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Chipres Sunset

Chipre is a beautiful place in Manizales, Colombia. Manizales is a mountain city, it is

famous because the city is undulated, and Chipre is on one of the peaks of the city. This place

starts in the corner of the downtown of the city, and It is a long way where people can see

diferents tourist attractions across it.

Mario Benedetti, a famous writer, went a lot of times to Chipre, and he described it

like a Sunset Building. He was not wrong because a lot of tourist of differents parts of the

world visit and enjoy the Chipres landscape. People can walk along to the way, and it is

magic because they see immediately the landscape when starts to walk along of it. Tourist

can observe the different towns close to the city, the green complex mountains that is part of

the Andina mountains range.

Chipre can offer to the tourist different varieties of things to do and to eat. Along of

the way people can see a lot of kinds of food stops with different food like ice cream, the

typical Oblea, and the famous Cholao. Cholao is ice scraping with ice cream, juice, and

condensed milk, and all this things are mixed with fruits. This typical food is one of the most

attractive and famous things that tourist can enjoy it. Also, there is in this place a lot of places

with food and places to dance or to drink beer, aguardiente and ron. Another attraction is the

Colonizadores monument. The monument is on the top of Chipre, and it is symbolic for the

city because it represent the culture of the city, and their customs.

There is two good moments to visit Chipre. In the afternoon when the sun starts to

down because the mountains in the firmament takes a beautiful color, and it makes chipre one

of the best Sunset. However; in the early morning when the sun starts to up, it is another
beautiful moment because you can see the clouds in the down of the mountain. It is really

beautiful, and tourist can appreciate the snow-top mountains that is close to the city.

Manizales is a beautiful city, and it has a lot of places to visit. One of the most famous

and representatives is Chipre. This magic place is so attractive, actually writers and music

composers have written about it. Many tourist visit the place to feel the beauty of the

mountains and the magic landscape that chipre can offer you. Also, tourist can enjoy the

different food and places that chipre has.

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