205 Lesson 4

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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Rachel Decarlo Date: __________

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time 50 mins Grade Level__2nd _______

Subject or Topic: ____Seed dispersal_____________________

Common Core/PA Standard: Have you identified integration of multiple content standards?

S.K-2.B.1.1.2 Identify a plant or animal based on a given life cycle stage (e.g., butterfly, frog, seedproducing

S.K-2.B.1.1 Identify living things and their life processes.

Learning Targets/Objectives:

The second grade students will be able to classify the different ways of seed dispersal by the exit slip.
The second grade students will be able to collect seed evidence by the seed experiment.

Assessment Approaches:

Students will use the inquiry sheet that they fill out while examining their sock.
Another formative assessment will be the exit slip.


An inquiry sheet to fill out while examining what types of seeds stuck to their sock on our walk.
Exit slip name three different ways seeds are dispersed

Assessment Scale:
The students will get a check on the sheet they fill out for correctness and completion.

Subject Matter/Content:
Mother Plant- A plant that is grown and has offsets and off cuts.
Seed dispersal- the movement or transfer of seeds from the mother plant.


Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies create clear lesson goals. May include:

Start of lesson by going over what is a seed is from yesterday.

Tell the students is a seed is the small parts produced by plants from which new plants grow. And when
buried and given the right conditions, will grow new plants.
Have children stay in seats to save time, and start the reading of the book Flip, Float, Fly
While reading, ask students questions and point out all the different ways seeds are transferred from
place to place. For example, dandelions, coconuts, water, wind.

Development/ Teaching Approaches may include:

Start by talking to students about the book and how seeds are dispersed.
Have them come up with different ways. What is expected students to say are winds, animals, humans,
and water.
Wind because it blows seeds from trees and away from other seeds to start more of the same plant in
different places.
Animals because if animals eat seeds, it will come out in fescues, and animals can get seeds stuck on
their feather and fur.
Humans because they get stuck on our shoes and we plant seeds.
An example of seeds that travel in water is coconuts. They can float.
Explain that seed dispersal is extremely important because if not, then seeds will be competing with the
other plant for resources like light, soil and water.
Describe some common seeds that they will see. Have visuals on the smart board of the different types
of seeds. Talk about the dandelions and how the yellow flowers are the white ones before.
Hand out sheet that is going to be on board so students have a reference when looking at sock.
Talk about the maple fruits are the ones that helicopter off from the trees.
Acorns can be picked up by squirrels and taken different places, while milk weeds are ones that can be
dispersed by wind too that can stick to humans and fur.
Next tell the students about the activity. Tell the students they will be going for a walk with socks over
their shoes for about 10-15 minutes.
Tell them the point of this walk is to see if they will pick up any type of seed when they are on the walk.
Hand out an inquiry sheet and have them fill out the prediction part.
What they should be filling out is what types of seeds they think they will pick up.
After done the prediction part of worksheet, have students get socks and put them over their shoes.
Assign the students to walk in pairs together and have them in a line.
When lined up, go outside and begin the walk.
While outside, make sure there is low, dry plants.
When done the walk, have the students before they walk back inside, have them carefully take their
socks off and bring them inside.
Have the students go back to seat and have them look at their socks with the magnifying glass and
inspect to see if there was any seeds in them.
Have them fill out the inquiry sheet.
While students looking at the seeds, have them shake the seeds to see if there is any sticker than others.
When experiment is all done, have the students put socks in a plastic bag, and put in cubby to take

Closure/Summarizing Strategies approaches may include:

When done worksheet, ask the students if there predictions were right. Discuss inquiry sheet and find
out what seeds the students picked up.
Have an exit slip for students and have them answer Name three different ways seeds are dispersed.


Vision Impairment:

For the student with the visual impairment, have a worksheet with all seeds with a bigger picture.


Have students bring in a pair of old cotton socks, but have about 10 extra pairs.
20 magnifying glasses.
20 worksheets.
Flip, float, fly Macken, J. (2016). Flip, Float, Fly. Holiday House.

Reflective Response:

Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Reflect after lesson is taught
Includes remediation for students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement
Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection

Questions, written before lesson is taught, pertaining to YOUR GROWTH as a teacher. Consider
setting goals/focus to enhance your growth.

Additional reflection/thoughts can also be included.


Name That Seed!

Before we take our walk, what type of seeds do you think you might find on your socks. Circle the picture.

Draw a picture of your type of seed that was on your sock, and try to figure out and write what type of seed it is.

Describe the seed: _________________________

Describe the seed: __________________________

Describe the seed: __________________________

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