Van Gogh Unit Lesson Plans

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Monmouth University
School of Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidates Name: Megan Many

Tentative Date: March 6th, 7th, & 8th, 2017
Lesson Title: Vincent Van Gogh- Virtual Field Trip
Grade Level/Subject: 9th-12th grade/ Art
Disability Categories represented: ADHD, Hearing Impaired
Type of classroom: Inclusion
UDL Strategies: *Can be found in Assessments and Procedures* these include
group work, individual work, verbal class discussion, each student has the option
for a digital worksheet or paper copy, all information will be on individual
computers, Smartboard, and printed out. Methods of UDL also include visual
images, YouTube videos, verbal discussion, and hands-on activities.
Collaborative Methods: School resources that include School Library, collaboration
with other Art teachers, Smartboard and school computers.

Central Focus: Students will explore and understand Post-Impressionism art, Vincent van Gogh
and his life and artwork, and how to create their own Post-Impressionism artwork painting.
Students will also gain experience with a virtual field trip, drawing sketches of their ideas, paints
to create their artwork, and having class discussions. Students will then discuss what they
learned and critique their artwork.

1. 1.1.12.D.1 - Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and principles of
design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and identify specific cross-
cultural themes.
2. 1.3.12.D.2 - Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art mediums that
demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and cultural understanding.
3. 1.4.12.A.2 - Speculate on the artists intent, using discipline-specific arts terminology and
citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.
Many 2

1. 1.7 - Promote the development of critical and creative thinking, problem-solving and
decision-making skills by engaging students in formulating and testing hypotheses
according to the methods of inquiry and standards of evidence within the discipline.
2. 1.8 - Make effective use of multiple representations and explanations of disciplinary
concepts that capture key ideas and link them to students prior understanding.
3. 4.9 - Identify strategies to create learning experiences that make subject matter
meaningful for students, address a variety of learning styles, encourage students to pursue
their own interests and inquiries and help students connect their learning to personal
4. 5.5 - Provide students with constructive feedback on their learning and encourage their
use of data and self-assessment strategies to monitor their progress toward personal goals.
5. 6.7 - Maintain a learning community in which students assume responsibility for
themselves and one another, participate in decision-making and work collaboratively and
6. 7.5 - Apply knowledge of students abilities/disabilities, experiences, talents and prior
learning, as well as language, culture, economics, family and community values to
positively impact student learning.
7. 8.5 - Assist students individually or as a member of a group to access, evaluate,
synthesize and use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.

Learner Outcomes:
a. 1.1- Students will be able to create a Post-Impressionism painting based on
information learned from the Virtual Field Trip about Post-Impressionism and
Vincent van Gogh. (Bloom 5 synthesis)
b. 1.2- Students will be able to discuss and describe the history of Post-
Impressionism art and Vincent van Goghs contribution to its history. (Bloom 1
c. 1.3- Students will be able to create a painting in a Post-Impressionism style.
(Bloom 5 synthesis)
d. 1.4- Students will be able to examine their own work. (Bloom 4 analyze)

VFT Day One: Students will comprise information they learned regarding Post-
Impressionism art and compile information on worksheet provided on VFT website.
Students will complete this in groups of four. There will be a class discussion to share
what was learned about Post-Impressionism art. All work will be collected. UDL
integration: Students will benefit from group work and verbally discussing information.
Students have the option to print out worksheet or complete on the computer.
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VFT Day Two: Students will work independently to complete the information worksheet
regarding what they learned about Vincent van Gogh. There will be a class discussion
after all worksheets are completed to discuss Van Gogh, his art, his impact on art, and his
life. Students will share additional information they found regarding Van Gogh. All
work will be collected. UDL integration: Students will benefit from online worksheet
questions and verbal discussion to learn more about Van Gogh. Students have the option
to print out worksheet or complete on the computer.
VFT Day Three: Students will conduct class critique about one of Vincent van Goghs
most famous pieces of art: Starry Night. Students are required to bullet point important
information in a Google Doc that will be shared with the teacher at the end of the class.
A rubric will be presented to students to show what is required for the Post-
Impressionism Van Gogh styled art project that will be completed after VFT and the
project will be explained. UDL integration: Students will benefit from class discussion,
and information will also be written in the front of the class. Students again have the
option to complete critique on printed sheet or on the computer. Printed sheets of the
painting will also be provided on each table.

Academic Language:
Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports
Vocabulary Discuss vocabulary words and define
them with students.
Syntax Students will be using vocabulary words
to complete worksheets, class discussions,
and critique.
Discourse Students will use information and
vocabulary to complete worksheets, class
discussions, and critique.

Duration: The VFT lesson will be completed in three days (three class periods). Each class
session will be forty minutes long.

Instruction Strategies and Learning Tasks:

Anticipatory Set: On the first day of the VFT, when students come into the classroom, ask them
what information they can provide about Post-Impressionism art and Vincent van Gogh. Write
down all information the students discuss on Smartboard and create a KWL chart of what the
students know and what they want to learn.
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Procedures and Assessments Linked to Learner Outcomes:

Day One: Introduce the virtual field trip to students. Have students take out their
laptops/computers and access virtual field trip website. Walk students through the
website, starting with Day Ones information and activities. Discuss Post-
Impressionism art and its characteristics and history. Have students walk through
websites and information presented regarding Post-Impressionism art. Have
students complete all activities under Day One on virtual field trip website and
hand in work. Have class discussion about what was learned. (Linked to Learner
Outcome 1.4). UDL integration: Students with different learning styles will
benefit from online VFT website including YouTube videos, informational
websites, and Google Docs, as well as verbal classroom discussions and group
work. Students have the option to print out worksheet or complete it on the
Day Two: Students access virtual field trip website. Complete Day Two of the
virtual field trip website, focusing on Vincent van Gogh and his contribution to
Post-Impressionism art. Have students walk through all information presented.
Students will complete activities for Day Two and hand in or submit all work.
Students will have discussion as a class regarding van Gogh and his contributions
to Post-Impressionism. (Linked to Learner Outcome 1.4). UDL integration:
Students with different learning styles will benefit from online VFT website
including Google Docs and informational websites, as well as verbal classroom
discussions and independent work. Students have the option to print out
worksheet or complete it on the computer.

Day Three: Have students access virtual field trip website. Complete Day Three
of virtual field trip website. Have class critique Starry Night painting with regard
to critique questions found on virtual field trip website, while documenting
information about the critique. This information that will be submitted to teacher
will be completed on Google Doc. Students will begin to sketch ideas for their
own Post-Impressionism style painting. (Linked to Learner Outcomes 1.1 and
1.3). UDL integration: Students with different learning styles will benefit from
online VFT website to view the Starry Night painting. The painting will also be
offered in a printed hard copy on art tables. Students will also benefit from
classroom discussions and having information written on Google Docs as well as
on the Smartboard.
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Accommodations for diverse learners and students with special needs:

Identified Support for Specific Planned Accommodation(s)
Students with ADHD/504 Students need to Students will use Chromebooks/
Plan have multiple computers to be engaged in
means of learning on websites and with
interaction to YouTube videos
continue to be Students will engage in group work
engaged in lesson. and class participation in
Students perform discussions to receive multiple
well in groups and means of instruction
class discussions
where ideas and
information can
flow freely.

Modifications for students with disabilities:

Identified Support for Specific Planned Modification(s)
Students with hearing Students need Students will use both computer and
impairments multiple means of printed version of worksheets,
instruction to information from websites, and
understand information from class discussions
information will be written
Students will use discussion with
groups and with teacher to
completely understand material

Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:

Teacher Materials:
o Virtual field trip website:
o Planner
o Lesson plans
o Google Docs
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o YouTube videos, websites, Word documents (all included on website)

o Pens/pencils
Student Materials:
o Virtual Field trip website:
o Sketchbook
o Chromebook/computer
o Google Docs
o YouTube videos, websites, Word documents (all included on website)
o Pens/pencils
o Printed hard copies of online information

Homework / Assignment for Next Class: At the end of the Virtual Field trip three day lesson,
students will be required to sketch their own ideas for the creation of their own Post-
Impressionism style art project that will be completed in class following the VFT.
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KWL Spreadsheet- Post-Impressionism Art


1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.
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KWL Spreadsheet- Vincent Van Gogh


1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.
Many 9

Grade: 9-12
Unit: Vincent van Gogh- Van Goghs Life

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

NJCCCS 1.1.12.D.1 - Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and

principles of design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and
identify specific cross-cultural themes.
NJCCCS 1.3.12.D.2 - Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art
mediums that demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and
cultural understanding.
NJCCCS 1.4.12.A.2 Speculate on the artists intent, using discipline-specific arts
terminology and citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.

Not Proficient Partially Proficient Advanced Comments

Proficient Proficient

0-5 points 6-10 points 11-15 points 15.20 points

No or very little Task partially Task completed Task completed

evidence of completed or appropriately appropriately,
task completed with some with proper with excellent
or proper proper technique technique and
technique technique imagination

1.1- Review of
student painting

1.2- Participate in

1.3- Review of

1.4- Student
participation in

on Task
Many 10

Project Grade

Monmouth University
School of Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidates Name: Megan Many

Tentative Date: March 9th, 2017
Lesson Title: Vincent Van Gogh- Literary Sunflowers
Grade Level/Subject: 9th-12th grade/ Art
Disability Categories represented: ADHD, Hearing Impaired
Type of classroom: Inclusion
UDL Strategies: *Can be found in Assessments and Procedures* these include
group work, individual work, verbal class discussion, each student has the option
for a digital worksheet or paper copy, all information will be on individual
computers, Smartboard, and printed out. Methods of UDL also include visual
images, verbal discussion, and hands-on activities.
Collaborative Methods: School resources that include School Library, collaboration
with other Art teachers, Smartboard and school computers.

Central Focus: Students will explore and understand Post-Impressionism art, Vincent van Gogh
and his life and artwork, and how to create their own Post-Impressionism artwork painting.
Students will also gain experience with a virtual field trip, drawing sketches of their ideas, paints
to create their artwork, and having class discussions. Students will then discuss what they
learned and critique their artwork.

1. 1.1.12.D.1 - Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and principles of
design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and identify specific cross-
cultural themes.
2. 1.3.12.D.2 - Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art mediums that
demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and cultural understanding.
3. 1.4.12.A.2 - Speculate on the artists intent, using discipline-specific arts terminology and
citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.
Many 11

1. 1.7 - Promote the development of critical and creative thinking, problem-solving and
decision-making skills by engaging students in formulating and testing hypotheses
according to the methods of inquiry and standards of evidence within the discipline.
2. 1.8 - Make effective use of multiple representations and explanations of disciplinary
concepts that capture key ideas and link them to students prior understanding.
3. 4.9 - Identify strategies to create learning experiences that make subject matter
meaningful for students, address a variety of learning styles, encourage students to pursue
their own interests and inquiries and help students connect their learning to personal
4. 5.5 - Provide students with constructive feedback on their learning and encourage their
use of data and self-assessment strategies to monitor their progress toward personal goals.
5. 6.7 - Maintain a learning community in which students assume responsibility for
themselves and one another, participate in decision-making and work collaboratively and
6. 7.5 - Apply knowledge of students abilities/disabilities, experiences, talents and prior
learning, as well as language, culture, economics, family and community values to
positively impact student learning.
7. 8.5 - Assist students individually or as a member of a group to access, evaluate,
synthesize and use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.

Learner Outcomes:
a. 1.1- Students will be able to create a Post-Impressionism painting based on
information learned from the Virtual Field Trip and the comparison of Van Goghs
Sunflowers painting and the poem Cripple by Carl Sandburg. (Bloom 5
b. 1.2- Students will be able to discuss and describe the history of Post-
Impressionism art and Vincent van Goghs contribution to its history, as well as
the poem Cripple. (Bloom 1 knowledge)
c. 1.3- Students will be able to create a painting in a Post-Impressionism style.
(Bloom 5 synthesis)
d. 1.4- Students will be able to examine their own work. (Bloom 4 analyze)

Students will analyze Vincent Van Goghs Sunflowers by using Art vocabulary words and
describing words. They will be asked to first write their words individually, either on
their computers in GoogleDoc or on paper, then share their words that describe the mood
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of the painting and the thought process behind it with a partner. Students will then
discuss their analysis as a class discussion. Students will then read the poem Cripple
aloud and discuss the meaning behind the poem. Then students will compare the painting
and the words they used to describe it versus their analysis of the poem. UDL
integration: Students will benefit from group work and verbally discussing information.
Students have the option to use technology to write their answers or use paper and pen to
write their answers. Information that is discussed will be written in the front of the class.
Students will be provided with printed sheets of the painting and the poem, as well as
having the image of the painting and the poem on the Smartboard in the front of the

Academic Language:
Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports
Vocabulary Discuss vocabulary words and define
them with students.
Syntax Students will be using vocabulary words
to analyze the painting and the poem, and
to complete class discussions.
Discourse Students will use information and
vocabulary to analyze the painting and the
poem and complete class discussions.

Duration: The Literary Sunflower lesson will be completed in one day (one class period). One
class session is forty minutes long.

Instruction Strategies and Learning Tasks:

Anticipatory Set: Have students recall information they learned over the past three days from
the Virtual Field Trip of Van Gogh and Post-Impressionism art. Discuss Van Goghs style and
the events in his life that contributed to his artwork style. Discuss as a class the importance of
analyzing artwork and how literacy can be compared to visual artwork.

Procedures and Assessments Linked to Learner Outcomes:

Introduce Van Goghs painting Sunflowers to the students by placing the image on
the Smartboard, as well as having a handful of hard copies of the image on each
table. Have students take out Chromebooks and open a new GoogleDoc page, or
have them take out a notebook or their sketchbook to write single words and
phrases to describe the painting. Make sure they utilize vocabulary words and
describe the mood and feeling of the painting. Have students turn to the person
next to them after a few minutes and share the words and phrases they each came
up with. Following this, have all students share some feelings about the painting
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and share some words used to describe the painting in a five minute class
discussion. (Linked to Learner Outcome 1.2 and 1.4).
Then, pass out paper copies of the poem Cripple by Carl Sandburg, and have
the students read the poem. Each student can use the Smartboard to read the
poem, their Chromebook, or the paper copy that has been passed out. Next, have
a class discussion of the students reaction to the poem. Discuss possible
meanings of Cripple and, using literary vocabulary, have the students identify
some metaphors that were used. (Linked to Learner Outcome 1.2 and 1.4).
Lastly, have students compare the words that were chosen to describe Van Goghs
Sunflowers and the meaning and metaphors of the poem Cripple to analyze both
forms of art. Have students write a one paragraph response (either on their choice
of the Chromebook or on notebook paper) about the comparisons between the
painting and the poem. (Linked to Learner Outcome 1.2 and 1.4).
UDL integration: Students with different learning styles will benefit from
technology and paper version of painting and poem, as well as the use of Google
Docs or paper responses, as well as verbal classroom discussions, independent
work, and partner work.

Accommodations for diverse learners and students with special needs:

Identified Support for Specific Planned Accommodation(s)
Students with ADHD/504 Students need to Students will use Chromebooks/
Plan have multiple computers to be engaged in
means of learning on GoogleDocs and
interaction to viewing the content
continue to be Students will engage in group work
engaged in lesson. and class participation in
Students perform discussions to receive multiple
well in groups and means of instruction
class discussions
where ideas and
information can
flow freely.
Many 14

Modifications for students with disabilities:

Identified Support for Specific Planned Modification(s)
Students with hearing Students need Students will use both computer and
impairments multiple means of printed version of worksheets,
instruction to information from websites, and
understand information from class discussions
information will be written
Students will use discussion with
groups and with teacher to
completely understand material

Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:

Teacher Materials:
o Planner
o Lesson plans
o GoogleDocs
o Smartboard, websites for Sunflowers and Cripple, computer
o Printouts of Sunflowers and Cripple
o Pens/pencils
Student Materials:
o Sketchbook/notebook
o Chromebook/computer
o GoogleDocs
o Websites for Sunflowers and Cripple
o Printouts of Sunflowers and Cripple
o Pens/pencils

Homework / Assignment for Next Class: If students have not yet completed their sketches for
their own Post-Impressionism style art painting that was assigned from the previous day, they
must complete their sketches in their sketchbooks and bring the final sketches in to be reviewed
with the teacher the next day.
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Sunflowers Vincent Van Gogh

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Cripple Carl Sandburg

ONCE when I saw a cripple

Gasping slowly his last days with the white plague,
Looking from hollow eyes, calling for air,
Desperately gesturing with wasted hands
In the dark and dust of a house down in a slum,
I said to myself
I would rather have been a tall sunflower
Living in a country garden
Lifting a golden-brown face to the summer,
Rain-washed and dew-misted,
Mixed with the poppies and ranking hollyhocks,
And wonderingly watching night after night
The clear silent processionals of stars.
Many 17

Retrieved from

Grade: 9-12
Unit: Vincent van Gogh- Literary Sunflowers

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

NJCCCS 1.1.12.D.1 - Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and

principles of design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and
identify specific cross-cultural themes.
NJCCCS 1.3.12.D.2 - Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art
mediums that demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and
cultural understanding.
NJCCCS 1.4.12.A.2 Speculate on the artists intent, using discipline-specific arts
terminology and citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.

Not Proficient Partially Proficient Advanced Comments

Proficient Proficient

0-5 points 6-10 points 11-15 points 15.21 points

No or very little Task partially Task completed Task completed

evidence of completed or appropriately appropriately,
task completed with some with proper with excellent
or proper proper technique technique and
technique technique imagination

1.5- Review of
student painting

1.6- Participate in

1.7- Review of

1.8- Student
participation in
Many 18

on Task

Project Grade

Monmouth University
School of Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidates Name: Megan Many

Tentative Date: March 10th, 2017
Lesson Title: Vincent Van Gogh- Demonstration and Conferences
Grade Level/Subject: 9th-12th grade/ Art
Disability Categories represented: ADHD, Hearing Impaired
Type of classroom: Inclusion
UDL Strategies: *Can be found in Assessments and Procedures* these include
group work, individual work, verbal class discussion, each student has the option
for a digital worksheet or paper copy, all information will be on individual
computers, Smartboard, and printed out. Methods of UDL also include visual
images, verbal discussion, and hands-on activities.
Collaborative Methods: School resources that include School Library, collaboration
with other Art teachers, Smartboard and school computers.

Central Focus: Students will explore and understand Post-Impressionism art, Vincent van Gogh
and his life and artwork, and how to create their own Post-Impressionism artwork painting.
Students will also gain experience with a virtual field trip, drawing sketches of their ideas, paints
to create their artwork, and having class discussions. Students will then discuss what they
learned and critique their artwork.

1. 1.1.12.D.1 - Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and principles of
design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and identify specific cross-
cultural themes.
Many 19

2. 1.3.12.D.2 - Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art mediums that
demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and cultural understanding.
3. 1.4.12.A.2 - Speculate on the artists intent, using discipline-specific arts terminology and
citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.

1. 1.7 - Promote the development of critical and creative thinking, problem-solving and
decision-making skills by engaging students in formulating and testing hypotheses
according to the methods of inquiry and standards of evidence within the discipline.
2. 1.8 - Make effective use of multiple representations and explanations of disciplinary
concepts that capture key ideas and link them to students prior understanding.
3. 4.9 - Identify strategies to create learning experiences that make subject matter
meaningful for students, address a variety of learning styles, encourage students to pursue
their own interests and inquiries and help students connect their learning to personal
4. 5.5 - Provide students with constructive feedback on their learning and encourage their
use of data and self-assessment strategies to monitor their progress toward personal goals.
5. 6.7 - Maintain a learning community in which students assume responsibility for
themselves and one another, participate in decision-making and work collaboratively and
6. 7.5 - Apply knowledge of students abilities/disabilities, experiences, talents and prior
learning, as well as language, culture, economics, family and community values to
positively impact student learning.
7. 8.5 - Assist students individually or as a member of a group to access, evaluate,
synthesize and use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.

Learner Outcomes:
a. 1.1- Students will be able to create a sketch of their Post-Impressionism painting
based on information learned from the Virtual Field Trip and the comparison of
Van Goghs Sunflowers painting and the poem Cripple by Carl Sandburg.
(Bloom 5 synthesis)
b. 1.2- Students will be able to discuss and describe the history of Post-
Impressionism art and Vincent van Goghs contribution to its history, as well as
the poem Cripple. (Bloom 1 knowledge)
c. 1.3- Students will be able to create a painting in a Post-Impressionism style.
(Bloom 5 synthesis)
d. 1.4- Students will be able to examine their own work. (Bloom 4 analyze)
Many 20

Students will be asked to begin working on their Post-Impressionism paintings after
watching the teacher demonstration in the front of the classroom. Before beginning
painting, students will be required to have a one-on-one conference with the teacher to
discuss the students final idea for the painting, using the drawings from the students
sketchbooks. UDL integration: Students will benefit from visually watching
demonstration and discussing information as a class. Students will also benefit from
discussion with teacher about sketches and direction for final project.

Academic Language:
Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports
Vocabulary Have students use vocabulary words in
conference, as well as using vocabulary
words during demonstration.
Syntax Students will be using vocabulary words
and artistic language while conferencing
as well as during class discussion during
Discourse Students will use information and
vocabulary to discuss reasoning for final
project and complete class discussions.

Duration: The Demonstration and Conferences lesson will be completed in one day (one class
period). One class session is forty minutes long.

Instruction Strategies and Learning Tasks:

Anticipatory Set: Have students recall information they learned over the past four days from
the Virtual Field Trip of Van Gogh and Post-Impressionism art, as well as the discussions about
Van Goghs Sunflowers and Carl Sandburgs Cripple. Have students take out sketchbooks,
review their image for their final project, and finish any last details of the sketch.

Procedures and Assessments Linked to Learner Outcomes:

Bring students up front to the demonstration table to have them watch teachers
demonstration of final painting project. Show students the completed example of
the Post-Impressionism Van Gogh inspired painting. Have students pass around
the painting and take note of the detail in the painting. Students can ask questions
and discuss what they see informally. Then have students focus as teacher
demonstrates drawing a grid for the proportions of the painting, then begins the
new painting using the style of Van Gogh. Use important vocabulary words that
Many 21

were discussed in the beginning of the Unit. Have students ask any questions
before heading back to their tables and easels. Have students come to the front of
the room to take their canvas, and instruct them to set up their station and have
their sketchbook ready for conferences.
Teacher begins to have one-on-one conferences with each student to discuss their
sketches and if the sketch the student chose will be fit for the final project.
Discuss with each student their ideas for the final project, and when both the
teacher and student are satisfied with the selection of sketch, student may go back
to their station and begin drawing their sketch onto their canvas. (Linked to
Learner Outcome 1.1 and 1.3). While other students are waiting to have their
conference, they may finalize sketches, set up work station, and begin drawing
their grid.
UDL integration: Students with different learning styles will benefit from visual
demonstration and discussion of project. Students will also benefit from one-on-
one conferences with teacher to express ideas.

Accommodations for diverse learners and students with special needs:

Identified Support for Specific Planned Accommodation(s)
Students with ADHD/504 Students need to Students will be engaged in visual
Plan have multiple demonstration as well as class
means of discussion, and one-on-one
interaction to conferences with teacher
continue to be Students will engage in class
engaged in lesson. participation in discussions to
Students perform receive multiple means of
well in groups and instruction
class discussions
where ideas and
information can
flow freely.

Modifications for students with disabilities:

Identified Support for Specific Planned Modification(s)
Students with hearing Students need Students will watch visual
impairments multiple means of demonstration
Many 22

instruction to Students will use discussion with

understand groups and with teacher to
information completely understand material

Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:

Teacher Materials:
o Planner
o Lesson plans
o Canvas
o Paint
o Ruler
o Paintbrushes
o Reference material
o Computer
o Pens/pencils
Student Materials:
o Sketchbook with sketches of final painting
o Chromebook/computer to utilize VFT if needed for style of painting
o Pens/pencils/erasers
o Paint
o Canvas
o Ruler
o Easel
o Paint palette

Homework / Assignment for Next Class: Students should keep a journal in their sketchbook of
thoughts and ideas during this process.
Many 23

Grade: 9-12
Unit: Vincent van Gogh- Demonstration and Conferences

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

NJCCCS 1.1.12.D.1 - Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and

principles of design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and
identify specific cross-cultural themes.
NJCCCS 1.3.12.D.2 - Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art
mediums that demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and
cultural understanding.
NJCCCS 1.4.12.A.2 Speculate on the artists intent, using discipline-specific arts
terminology and citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.

Not Proficient Partially Proficient Advanced Comments

Proficient Proficient

0-5 points 6-10 points 11-15 points 15.22 points

No or very little Task partially Task completed Task completed

evidence of completed or appropriately appropriately,
task completed with some with proper with excellent
or proper proper technique technique and
technique technique imagination

1.9- Review of
student painting

1.10- Participate
in discussion

1.11- Review of
Many 24

1.12- Student
participation in

on Task

Project Grade

Monmouth University
School of Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidates Name: Megan Many

Tentative Date: March 13th-March 31st, 2017
Lesson Title: Vincent Van Gogh- Post-Impressionism Paintings
Grade Level/Subject: 9th-12th grade/ Art
Disability Categories represented: ADHD, Hearing Impaired
Type of classroom: Inclusion
UDL Strategies: *Can be found in Assessments and Procedures* these include
individual work, verbal class discussion, teacher-student conferences, and peer
conferences. Methods of UDL also include visual images, verbal discussion, and
hands-on activities.
Collaborative Methods: School resources that include School Library, collaboration
with other Art teachers, Smartboard and school computers.

Central Focus: Students will explore and understand Post-Impressionism art, Vincent van Gogh
and his life and artwork, and how to create their own Post-Impressionism artwork painting.
Students will also gain experience with a virtual field trip, drawing sketches of their ideas, paints
to create their artwork, and having class discussions. Students will then discuss what they
learned and critique their artwork.

Many 25

1. 1.1.12.D.1 - Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and principles of

design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and identify specific cross-
cultural themes.
2. 1.3.12.D.2 - Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art mediums that
demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and cultural understanding.
3. 1.4.12.A.2 - Speculate on the artists intent, using discipline-specific arts terminology and
citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.

1. 1.7 - Promote the development of critical and creative thinking, problem-solving and
decision-making skills by engaging students in formulating and testing hypotheses
according to the methods of inquiry and standards of evidence within the discipline.
2. 1.8 - Make effective use of multiple representations and explanations of disciplinary
concepts that capture key ideas and link them to students prior understanding.
3. 4.9 - Identify strategies to create learning experiences that make subject matter
meaningful for students, address a variety of learning styles, encourage students to pursue
their own interests and inquiries and help students connect their learning to personal
4. 5.5 - Provide students with constructive feedback on their learning and encourage their
use of data and self-assessment strategies to monitor their progress toward personal goals.
5. 6.7 - Maintain a learning community in which students assume responsibility for
themselves and one another, participate in decision-making and work collaboratively and
6. 7.5 - Apply knowledge of students abilities/disabilities, experiences, talents and prior
learning, as well as language, culture, economics, family and community values to
positively impact student learning.
7. 8.5 - Assist students individually or as a member of a group to access, evaluate,
synthesize and use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.

Learner Outcomes:
a. 1.1- Students will be able to create a Post-Impressionism painting based on
information learned from the Virtual Field Trip and all class discussions. (Bloom
5 synthesis)
b. 1.2- Students will be able to discuss and describe the history of Post-
Impressionism art and Vincent van Goghs contribution to its history, as well as
the poem Cripple. (Bloom 1 knowledge)
c. 1.3- Students will be able to create an original painting in a Post-Impressionism
style. (Bloom 5 synthesis)
Many 26

d. 1.4- Students will be able to examine their own work. (Bloom 4 analyze)

Students will be working on their Post-Impressionism paintings in the three weeks they
are given. During this time, the teacher will continue to have conferences with each
student to assess how they think they are doing, as well as any improvements or ideas
they can add to their artwork. Students will also have the opportunity to conference with
their peers and critique each other along the way to ensure the completion of a successful
painting. Students will also continue their journal entries about how they feel about this
project, the difficulty level of the process, what feelings they feel while creating their
artwork, and any questions they may have. UDL integration: Students will benefit from
discussions with teacher about student progress and direction, as well as discussions
with peers for peer reviews. Students will benefit from individual work as well.

Academic Language:
Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports
Vocabulary Have students use vocabulary words in
Syntax Students will be using vocabulary words
and artistic language while conferencing
with both teacher and peers.
Discourse Students will use information and
vocabulary to discuss reasoning for
direction of painting and during teacher
and peer conferences.

Duration: The Post-Impressionism Paintings lesson will be completed in fifteen days (fifteen
class periods). One class session is forty minutes long, therefore the total duration is 600

Instruction Strategies and Learning Tasks:

Anticipatory Set: Have students recall information they learned over the past five days from
the Virtual Field Trip of Van Gogh and Post-Impressionism art, as well as the discussions about
Van Goghs Sunflowers and Carl Sandburgs Cripple. Have students take out sketchbooks and
turn to their final image that they will be painting.

Procedures and Assessments Linked to Learner Outcomes:

Have students take out sketchbooks and open to their final image that they will be
painting. Students will set up their easel and painting area with their canvas,
paints, paintbrushes, pencils, eraser, ruler, turpentine, and any possible references.
Many 27

Have students draw out one inch by one inch grid for their drawing, and begin
drawing their image if they have not already started during the last class. Once
students complete their drawings lightly in pencil, they may begin to paint. The
teacher should be walking around during this process to ensure all projects are
compositionally interesting and are in correct perspective, and to make sure all
students are on task. The teacher should also continue to monitor progress when
students are painting. Have informal conferences and discuss with each student
their progress and how they are doing, as well as answer any questions they may
have. Students are encouraged to also ask their peers any questions or to give
feedback on the progress of their paintings. Students will continue painting for
the three weeks they are given to complete their project. Teacher will assess the
classs progress in three weeks. If students all need more time to complete their
projects, the teacher will give an extension of the deadline for the project. If only
a select few number of students need additional time, they must schedule time to
work on finishing their projects outside of class (i.e. during lunch or free periods,
or at home). (Linked to Learner Outcome 1.1, 1.3, and 1.4).
UDL integration: Students will benefit from discussions with teacher about
student progress and direction, as well as discussions with peers for peer reviews.
Students will benefit from individual work as well.

Accommodations for diverse learners and students with special needs:

Identified Support for Specific Planned Accommodation(s)
Students with ADHD/504 Students need to Students will be engaged in their
Plan have multiple final project because it is of an
means of image they chose and have a
interaction to connection to
continue to be Students will engage in class
engaged in lesson, participation in discussions with
as well as interest teacher and peers to receive
in the topic. multiple means of interaction
Students perform
well in class
discussions where
ideas and
information can
flow freely.

Modifications for students with disabilities:

Many 28

Identified Support for Specific Planned Modification(s)

Students with hearing Students need Students will work independently on
impairments multiple means of their project
instruction to Students will use discussion with
understand teacher and peers to make sure they
information are on the right track

Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:

Teacher Materials:
o Planner
o Lesson plans
o Canvas
o Paint/paint palette
o Ruler
o Paintbrushes
o Reference material
o Computer
o Pencils/erasers
o Turpentine
Student Materials:
o Sketchbook with sketches of final painting
o Chromebook/computer to utilize VFT if needed for style of painting
o Pencils/erasers
o Paint/paint palette
o Canvas
o Ruler
o Easel
o Reference material

Homework / Assignment for Next Class: Students should keep a journal in their sketchbook of
thoughts and ideas during this process.
Many 29

Grade: 9-12
Unit: Vincent van Gogh- Post-Impressionism Paintings

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

NJCCCS 1.1.12.D.1 - Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and

principles of design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and
identify specific cross-cultural themes.
NJCCCS 1.3.12.D.2 - Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art
mediums that demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and
cultural understanding.
NJCCCS 1.4.12.A.2 Speculate on the artists intent, using discipline-specific arts
terminology and citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.

Not Proficient Partially Proficient Advanced Comments

Proficient Proficient

0-5 points 6-10 points 11-15 points 15.23 points

No or very little Task partially Task completed Task completed

evidence of completed or appropriately appropriately,
task completed with some with proper with excellent
or proper proper technique technique and
technique technique imagination

1.13- Review of
student painting
Many 30

1.14- Participate
in discussion

1.15- Review of

1.16- Student
participation in

on Task

Project Grade

Monmouth University
School of Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidates Name: Megan Many

Tentative Date: April 3rd, 2017
Lesson Title: Vincent Van Gogh- Final Thoughts
Grade Level/Subject: 9th-12th grade/ Art
Disability Categories represented: ADHD, Hearing Impaired
Type of classroom: Inclusion
UDL Strategies: *Can be found in Assessments and Procedures* these include
individual work, verbal class discussion, teacher-student conferences, and peer
conferences. Methods of UDL also include visual images, verbal discussion, and
hands-on activities.
Collaborative Methods: School resources that include School Library, collaboration
with other Art teachers, Smartboard and school computers.

Central Focus: Students will explore and understand Post-Impressionism art, Vincent van Gogh
and his life and artwork, and how to create their own Post-Impressionism artwork painting.
Students will also gain experience with a virtual field trip, drawing sketches of their ideas, paints
to create their artwork, and having class discussions. Students will then discuss what they
learned and critique their artwork.
Many 31

1. 1.1.12.D.1 - Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and principles of
design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and identify specific cross-
cultural themes.
2. 1.3.12.D.2 - Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art mediums that
demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and cultural understanding.
3. 1.4.12.A.2 - Speculate on the artists intent, using discipline-specific arts terminology and
citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.

1. 1.7 - Promote the development of critical and creative thinking, problem-solving and
decision-making skills by engaging students in formulating and testing hypotheses
according to the methods of inquiry and standards of evidence within the discipline.
2. 1.8 - Make effective use of multiple representations and explanations of disciplinary
concepts that capture key ideas and link them to students prior understanding.
3. 4.9 - Identify strategies to create learning experiences that make subject matter
meaningful for students, address a variety of learning styles, encourage students to pursue
their own interests and inquiries and help students connect their learning to personal
4. 5.5 - Provide students with constructive feedback on their learning and encourage their
use of data and self-assessment strategies to monitor their progress toward personal goals.
5. 6.7 - Maintain a learning community in which students assume responsibility for
themselves and one another, participate in decision-making and work collaboratively and
6. 7.5 - Apply knowledge of students abilities/disabilities, experiences, talents and prior
learning, as well as language, culture, economics, family and community values to
positively impact student learning.
7. 8.5 - Assist students individually or as a member of a group to access, evaluate,
synthesize and use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.

Learner Outcomes:
a. 1.1- Students will be able to create a Post-Impressionism painting based on
information learned from the Virtual Field Trip and all class discussions. (Bloom
5 synthesis)
Many 32

b. 1.2- Students will be able to discuss and describe the history of Post-
Impressionism art and Vincent van Goghs contribution to its history, as well as
the poem Cripple. (Bloom 1 knowledge)
c. 1.3- Students will be able to create an original painting in a Post-Impressionism
style. (Bloom 5 synthesis)
d. 1.4- Students will be able to examine their own work. (Bloom 4 analyze)

Students will be participating in a class discussion regarding Vincent Van Gogh and Post-
Impressionism art, along with what was learned during the course of the project. During
this time, the teacher and class will go back into the KWL charts from the beginning of
the Unit and fill in the final column of what the students learned. Did they learn what
they wanted to learn? Is there anything else they wish to know? Students will perform a
written critique on their final project, discussing their ideas during the process along with
elements of their project they enjoyed and elements of their project they would work back
into and adjust if more time was given. Students will be asked to describe the elements
that make their paintings the style of Post-Impressionism. Students will also be asked to
hand in their sketchbooks to the teacher for the review of the sketch and any journal
entries that were completed during the course of the project. UDL integration: Students
will benefit from class discussions about what they learned, and the KWL chart will be
filled in on the Smartboard. Students will also have the opportunity to work individually
to complete their critique, and will be given the option to complete it on the computer in
GoogleDocs or on the paper handout.

Academic Language:
Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports
Vocabulary Have students use vocabulary words in
Syntax Students will be using vocabulary words
and artistic language while discussing
what they learned and in their critique.
Discourse Students will use information and
vocabulary to discuss what they learned
and the critique of their project.

Duration: The Final Thoughts lesson will be completed in one day (one class period). One class
session is forty minutes long.

Instruction Strategies and Learning Tasks:

Many 33

Anticipatory Set: Have students recall information they learned over the Unit, beginning with
the VFT and Vincent Van Goghs artwork and style, and how they compared the poem Cripple
by Carl Sandburg to Van Goghs Sunflowers. Have students reflect on their feelings during the
completion of their paintings: was it hard to work in this style? Will you work in this style again?

Procedures and Assessments Linked to Learner Outcomes:

Have students begin to brainstorm all they have learned during this process. As a
class, review the KWL chart that was completed in the beginning of the Unit
about what the students knew already about Post-Impressionism art and Vincent
Van Gogh, and what they wanted to learn. Ask them to fill in the last column as a
class of what they learned. Does the last column line up with what they wanted to
learn? Answer any questions that were unanswered. (Linked to Learner Outcome
Next, have students think about their own artwork. Did they apply what they
learned to their paintings? Have students write a final artwork written critique,
with one paragraph of what they learned about Van Gogh and Post-Impressionism
art, one paragraph of their thoughts and feelings of the style of art and how they
believed they worked with the style of Post-Impressionism, and one paragraph
about the elements of their paintings they enjoy, as well as elements of their
paintings they wish they could work back into or change.
Students will hand in their final written critique, along with their sketchbooks, to
the teacher.
UDL integration: Students will benefit from discussions with the teacher and
class about what was learned, as well as individual work regarding their project.
Students will have the option to work on technology in GoogleDocs to complete
their critique, or handwrite their critique on the handout.

Accommodations for diverse learners and students with special needs:

Identified Support for Specific Planned Accommodation(s)
Students with ADHD/504 Students need to Students will be engaged in the
Plan have multiple discussion on what was learned
means of because there will be discussion
interaction to with peers, as well as written
continue to be knowledge about what was learned
engaged in lesson, on the KWL chart
as well as interest Students will engage in class
in the topic. participation in discussions with
Students perform teacher and class to receive
Many 34

well in class multiple means of interaction

discussions where
ideas and
information can
flow freely.

Modifications for students with disabilities:

Identified Support for Specific Planned Modification(s)
Students with hearing Students need Students will be able to visually see
impairments multiple means of what is discussed on the KWL chart
instruction to Students will use discussion with
understand teacher and peers to make sure they
information comprehend what was discussed
Students will work individually on
their final written critique

Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:

Teacher Materials:
o Planner
o Lesson plans
o Computer
o Pens/pencils
o KWL chart
o GoogleDocs
o Smartboard
o Handout for written critique
Student Materials:
o Sketchbook
o Chromebook/computer
o GoogleDocs
o Pens/pencils
o Critique handout (GoogleDoc version or paper copy)
Many 35

Name ___________________________________________________________
Date _____________________________________


1. What did you learn about Post-Impressionism art and Vincent Van Gogh?







Many 36

2. Describe your thoughts in working in this style and how you feel about Van Goghs style.
Would you work in this style again? Why or why not? Do you feel you successfully
worked in Van Goghs style, or does some of your own style shine through?








3. Describe the elements of your painting that you believe to be successful.







4. Describe the elements of your painting you would like to work back into if more time

was allotted, or anything you wish to change about your painting.



Many 37




Grade: 9-12
Unit: Vincent van Gogh- Post-Impressionism Paintings

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

NJCCCS 1.1.12.D.1 - Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and

principles of design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and
identify specific cross-cultural themes.
NJCCCS 1.3.12.D.2 - Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art
mediums that demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and
cultural understanding.
NJCCCS 1.4.12.A.2 Speculate on the artists intent, using discipline-specific arts
terminology and citing embedded clues to substantiate the hypothesis.

Not Proficient Partially Proficient Advanced Comments

Proficient Proficient

0-5 points 6-10 points 11-15 points 15.24 points

Many 38

No or very little Task partially Task completed Task completed

evidence of completed or appropriately appropriately,
task completed with some with proper with excellent
or proper proper technique technique and
technique technique imagination

1.17- Review of
student painting

1.18- Participate
in discussion

1.19- Review of

1.20- Student
participation in

on Task

Project Grade


Andyy Barr Productions (Ed.). (1998). CRIPPLE. Retrieved March 31, 2017, from
Carl Sandburg - Chicago Poems website:

Rohrer, K. (2012, September 28). Incredible art department. Retrieved March 31,
2017, from

Van Gogh Gallery (Ed.). (2002). Lesson plans. Retrieved March 31, 2017, from Van
Gogh Gallery website:

Virtual Field Trip Website
Many 39

Lesson Database Website

Technology Integration into the Curriculum

Part 1: Written Unit with lessons that include page numbers (25 points)
a. Use MU lesson plan template from eCampus
b. Lessons should span 10 days of teaching
c. Include ALL materials needed to teach the unit
d. Make sure to include VFT project with lessons
e. Include checklist (see below) as an appendix

Included in the Unit/Lessons Specific

Component Number(s)
in Unit
Lessons connect to other disciplines Pgs. 10-16
A lesson database where you could find more lessons about this topic/unit Pg. 38
Multimedia software that is learner-centered Pg. 4
Spreadsheet or graph that is learner-centered Pgs. 7 & 8
Use technology to enhance the planning of the unit Pgs. 1-6
Use technology to enhance the delivery of instruction Pgs. 1-6
Many 40

Use of technology to assess the learners Pgs. 2 & 3,

11 & 12
In lessons include list of websites, Pgs. 1-6, 38
virtual reality experience,
pre-existing game,
self-created game to enhance their learning
Individual technology for specific students individual needs Pgs. 2-4, 11-
13, 21-33
At least 1 lesson plan with cooperative learning (needs to include directions for the Pgs. 2-4, 7
students, team assignment and team preparation, creating positive interdependence & 8, 31-33
among students, individual accountability, direct teaching of social skills, and team
Multiple assessments for students to show what they learned Pgs. 2-3, 7
& 8, 11 &
12, 19 & 20,
25 & 26, 31
& 32, 35 &
Inclusion of the VFT with lessons Pg. 1

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