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Brainstorming Activity (15 min?

1. Have class brainstorm as a group: how can we improve race relations in the United
States? (7 min?)
2. Have class brainstorm as individuals: how can we decrease our negative impacts on the
environment in the United States? (7 min?)
a. Have people start compiling list of ideas on Google Docs as soon as done

Presentation (20 min?)

1. Introduction
2. Strike a Balance Between Breadth & Depth
3. Actively Generate Many Ideas
a. Office skit after information
b. Then landfill metaphor
4. The Issues around Brainstorming
a. Clown skit
5. Fixing Brainstorming
6. Allow Time for Evaluation
a. Testimonials after information
7. The Network Paradox
8. Why We Build Networks
9. Why We Have to Break Away from Networks
a. Miley skit

Debrief (10 min?)

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