of oil per
hour. This is just a simple example of the innumerable applications calculus has in the real-
world, and we hope you will continue to use it wisely.

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