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Small Group Lesson Plan

Name: Allison Davidson Grade Level: 2nd Grade Date: 4/5/17 Group Size: 5

Subject/Lesson Topic: Social Studies/ Economics

Objectives: (TLW:)

TLW participate in the group discussion about goods and services/jobs.

TLW categorize 7 out of 9 jobs into the correct category on the Jobs Worksheet.


Standard 6- Producers and Consumers

o 2.6.1- Describe how people can be both producers and consumers of local goods and


Contextual Factors:

Community, district and school factors.

o Mayfair Laboratory Elementary

East Baton Rouge Parish

o Magnet School

Students had to pass a test for admittance.

o Mayfair serves many ethnicities.

Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Asian, etc.

Student characteristics.

o Students are in second grade; most are seven years old, turning eight.

o This lesson is aimed at a small group of students. The group is comprised of two boys

and three girls.

African American (2 girls and 1 boy)

Caucasian (1 boy)

Hispanic (1 girl)

o One girl speaks English as her second language.

Teacher Materials/Resources:


o Paper


Jobs Worksheet

o Stapler

o Laptop

Student Materials/Resources:


o Scissors

o Pencil

Technology Integration:

During the lesson, the teacher will use a laptop to display a video about producers and



Family/Community Connection or Extension:

The students family and community will be integrated into the lesson during the discussion

(e.g., What do your parents do for a living? Do they produce goods or provide services?) The

teacher will allow the students to share their own experiences within the lesson.
To extend the lesson, the teacher will direct the children to show their families the

Economics Booklet (which will be made during the lesson) at home.


In planning this lesson, the topic of economics is developmentally appropriate.

Specifically, second grade at Mayfair Laboratory Elementary has not covered this subject

area yet; therefore, the timing of this lesson is suitable to the students.

To become clear of what the students already know about economics, the teacher will

informally assess the children. The teacher will do this by asking the students if they can

explain the meaning of each of the following words: goods, services, producers, and


Lesson Procedure and Activities:


The teacher says, Welcome everyone! Today, we will be talking about economics.

Specifically, we are going to discuss how people can be both producers and consumers of

goods and services. To begin, we will watch a quick video about producers, consumers,

goods and services.

o The teacher will play the video, Goods and Services Economics Social Studies

YouTube. This video explains and illustrates the importance of goods, services,

producers, and consumers.


To get the childrens attention and give directions, the teacher will say, To begin,

everyone sit up straight and give me your full attention.

After the video is over, the teacher will lead a group discussion; the children will sit in a

circle. They will discuss questions such as: What do your parents do for a living? Do they

produce goods or provide services? The teacher will use the Formative Assessment

Checklist to identify which objectives are visible or absent for each child (see

Formative Assessment/Evaluation section of the lesson plan).

After the last child has shared his/her experience(s) relating to goods, services, producers,

and consumers, the teacher will handout a bundle of paper to each child. Within this

bundle, there is information about producers, consumers, goods, services, and types of


o The teacher will direct the students to cut each paper into two, along the dotted

line. Then, the student will be instructed to arrange each page in numerical order.

From there, the teacher will staple each students booklet, creating the

Economics Booklet.

Together, the teacher and students will read through the booklet.

o The students are allowed to read if they would like.

Once the reading is finished, the students will be given the opportunity to present a job

(not discussed in the booklet) that provides a good and/or provides a service.

o The teacher will be recording data on the Formative Assessment Checklist during

this discussion (see Formative Assessment/Evaluation section of the lesson


The teacher will then give the students the Jobs Worksheet, which also acts as a

formative assessment- (see Formative Assessment/Evaluation section of the lesson

plan). The students will be directed to complete the worksheet, alone, and turn it into the



Lastly, the teacher will wrap up the lesson by instructing the students to name something

they want to be when they grow up and state if their dream job produces goods and/or

provides services.

Once every child has the opportunity to speak, the teacher will say, Awesome! I am so

excited to see that you all are interested in the worlds economy!

The teacher will then say, Alright everyone, this is the end of our time together. I had so

much fun working with you all today! Please go home and share your booklet with your

family. If you have the chance, ask your parents if they produce goods and/or provide

services at work.


Economics is a universal topic; it is important know the differences between goods and

services and how producers and consumers make/give both good and services. All

children will be given the same opportunities during this lesson. However, the activities

accommodate different learning levels. For instance, students who are advanced are

challenged when they are directed to name a job, not discussed, that produces a good

and/or provides a service; each student is instructed to give an accurate description of the

job as well. On the other hand, students who struggle in understanding new material are

presented with simpler learning opportunities. Specifically, they are allowed to explain a

job from the booklet, instead of explaining a job without an explanation in front of them.
Typically, children at this age cannot sit still most of the time. Therefore, during the small

group lesson, the group can meet on the carpet, and the children can sit/lay, as long as

their attention is focused on the lesson being presented.

To assist children with special needs, a teacher can support a child individually when

noticeably struggling.

To assist children with language barriers, a teacher can provide the lesson in both English

and in the students native language; this may require extensive preparation because the

teacher should familiarize herself with those languages.

Within this specific lesson plan, there is no time allotted for mistaken behavior due to the

fact that the lesson is filled with a variety of activates and transitions. If for some reason

mistaken behavior occurs, the teacher can appropriately address the situation.

Formative Assessment/Evaluation:

To ensure that students are meeting the objectives, the teacher will consistently record

observable data. The data will be recorded on a premade Formative Assessment

Checklist. Once a student masters an objective, the teacher will place a checkmark in the

corresponding section. This will show what objectives were met and which were visually

absent. (The Formative Assessment Checklist is attached at the end of this lesson


Also, after the lesson is complete, the students will complete the Jobs Worksheet,

which can also be used to assess their understanding of the material presented during the

lesson. (The Jobs Worksheet is attached at the end of this lesson plan.)
A unit about goods, services, producers, and
consumers. This unit also discusses how certain jobs
provide goods, whereas, others provide services.

All About Jobs

A person who uses resources to make goods and

A person who uses goods and services to meet their

Something that you can use or consume. You buy a
good with the idea that you will use it, either just once
or over and over again.


Something that someone does for you. You dont really
get a solid object, but you do get something you need.

Someone gives you a haircut
Someone washes your car
Someone makes you dinner

Mail Carrier
I deliver mail from the post office to
peoples homes. I also make sure that
the mail people want sent to others
gets delivered.

I write books for others to enjoy.
I work hard to make the story
interesting for others to read.

I help people to feel better when they
are sick. I also give out medicine and
teach people how to take care of

School Bus Driver

I drive a school bus everyday.
I make sure that kids get to school
and home from school safe.

Flight Attendant
I help to take care of people while
they are on an airplane. I get them
food and drinks. I also teach them how
to be safe on an airplane.


I farm fields that produce fruits and
vegetables. Then, I send the food I
grew to the supermarkets for people
to buy.

Trash Collector
I remove the waste from peoples
homes. They put their garbage to the
side of the street, and I pick it up and
bring it to get disposed.


I cook food for others, typically in a
restaurant or hotel. Most consider
me to be in charge of the kitchen.

I fix peoples cars when they arent
working correctly. I change tires,
change oil, and make sure that cars
are safe to drive.

Name: _______________ Date: ____________

Jobs that Provide Goods and Services

Directions: Using the jobs in the box below, sort them into
the two different categories: jobs that provide goods and
jobs that provide services. Write each job in the category
it belongs in!

Mail Carrier Author School Bus Driver

Doctor Mechanic Trash Collector
Farmer Flight Attendant Chef

Jobs that Provide Jobs that Provide

Formative Assessment Checklist

Name Objective 1 Objective 2

TLW participate in the TLW categorize 7 out

group discussion of 9 jobs into the
about goods and correct category on
services/jobs. the Jobs Worksheet.

Yes No Yes No
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 3:
Student 4:
Student 5:

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