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Analyzing data

How well is the class doing as a whole group? Provide two statements.

Which individuals are doing well and in what topics? Describe at least 3 students.

Who may need extra support and on what topics? Describe at least 3 students.

I see that the class is doing very poorly because, the class average is only 67%.
67% is a D which means they are getting the information. Another way I see how
they are doing is by how many students received a 50s or below grade and the
data shows that seven students scored in the 50s or lower which is considered a F.
Hugh is doing very well with addition because he scored a 100% for that topic. Juan
is doing well with Division because he scored a 100% on that topic. Hannah scored
a 100% on subtraction, so she is doing very well with that topic.
Molly scored a 20% on subtraction, so she will need some extra support with that
topic. Luke did poorly on subtraction, so he will also need help with that topic.
Nathan did poorly on division scoring a 47%, so he will need some extra help with
that subject.

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