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An ecosystem may be defined as a system that includes all

living organisms in an area as well as the physical environment
functioning together as a unit. An ecosystem may be very large, for
example an entire rainforest. An ecosystem may also be very small,
for example a pond.

Components of an Ecosystem
An ecosystem is made up of living and non-living components

Living (biotic) components: This includes all organisms in an

ecosystem including plants and animals from the very large to the
microscopic. The living components of an ecosystem can be further
subdivided into the following groups:
Producers: These are green plants which make organic
compounds from simple inorganic molecules in a process called
photosynthesis. In simpler terms, they use carbon dioxide, water
and sunlight to make food. A green substance known as
chlorophyll enables them to do this. There are many types of
producers, from the largest trees in the rainforest to microscopic
algae. All other organisms in an ecosystem are dependent on
producers either directly or indirectly.
Primary consumers: These are organisms which obtain their
nutrients directly from plants. They are also known as herbivores.
Examples of primary consumers include grasshoppers, goats and
Secondary consumers: These are organisms which feed on
other animals. A lion is a secondary consumer as it eats animals
such as zebras. Lizards, wolves and hawks are also examples of
secondary consumers.
Decomposers: These are organisms which feed on and break
down dead organic matter. Decomposers break down dead
plants and animals into simpler substances which can be
absorbed by producers such as plants and algae. They include
bacteria, fungi and earthworms.
Non-living (abiotic) components: These components include
sunlight, temperature, water and soil. These components play an
important role in determining the types of ecosystems which
develop in particular areas.

Climate, Soil and Ecosystems

There are many different types of ecosystem. Climate plays a major
role in determining the type of ecosystem which develops in an
area. The amount of rainfall experienced annually in an area will
affect the types of plants and animals which can survive there. For
instance, in an area which experiences very little rainfall, you will
only find plants and animals which are able to survive in the dry
conditions. Temperature is also an important factor in determining
the type of ecosystem which develops in an area. In areas which are
very cold you will find plants and animals which are adapted to
survive in low temperatures. Similarly, in areas which are very hot
you will find organisms which are adapted to survive in high
temperatures. Therefore, when studying an ecosystem, it is
important to acknowledge the influence of the climate.

Soil often plays a major role in the development of an ecosystem.

Soil is composed of weathered material, organic matter, water and
air. There are many types of soil. The type of soil which is found in
an area is influenced greatly by the climate and also the type of rock
which is weathered to produce the soil. The type of soil found in an
area determines to a large extent the types of plants which can
grow there. This in turn influences the types of animals which can
survive there.

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