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Homework #3 ,,My development story

My development story started at Acord Plus private school of English where management was very low
on teachers. I had some acquaintances there and they recommended me to the HR as a good candidate for
an eventual English teacher position, as I was attending the college at an English department and spent
two years in California.
During the first month I felt great about the new job and I believe I quickly jumped from D1 level to D3
or D4 as I was very confident about what I was doing and felt like Im performing very well. The
following month happened to be much more challenging. The management gave me one more group,
which by the way was an advanced level group. Preparing the lesson for two groups simultaneously
wasnt easy, taking into account that I was attending college as well. During this period I started to feel
desperate as I understood that I havent been performing as good as I was expected. (so this is where D2
steps in) The advanced group turned out to be a bitter task for a beginner, as I had to be very careful on
my speech, pronunciation as well as on my grammar. The group was good so I felt responsible to
demonstrate that theres a professional in front of them. There was nothing as stressful as running for the
first time ever the course of advanced English.
I was so disappointed that I was counting every single minute until the end of the course. The worst part
was that I couldnt tell management this issue as they would have considered that Im not a good teacher
or the task is too tough for me.
At the time when I thought theres no way it could be worse the management gave me three groups. So I
was waking up at 6:30 am and coming home at 11 or 11:30 thus studying for university and preparing
these three lessons during the night or on the bus.
It was a hell of a month so I couldnt sustain more and went to the management with a request to give me
one or maximum two groups a month. They agreed so I continued teaching one or two groups.
As time passed I got my confidence back, I started to perform much better within advanced groups as I
absorbed that necessary experience. After half a year I became fully professional with any kind of groups
I learned tips and tricks of teaching and presenting the subject. I was happy about the job, as students
started to obtain very good results. It was a signal for me that its my merit and that my hard work is not
in vain. This is where I got back on track on the D3 or D4 level.
The management had a mentor leadership style, which was not appropriate for a beginner. Their biggest
mistake was that they unleashed a huge load of work on a newbie(despite the fact that I had lectures at the
university at that time as well), they also gave me an advanced group at the very beginning which wiped
out all my confidence.

Oleg Andreev
Homework #2 Feedback

For this task I chose my course-mate Naila Aghayeva. After the feedback session we both
understood that we have Problem-Solving skill as we like to provide solutions, manage the
situations at hand and see the possible opportunities and means that you can remove a specific
obstacle that hinders the possibility to achieve a result. Both of us can effectively resolve
complex problems that require substantial, in-depth analysis, we can quickly identify key issues
and find ways to condense large amounts of information into a useful form as well as
anticipates the consequences of difficult situations.

1) What was the hardest part, if any?

The hardest part was to go into some quite personal questions about previous or current job
experience, we both had to be very careful when providing feedback in order not to make
the feedback personal but lets say technical, regarding a behavior.

2) What you liked?

I liked that theoretical elements concerning feedback turned out to be very true and practical.
In this manner I confirmed the necessity to be as specific as possible as when I was giving a
more general feedback about her communication or leadership as a whole, she couldnt
really perceive the right way my idea, so we have to be very specific.

3) What was the most useful take-away?

For me the most useful take away was that you have to know
how to receive a feedback and to know how to react when someones expresses his/her
opinion regarding my behavior or specific skill, I have to turn off my emotions and think of
it as a technical element and not something personal.
Also I improved my constructive critique tolerance, as I understood that a negative feedback
is also fruitful tool in human resources management.
Oleg Andreev
Homework #1 Competences for a new hire

No Position Competence Definition Basic levels Questions asked

level) 1-5
1 Teacher of Stress Tolerance Deals calmly and 5/5 1. What situations make you
Biology effectively with high nervous? Give me an
stress situations (for example. What did you do?
example, tight 2. What conditions make
deadlines, hostile you work less well?
individuals, 3. When did you last lose
emergency situations, your temper? Describe the
dangerous situations reasons
4. When in the last year
have you been most upset
with someone else?
2 IT Communication Expresses 5/5 1.Tell me about a situation
Helpdesk information (for where your communication
example, ideas or skills made a difference to a
facts) to individuals situation?
or groups effectively, 2. Describe a time when you
taking into account had to win someone over,
the audience and who was reluctant or
nature of the unresponsive.
information (for 3. Give me an example
example, technical, where your listening skills
sensitive, proved crucial to an
controversial); makes outcome
clear and convincing 4. What type of writing
oral presentations; have you done? Give
listens to others, examples? What makes you
attends to nonverbal think that you are good at
cues, and responds it?
appropriately. 5. How do you prepare for
an important meeting?
3 Human Performance Knowledge of 5/5 1.Tell me about a situation
Resources Management performance where you have had to
Specialist management manage the performance of
concepts, principles, a team or individual through
and practices related a particular situation?
to planning, 2. What were your
monitoring, rating, objectives?
and rewarding 3. Tell me about a project in
employee which you had to monitor
performance. people's performance?
4. How do you assess the
capabilities of people?

Oleg Andreev
Homework #1 Competences for a new hire (part II)

No Competence Low(0) Average(1) Strong(2)

1 Stress Tolerance Keeps Maintains composure in
functioning Develops and applies
effectively during periods
highly stressful and stress reduction strategies to
of on-going low intensitydifficult situations cope with long exposure to
stress Adapts to prolonged stressful situations Stays
Maintains focus during modifying work calm and focused under
situations involving limited
methods extremely stressful
stress Redirects own or own circumstances
Refrains from
teams efforts in response Makes thoughtful
impulsive behavior to changed circumstances decisions evaluating the
Remains focused on to ensure effective problem situation objectively even
task despite distractionssolving under severe stress
Keeps own emotions Confronts the issue, not Takes specific action to
from interfering with
the person mediate between conflicting
stressful situations Maintains sound individuals or parties
Seeks to balance work judgment and decision Demonstrates behaviors
responsibilities and
making despite on-going that help others remain
personal life
stressful situations calm, focused and energized
responsibilities Controls strong during periods of extreme
emotions or other stressful stress
responses and takes action Maintains composure
to respond constructively and shows self-control in
to the source of the the face of significant
problem challenges
Recognizes personal Suspends judgment and
limits for workload and thinks before acting
negotiates adjustments to Identifies and
minimize the effects of consistently models ways of
stress, while still ensuring releasing or limiting stress
appropriate levels of
2 Communication Appropriately expresses Refrains from Creates a climate that
ones own opinion immediate judgment and promotes the free flow of
Listens closely to the criticism of others ideas communication in own
message being delivered delivering criticism in a team, department and
Waits until the speaker way that demonstrates university
has ended the intended sensitivity to the feelings Communicates
message before responding others effectively across all
Accurately reports Stands firm when functions and levels of the
mistakes, errors, and presenting own ideas yet is university
unintended outcomes flexible in listening to and Is sensitive to individual
without glossing over what accepting others input or group communication
went wrong Helps the other person patterns and works to
to vent anger and negative overcome dysfunctional
emotions behavior, if necessary
Encourages the open
expression of dissent and
contrary viewpoints
Alerts appropriate
parties upon the discovery
of potential problems,
ensures no surprises
3 Performance Takes action to clarify Defines roles and Ensures that faculty /
Management goals and objectives for the responsibilities of team departmental goals and
team if there is uncertainty members objectives are aligned
around performance Sets measurable and with UCTs strategy
Focuses own
expectations achievable performance
department on the
Continually examines expectations for team
accomplishment of key
own and teams actions to members that align with objectives
assess whether they are in department and university Ensures commitment
line with team objectives objectives to and application of the
Monitors the progress Delegates assignments performance feedback
of the team toward the appropriately, ensuring that process throughout the
accomplishment of the individual has the skills department/university
performance expectations; and competencies to get
gives timely, constructive, the job done
actionable feedback Provides appropriate
Makes plans to facilitate guidance and support for
progress towards delegated tasks
objectives. Pushes responsibility
Implement performance back to team members
improvement process (rather than taking charge)
where necessary if they have the capability
Defines tasks and to accomplish something
activities of team members Conducts productive
performance feedback
discussions, giving team
members necessary focus,
guidance, and direction
Holds team members
responsible for the
attainment of established
performance expectations;
deals effectively with poor
Recognizes and rewards
successful behaviours and
results within policy

Homework # 4 Strategy

Acord Plus goal is to offer optimal conditions for the students to get maximum results. We
know that the best school of foreign languages Acord Plus is the most suitable way to learn
English, French, Spanish, Russian and many other languages.
At the same time The School takes seriously the need for external
Engagement, recognizing the strong track record and further potential of Modern Languages
research in regard to opportunities for Knowledge Exchange and engagement with the core
goal to provide best service available on the market. We feel committed to provide best
learning facilities as well as native speakers as our astonishing teachers staff.

1. How is it being communicated and implemented?

The strategy is communicated to the new hires at the job interview as well as on the
orientation week
Twice a year the company has a general meeting where the strategy is being explained
and stressed.
Also the companys logo includes key elements of the strategy, all the marketing objects
bear the strategy sign/goals(pens, small flags, notebooks etc)

2. What improvements would you suggest?

I would suggest to seek for new ways to achieve the strategy goals as well as add some
more practical goals which could be perceived and felt better by the employees.
I would also suggest to organize a team building due to the fact that it strengthens
relations between employees and management
Homework # 5 ,,Process of Change

The process of change where I was involved as a member of the company happened at my
previous job at Acord Plus Private School of English.
The top management decided to switch to a completely new marketing strategy where all the
teachers and managers had to be involved.
New marketing strategy included:
1. New improved website with facebook plugin and direct online contact with every
2. Facebook page
3. YouTube ads/Google search ads/
4. Facebook shares three times a day of relevant content on a special teacher facebook
5. Friend requests to all students and photo tags when taking pictures with the group
6. Likes of every shared relevant content by the other teachers or managers

The need of change of the marketing strategy indeed came as a result of these three factors
described in Beckhard-Harris change model. Therefore, specific conditions have to be met in
order for the change to occur.
These conditions are:
1. Dissatisfaction (D) with the current state (of whatever the focus of change might be),
2. A clear and shared Vision (V) of a preferred future
3. An acceptable First Steps (F) Roadmap to achieving the Vision, and the product of D x V
x F is greater than the existing Resistance (R) to change among those whose support is
required for successful implementation.

Dissatisfaction occurred when new competitors entered the market and slowly started to take
over the client base. The top management had to act fast and smart. They hired a consulting
company that developed a good marketing plan in order to keep business on track.
The Vision was shaped by the need to get the companys customer base back and be
competitive on the market as well as improve profits as a result of a better service
The first steps occurred the board management set up a meeting in order to come up with a
decision of future development which has been followed by the decision to hire business
consultancy company.
Resistance was quite high, however as the formula of change possibility shows D*V*F>
resistance has to be lower than the common value of other three elements.
To adapt and implement the new strategy, as a teacher was pretty difficult as we (the
teachers) didnt perceive the marketing as our job obligation and didnt see how it makes a
difference. However, the management was very strict about the new policy and were
enforcing the new facebook rules.
At first it was weird and I was sometimes forgetting to post content and perform all this job
on facebook but management supplied their bonus system with add-ons to the salary if you
perform job on facebook with commitment.
After two months of implementation of new strategy and of bonus system we(the teachers)
became accustomed with marketing part of the job and even found self-posting software.
In the end companys approach turned out to be very successful and now its one of the
leading schools on the market.

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