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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Rachel DeCarlo Date: __________

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time 50 mins Grade Level__2nd _______

Subject or Topic: ____Seeds_____________________

Common Core/PA Standard: Have you identified integration of multiple content standards?

3.1.2. A3- Identify similarities and differences in the life cycles of plants and animals.

Learning Targets/Objectives:

The second grade students will be able to identify the three parts of a seed by dissecting and filling out sheet.
The second grade students will be able to discuss what seeds need to grow by group discussing.
The second grade students will be able to predict how their plant will grow by planting a lima bean.

Assessment Approaches:

A lot of group talk. Turn in talk strategy in the intro to see their prior knowledge.
A sheet that they students fill out while dissecting the lima bean.
Questions at the end to go over what the lesson just taught.


A worksheet to fill out while doing the dissecting of the lima bean. The worksheet will have them fill out
the three parts of the bean.
Listening to the students share their answers with partners and having whole group discussion will show.
Assessment Scale:
The students will get a check on the sheet they fill out for correctness and completion.

Subject Matter/Content:


Seed coat- the protective covering for the seed.

Embryo- the baby plant in the seed
Food storage- this nourishes the embryo and provides a source of food. Located in the seed.
Seed- the first step in becoming a plant, under right conditions grows into the plant


Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies create clear lesson goals. May include:

Start by asking students what they need to live and grow.

Then have to them turn to someone next to them and discuss. After that have students volunteer and
share answers. Answers that should be looked for is food, water, shelter, people to protect them.
Then do the same thing, but with animals.
Go over answers like before.
After that, have students answer the question of what do seeds in order to live and grow? Have them
talk to partner.
After discussion, have students volunteer and share answers.
Have students make connection that we and seeds are similar because we need the same kind of things
to live.
Mention how soil regulates temperate for plants just like we have air conditioning and heat. Seeds and
humans both need water and food. Etc.
Introduce activity and tell students they will be dissecting lima beans.

Development/ Teaching Approaches may include:

Start by telling the students what a seed exactly is. The small parts produced by plants from which new
plants grow. When those seeds are buried and given the right conditions, they turn into plants.
Tell them that seeds have three parts, the embryo, the seed coat, and the food storage. Go over all
functions for each.
Draw a diagram of the lima bean on the board.
Embryo is the baby plant inside the seed.
Seed coat is the outer cover of the seed that protects everything.
The food storage is where the seed gets it nutrient it needs in order to grow.
Also, refresh their memory and go over what seeds need to grow and live. (food, water, soil, sunlight)
Tell them that now they will be dissecting their own lima beans to see if they can find the three parts of
the seeds.
Break the students into groups of 4, each student does get their own worksheet though.
Tell students that everyone should be filling out own worksheet but working together.
Hand out pre-soaked lima beans to groups, give about 3 lima beans to each group and also have extra
just in case.
Then handout tools like toothpicks, tweezers, and magnifying glasses.
Go over safety rules with students. Tell them these are not toys and can be dangerous to them if
handled wrong.
Tell them students they should not be stabbing the bean open because then they would ruin the inside
of what they are trying to see.
Have students gather and give them an example of how to open the lima bean so the insides do not get
Do not show them the inside and ruin the surprise, just show them how to gently open it.
After the demonstration, have them go to tables and start dissecting.
While students are in their groups, call over two students at a time and have them get a little pot and
using soil, plant a lima bean. After planted have students walk over to sink, put a little water in it, and
put on window shelf.
This should take no more than about 3-4 minutes per two students.
While all of this is going on, teacher should still get up and walk around to make sure students are on
track and getting help if needed.
After the students are done dissecting, have them clean up. Have them throw beans away and put tools
in a pile on their desks. Teacher should collect when finished.
Have all students go back to desk to have a group discussion. Show a picture on the smart board of the
lima bean and its parts but have the parts covered. Have the students talk amongst each other to figure
out the parts. Ask questions like what are the three mains parts of the seeds? and what do seeds need
to grow?
After discussion, have volunteers to the board and fill in the board. Help if needed.
Go over material one more time.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies approaches may include:

Tell the students about the Lima beans they planted and tell them that they will be watching them
overtime and making predictions about what they thing is going to happen.
Talk to them why seeds are important to life.


Vision Impairment:
For the student with vision impairment, have an already colored piece of paper with a diagram of the
inside of the lima bean, to help with when they are dissecting.
When going over the parts on the smart board, have a copy with bigger font for the student.


40 Pre- soaked lima beans

6 tweezers
30 toothpicks
6 magnifying glasses
20 pots
Bag of soil
20 lima beans (not soaked)
News paper
Picture of lima bean on smart board
20 lima bean worksheets

Reflective Response:

Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection

Did the students make the connections to the introduction?

Did the students seem to like opening up the beans while also planting their own seed?

Additional reflection/thoughts can also be included.


Word Bank
Embryo Food Storage Seed
Advanced Proficient Basic
3pts 2pts 1pt

Was the student The student was fully Student was partially Student was not active
engaged and engaged during the through the dissection
activity engaged in participated in the dissection but didnt use and used no tools.
the dissection of the dissection of the lima any tools provided.
bean, taking a turn and
lima bean?
using the tools

Did the student fill The student completed The students partially The student did not fill
the worksheet while completed worksheet out the worksheet
out worksheet while dissecting. while dissecting. during the dissection.

The student put forth The student put effort The student put no
Did the student put best effort in completing into completing the effort into the sheet, nor
the sheet, and also filled sheet, but some the dissection.
effort into the it out correctly. Overall answers were incorrect.
diagram, while also was actively engaged
throughout the whole
filling it out

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