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Task Beginning-1 Developing-2 Qualified-3 Exemplary-4 Score

Student displayed all

Student displayed little Student showed some Student displayed some steps to steps to close reading.
grasp of close reading, understanding of close close reading. Circled Circled vocabulary did
failed to notate main reading but did not take vocabulary did not know. not know. Wrote main
Close Reading
idea, failed to circle all the necessary steps. Wrote incomplete main idea in idea in margin,
vocabulary or write Did not write the main margin, underlined facts that underlined facts that
main idea in margin. idea in margin correctly. intended to use in article. intended to use in

Properly used evidence

Some evidence cited but
Used evidence but did not give and used examples
Citing Evidence No evidence in article. did not properly
enough content to article; provided or was used in
proper context
Paragraphs were less Complete paragraphs
Complete paragraphs and
than 2 sentences. The and contained some
contained some content that
Article lacked content Complete paragraphs but content that provided
Article Content provided reader with
and student failed to lacked content. reader with complete
incomplete information on
provide details and information on subject
subject matter.
information or facts on matter.
Informational Essay Many errors in Some errors in
A few errors in punctuation and
(Punctuation, punctuation and punctuation and spelling No errors in punctuation
spelling but did not interfere
sentence structe, and spelling made article made article hard to and grammar.
with reading.
grammer). difficult to read. read.
Some visual appeal but Visually appealing but
incomplete. Did not incomplete. Did not Visually appealing. Followed Very visually appealing.
State Brochure
follow brochure follow all directions for directions for brochure planner. Followed directions.
directions. brochure planner.
Completed individual
portion but did not assist Completed and
Completed and participated to
in completion, Teacher participated to project
Did not contribute to project completion. Teacher
Group Contribution had to encourage completion without
project. had to encourage cooperation
cooperation and provide teacher interjecting or
and provided correction.
correction throughout providing correction.

Able to speak clearly

and confidently about
Able to say a few Spoke about topic with some the topic and provided
Able to say a few words
Small Group Oral sentences about state. confidence although additional fun facts with
about chosen state and
Presentation Needed refocusing when information provided was prompting. Attempted to
listen with support.
listening. incomplete. answer class mates
questions and listened
politely to others.

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