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FCE Unit 1: Fashion matters (my attitude to)

bargain /brguen/ = ganga/negociar striped = a rayas

comparison = comparacin checked = a cuadros
image /mich/ = imagen dotted = de lunares
label /leibol/ = etiqueta flowery/floral = de flores
matter = asunto pleated = tableado
outfit = vestuario
stall = estante/peq. tienda to wear = usar
stuf = cosas to have something on = tener puesto
to put on = ponerse
distinguish = distinguir to try sth on = probarse
dominate = dominar to dress = vestirse
dye = teir to take of = to undress = desvestirse
represent = representar/describir
to tie = atar untie = desatar
genuine /yeniuuin/ = genuino to do up = zip up = subir cremallera
stunning = maravilloso to undo = unzip = bajar cremallera
smart = elegante to loose = aflojar corbata
stylish = a la moda
tatty = scrufy = frayed = viejo to come into fashion = ponerse de moda
to be in fashion = to be fashionable = estar de moda
bracelet /breisslet/ = pulsera
hood = capucha to go out of fashion = dejar de estar de moda
helmet = casco to be out of fashion = estar fuera de moda
sweatshirt = sudadera

slightly = un poco/ligeramente

sleeve = manga
sleeveless = sin mangas
cuf = puo
cuf-links = gemelos

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